"It's totes legit u guize I'm a journalist so everything is say is reeeeal"

"It's totes legit u guize I'm a journalist so everything is say is reeeeal"

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Record them next time then, dummy.

And I should care why now?

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Three less anchor babies

Well, don't they love abortions? Let's see how they like compulsory ones.


Fake news, and only fake news. You might as well read the onion

Nice, although they should have put a round through their skulls the moment they set foot on US soil.

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Why am I paying for stomach shackles for pregnant invaders? Whose is going to clean up the blood? I'm paying for this. If these women had children of their own to care about, this would not be such a "national emergency".

Lol they don’t shackle you unless you’re a danger to others or yourself.

I am a journalist
I visited one of those camps
I witnessed ICE agents performing satanic rituals on pregant detainees while screaming the N-word and selling Assault Rifles to the KKK


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I wonder when the first reports of pedal driven brain crushing machines will appear.

ah yes, what better activity to get involved in as a heavily pregnant woman than trying to illegally hop the fence to another country

Tomorrows the day that the ovens fire up

Anchor babies btfo
What else did they think they were doing trying to immigrate while pregnant?

I genuinely wish there was some severe, harsh punishment for those (((journalists))) that publish these lies to cause civil unrest and destabilize society.

>I wonder when the first reports of pedal driven brain crushing machines will appear.
Fuckfuckfuck... start spreading the most insane Holohoax (((survivor stories))) on Twatter using their hashtags, but replace "jewish babies" with "mexican babies."

Wait for the lib to respond "who would believe this stupid shit?"

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This, can we line them up and shoot them yet?

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You'll get a Pulitzer!

kek, if democrats ever get back into power they're going to (((discover))) gas chambers and mass graves at the border

Comes here illegally while pregnant and then having a miscarriage is our fault? I swear the left only concentrates on the end result of something instead of how it happened. Black kid aims gun at a cop and the cops shoot him. "Cops are racist, you didnt have to shoot him, if he was white he would be alive"

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>made me click
Goddamn you.

probably from getting gang raped by the coyotes (aka human traffickers) that they themselves hired to get across the border

>shackled around the stomach
okay we're starting to reach holocoaster levels of ridiculousness here

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>witnesses report ICE officials putting innocent migrants in masturbation machines and rollercoasters that lead to incinerators
>witnesses report ICE officials playing football with dead babies in the gas chambers when they're not in use
Really makes me think.

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>shackles around their stomachs

Gotta keep them unborn spic babies on a chain these days

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We're in the age of cell phone cameras capable of capturing 4k pictures and yet somehow this ho wasn't able to get any visual evidence? No one had pictures?

BUZZFEED is written by SJW's who are downs syndrome suffers and believed by same. Sedition is a crime! Hey FBI observer,sir,How 'bout you investigate them?