My god, she's beautiful

My god, she's beautiful

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Man she would be so much better if they kept CATOBAR in the design

That's a big boat. How does it avoid tipping over?

>British standard for beauty

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Also a carrier is only as good as its battlegroup. The UK does not have enough ships to provide the QE2 with and effective defense AND meet all its maritime defense commitments. TLDR should have built more type 45s

Gorgeous sitting duck, mate!

>posts a qt
Yes, that was OP’s point. The new carrier is very beautiful. You get a sticker

Awww its tiny just like your island

That's a big ship.....

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it has two islands? and a ski-jump? what kind of retarded shit is that?

Just think where'd you be if you hadn't thrown out the true pro Nazi genuine King of England

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>posts a qt
Are you for serial?

For who? We have bombers bigger than that skate park.

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Our planes are bigger than our carriers

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get it together newfag

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>a fucking ramp

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Because the Earth is flat

my god, what a wonderful weapon at israels disposal

This. Also, the earth is not round.

>build giant aircraft carrier with a ramp
>fill it with helicopters

UK pls

They have your mom sit on the bottom deck as ballast.

If we didn't have a ramp then we couldn't perform the most important ship operation of the Royal Navy

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That's one big floating cuck shed.

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Wait this carrier isn't even nuclear powered?

Are you for real UK? You have to fill it up with gas?


>range 12,000 miles



user, it looks like a container ship with a Jew nose.

Pure fucking magic.



Larping? It's pretty good at that.

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How many refugees can it carry?

What's that inclined plane on the bow of the ship?

it has a ramp because they don't have the technology to compete with US aircraft carrier

its ugly

>What's that inclined plane on the bow of the ship?

It's for comedy purposes.

It's range is already so limited that adding a catapult system would practically make it a brown water ship.

Even the French have a nuclear powered, catapult launch aircraft carrier. The Brits are such cucks its unreal. What a pathetic nation.

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Its a solar panel. Its how the bongs get to pretend its technically nuclear powered.

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>Can sink.

gee billy

Kys fag

The distance from the centre of buoyancy to the metacentric height of the ship is greater than the distance to the centre of gravity

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I don't even sort of understand why you would build a carrier of that size without catobar and nuclear power. If you're just going to be flying 35B off of a fucking ramp, cut the size dramatically and buy a couple more ships. It's such a shitty design.

7/10 would ride gallantly into the breach.

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yer mum let's you 'ave TWO towers?

Is that SkateLab UK?

Even with a nuclear reactor you need alot of food delivered, might as well do fuel at the same time

Saves money

They can't afford vertical takeoff craft so they had to build a ramp

>My god, she's beautiful
Surface ships have a life expectancy of about 15 minutes should a full-on shooting war break out.

Do you have any idea how much easier it is to supply food and other perishables than fuel oil? Food can be flown in by cargo aircraft.

>you save money by delivering extra things you wouldn't need if you built a proper carrier

They've got sailors on the deck that run to either side to keep it balanced. It's a 24 hour job.

Same military that wanted to remove the guns from the Typhoon to save on cost. Then had to fill the space back with concrete because the fight control system couldn't handle the change in center of mass. But even with the right weight added back it was still causing the computer to freak out due to the distribution of the weight. So in the end they put in deactivated guns as ballistic to save on the cost of the guns.

you're retarded

Ugh. Are those fuckin woolly caterpillars above its eyes? Why?

That ramp though

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That's outstanding.

>two towers
>two anchors
>two scoops
> two terms
>two supreme court nominees
Can’t stand all these wins.

Just wait till it gets scrapped due to austerity

refueling at sea is the dumbest and most dangerous part of naval warfare

all 10 milkcows germany built were sunk during ww2, every single one of them.

I mean its literally the only reason we bother to power submarines with nuclear fission

no sign of a CIWS. tsk tsk

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nah, its a small boat compared to wat we got

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now thats a beauty

>ordering enlisted to stand in the shape of a pound sign

God Bless The USA

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Can't wait until Corbyn gets into government when the Tories fall apart soon and then tries to use his cuck carriers against us. Its about time you faggots had the "special" relationship ended once and for all. British commies deserve to be nuked.


You are like little baby...check this out.

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lmao thats fucking pathetic

>Range: Unlimited


shes so fuckn ugly

>That Marine Squadron of Hornets
Grayon Force is so sad.

It was so fucking stupid. We have an excellent tradition in destroyers, mine laying, and hunter/killer subs. Instead of investing in those strengths and providing a much needed niche in NATO naval provision, however, we have instead wasted money on A carrier (not a carrier GROUP, A SINGLE carrier), which fulfills no role at all because the Americans already have 12 fucking carrier strike groups.

I think there was some thinking involved that it would be useful to have to ensure blue water presence and to back up Falklands defense, put all it will do in that situation is act as a target for every cruise missile in a 200 mile radius.

By the way, Britbongs, see those funny looking planes with the circles on top? Those are AEW craft. Maybe you'll build a big boy carrier which can carry them someday so you don't get btfo by a bomber group.


Irrelevant Non-countries criticizing us

Fuck off

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The first aircraft carrier to ever be sunk by tripping on stairs in 2022.

>brits built a rape-ship so muslims could rape their daughters in international waters

wow so progressive and considerate

They don't even have AEW?


>no character

Yup, proudly American ;)

They think maybe if they fly a helicopter up REAL high and have it dangle a radar it's almost the same thing.

Check out the big brains on Brad!


Attached: 1497663357204.png (4791x1233, 116K) BORING! That's it! Hahahaha BRITTANIA RULES THE WAVES


How fast do you think this ramp thing be at the bottom of the ocean once ww3 starts? 8 hours?

Don't worry they have a plan. The will fly ground based AEW to provide support for the carrier.
Don't ask if they are planning to support it with ground craft why do they need a carrier, the UK knows what it is doing.

Get a load of fucking Dell Boy over here trying to sell his "characterful" shithouse carrier as something positive.

That's old, our budget is over $700 billion now.

is that a ramp? top kek

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It will be in dry dock, getting the Lucas Electrics repaired again when war breaks out.

Fuck, that stung so hard I felt it.

now they have their official refugee ship, can send it to the med and save them the walk across EU, just give them a ride back

Is this a thread about boats?

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