Former Dept of State guy walks into the FBI & asks if they got his package. Wants to be sure the task force for HRCs case gets the evidence. Says he can't talk about the content but will in a SCIF. No idea who he is. Part 6; pgs 11-12.

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Other urls found in this thread: R. Clinton Part 23 of 23/view

Page 2

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FBI Vault, Part 23; pages 121-132 - Here are two pages of the letter, but read the whole thing though.

Former Secretary of State employee letter to James @comey regarding evidence against Hillary Clinton. R. Clinton Part 23 of 23/view

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Page 2 of file.

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CONFIRMED: Yates, Strzok and McCabe opened an investigation of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort DURING the 2016 campaign, and Manafort -- like Trump aide Carter Page -- was the target of a special FISA surveillance warrant before and after the election.


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Bumping for interest


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Bump to lock her up

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Bump of curiosity


Howd you find this?


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Shitposting threads get 200+ replies, while anons have to bump furiously to keep this alive. And they say the shilling isn't real.



Do we know who mystery State Dept user is?


Bump, post hot chicks and more info to keep the thread alive

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It's all so tiresome.



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John Solomon of The Hill has obtained an internal email from PETER STRZOK to FBI leadership, sent on/around Jan 10 2017, the day of the dossier leak to @BuzzFeed

It shows STRZOK comparing that version of the Steele dossier to one he already had, given to the FBI by Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS (& @DavidCornDC too).

This email Proves that Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson committed perjury - TWICE

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Fucking silent thread. And just look at the catalog, the b8 and shitposts abound, all with hundreds of replies. Who is even here still?

Good question


Keeping it bumped

bumping that shit

On page 3, bumping to page 1

How many times can a single person bump a thread?

Thanks for the bump.


It's quiet because people are lurking in the hopes another insider is here to provide more insight.

Have a bump.

Write Judicial Watch like I just did- Maybe they'll file a request for it!

BREAKING: Strzok & his MYE team failed to interview Huma Abedin about why she had classified information on an unclassified laptop she shared with her non-cleared (criminal) husband until 2 months AFTER the election & AFTER the FBI had already cleared Hillary & Huma a second time.

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No one answered my question, though. Feelsbadman.

I'm just shocked that more anons are busy in standard shitposting threads than are interested in legit politics.

RE: The FBI declassified Huma's 302 from 2016.

Congress must demand similar declassification of her 302 from 2017.

I'm told it makes clear she gave false statements to investigators.

Yet in a glaring double standard, Huma was never charged or prosecuted for 1001 -- unlike Trump aides.

What about that lady she stuffed into the trash compactor?

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so they didnt get his package

Not sure.

Currently scanning through: R. Clinton Part 23 of 23/view

FBI was sitting on Weiner's laptop in the NY field office, at best slow walking the evidence. We learned this from IG testimony.

I've noticed too. The thread quality is way down. Bump.

Reminder: despite what Qlarp claims, Flynn is being railroaded.

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It’s because the decent posters are being banned.

Q Group investigations going on at double chan. Brain drain.

Read on, faggot.

Not all of them.

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This is serious stuff. We need more eyes and minds pushing this info into the public awareness. How much more blatant criminal activity of the Clinton cabal and their FBI/DOJ/gov stooges do we need proof of before the DOJ wakes up? As a citizen, this crap is sickening. If our governmental checks and balances don't want to do jack about it, then we the people must push it till they do.

Does that mean their boards actually move at more than a snails pace now? Last time I was there it seemed like it was way underpopulated, the /toy/ board was like two people.

You know, maybe this thread is getting slid because it's not that important. I should go to my late afternoon siesta guys, I recommend you do the same.

The problem is is Q faggot is pied-pipering all those who would otherwise be applying real pressure. Now we have millions believing that the DOJ and FBI are minutes away from arresting themselves because #TrustQ.

come on guys we should be bumping Shill Thread #597. we don't need politically relevant content like this twatting up our fine board!

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Have to step away for 15 minutes. Keep this bumped, lads.

Board in question is /qresearch/ on double. Millions are lurking due to large influx of newfags. Board moves fast. Plenty of quality posting goes to the "notables" of their rolling general.

John Solomon of The Hill has obtained an internal email from PETER STRZOK to FBI leadership, sent on/around Jan 10 2017, the day of the dossier leak to @BuzzFeed

It shows STRZOK comparing that version of the Steele dossier to one he already had, given to the FBI by Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS (& @DavidCornDC too).

This email Proves that Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson committed perjury - TWICE

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Part 2

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I think the goal of the shills was to create a “Jow Forums culture” of racism and nationalism or whatever, and to let the kiddies feel like they were fitting in to the cool “dark web” by adding to that culture, so now you have this where legitimate news about stuff that was relevant to Jow Forums‘s organic culture gets lost in a sea of b8

Bizzity bump 4 justice

Give me a quick rundown some guy sent a box of emails that emailed the email server to the FBI and the FBI said no way jose and smashed the box of email servers with a hammer after being asked to provide those email phones in court as evidence of email?

Interested bump

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It really is obnoxious, given how all we can do is gawk at the corruption staring us in the face, and instead of demanding we clean house in our institutions, people are placated into "any moment now they will fix themselves, you'll see! Those clearly criminal folks are secretly /ourguys/!" Well if there is some master plan, they better hurry up. We still don't have the DNC server. We still don't have the FBI/DOJ info on the wiretapping and in filtration of Trump's campaign demanded by the House. We still have the FBI agents who committed outright acts of sedition still working at the FBI instead of behind bars or on trial. Corruption everywhere and no one is cleaning up a thing despite all of Trump's efforts--he is only the Executive Branch--while the Russian circus continues on without even the smallest piece of evidence (or even a defined crime).

Majority of it is just misleading, disgusting normie repellent both to keep attention away from real topics and to provide the ability to obfuscate real data among a sea of shit.

Quite a common tactic in intelligence units.

Have a bump

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Jesus Christ you faggots need to stop F5ing all those bait threads you fall for every single day and get your asses in here

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I don’t have hot chicks, but I have tasteful dashas...

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.@Katica seems to have an idea on the identity go the former DoS employee.


Shabbbos bump

Good find. She is legit.


Dasha Bump

Nothing to add, just want exposure to both this revelation and to our cuck’s gf

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I don't care. Trump has the power to end this bull shit. Until he takes a stand and not just posts on Twitter nothing will happen.

True. He’s only taking on the entire deep state 24/7 100% alone with no human help.

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Q ********* this

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who is this dasha semen demon


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I think we need a quick rundown ?

fucking hell when are we going to see some libtards in jail REEEEEEEE

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Neat... it’s probably destroyed by now

Haven’t heard from Jizz in a while. Did it die of complications after surgery?

Can I get a quick run down please?

I think new evidence coming in

IDK if I'm right but basically what I understand is that some dude went into the FBI with more evidence on Hillary Clinton which he claims should get her prosecuted. Also he was an ex gov employee with certain clearances and he said he wanted to talk to the people with proper security clearance, specifically the task force investigating Clinton to make sure the evidence gets to them, allegedly all his paperwork was proven bona fide verifying his claims of being ex gov employee

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Bump, keep it alive anons

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Let me guess... this guy committed sucide.

