But i thought California is a paradise?

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Cancer always spreads to healthy cells.

Texas R.I.P. next.

Texas is Next. Then Florida and North Carolina.

t. techfag

Yeah this isn't good news. Leftists will just spread around and bring their disease and pestilence to the rest of the country.

Is there any provision or law or part of the constitution that mandates open borders within the Union?

because California is a fail state

Attached: california2.jpg (750x874, 606K)

Reminder these people will still vote Democrat in every red state they move into.

I fucking hate that.

Fuck off and stay in your own shitty socialist paradise you fucking cucks.

> was.

Fallout really redpills. Only the diehard remain there in the days to come. Welcome to new amerika.

Funny enough they're actually moving to Boise, Idaho. They have sky rocketed home costs over the past year. They're also moving to Phoenix area AZ and Utah. They move somewhere and destroy it like the cancer they are and now they'll continue the process in the red states filled with the people they claim to hate so much.

>INB4 Chattanooga is filled with leftist transplants from California

You mean it was engineered to fail once the man made beast quake shakes the gold coast down.

build more houses then, you only have yourselves to blame

It should also be noted that they have a particular tendency to insert themselves in local elections within 1-3 years after they moved from California.

They really enjoy asserting themselves and their shitty rules they knew in California, not knowing that's why California shit in the first place. Fucking imagine that.

Fuck off we're full

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we are going to need to start "welcome wagon" parties around nice white towns that keep a look out for California license plates.

To express tolerance, love, and acceptance of their degeneracy of course :D

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why Chattanooga?

I'm 2 hours north of San Francisco and me and my boys opt to go to Reno now adays. Too many black beggers in San Fran asking for a dolla. $50 to park a car for 4 hours. Lol.

No, very different situations.

Trying to wrest that state away from the Mormons is the dumbest fucking idea, I swear. If you take two damn seconds to read up about the history of the state, they'd realize that they'll defend their land with force regardless of how outnumbered they are.

It is becoming a tech hub. It was one of the first places to get Google Fiber.

it was. in the 60s and earlier. where have you been?

oregon needs a wall on the southern border

you can thank public schools focusing more on the bad whyte man than talking about how socialism led to the death of millions of Ukrainian farmers.

So? They are running from the high cost of living. Texas will always be cheap.

It used to be, I live here and it's now a festering shithole. Mexicans have destroyed southern California and the state doesn't have enough money to keep giving them since all the Mexicans illegally vote for the Dems to keep giving them money. The state is 100% fucked.

A warning to all other states: Do NOT let these fuckers in! Do everything in your power to keep them out. Don't sell homes to Californians, don't hire Californians, don't engage with them in any way if you can. These fuckers are like roaches - if you let them in you'll never get rid of them.

They made their decisions, make them live with the consequences. Otherwise they'll just drift from state to state making the same fuckups.

No, I don’t want any liberal snowflakes coming to the Midwest.


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Pol is always right.

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durrrrr high cost of living cause these idiots dont let anyone build a house until they have had 50 years of experience


Utah here, this will not be tolerated on any level.

No, it's not that. There's literally no space left.

"Youths, Teens, OAKLAND STATION."


Attached: Teen Mob40-60 Teens Rob Train.png (926x855, 625K)

I live here. The state government is beyond corrupt. The majority of the population here is not progressive. There's a massive population of conservatives in california being fucked by the norcal faggots and their delusional policies that shit all over socal (central california is mostly uninhabited).

>nearly 50%

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I was thinking more along the lines of this:

>implying mormons would defend their state from californians and aren't preoccupied with importing millions of pacific islander converts

This is what coach guns are for.

They're slowly spreading across the state like a plague. Sacramentofag here.

Freedom of movement, biatch.

We should NOT allow California's to leave the shit-tier state they've created. They will only spread their ideologies - claiming that their liberal agenda simply wasn't executed properly. And they'll get it right in the next state. Then the cycle will continue.

They should be forced to reform, or devolve into violence until a new paradigm emerges.

>what is hong kong
There is always room to build up. Cali just has a shit load of regulations on building. there free market solutions just basedboys are to weak to see anyone live in a small home, so they rather starve them out on the street.

I live here too. It's not just mexicans, most of the formerly nice white suburbs are getting flooded with Asians. Whites are getting turfed out of there as well.

Is it the homeless or the sidewalk aids that's got you down?

This is what gattling guns are for.

To be fair, tiny homes aren't legal to build in most municipalities in North America.

Attached: tiny home.jpg (2500x1666, 1.47M)

>We should NOT allow California's to leave the shit-tier state they've created
You realize that they're all (at least) millionaires?

You haven't been to RTP lately, have you? They're already here and spreading outwards.

>>what is hong kong
>There is always room to build up.
If you call 30 people in one room on the 70th floor an acceptable standard of living.

Shit son, there isn't even a ideology as quantitatively dangerous as communism and socialism.

It's a god damned literal nine digit number of people who died because of the effects of communism.

>But true communism hasn't been tried before and capitalism is bad =)
>While drinking a starbucks frappagofuckyourself latte
>While wearing designer clothing
>While owning a 700 dollar fucking Iphone
>=) =) =)

I wonder how being a conceited cunt feels like, it must feel fucking wonderful.

They really aren't.

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>Cancer always spreads to healthy cells.
Really though. Fucking up their paradise of a state just wasn't enough. Build a wall around California and make mexifornians pay for it.

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exactly that's a regulation that doesnt exist in Hong Kong and people still flock into Hong Kong from China. Same with parking lots. Every single fucking store has to have a parking lot or they cant build it. So fucking stupid.

If I was full control of the law those would be the first two regulations I would lift.

If the land is truly free, why not just build something gigantic where no one lives?

Those pesky "Teens" at it again.

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Final solution to the California problem.

Nice digits, bruv.

I'd rather have a home that fits my needs and then use the rest of the land for permaculture. Probably go passive heating/cooling to reduce long-term costs.

It attracts attention, and soon you have rich Californians wanting to move in next to you.

They are though. Home values eat up most of their wealth but their incomes are very high in comparison to red states.

they're all heart no brain. they were taught making laws fixes stuff.

the only people who should decide if that's acceptable should be the people paying to live there, not some government bureaucrat lounging in his 50,000 sq ft estate.

People still flock to those small ass apartments because it sure beats living in a communist shithole that is china.

>I wonder how being a conceited cunt feels like, it must feel fucking wonderful.
It does. That's why leftists do it--they scarcely actually believe the shit they spew, they do it for their own dose of warm-fuzzy superiority by taking the perceived moral high road.

>t. someone who was a leftist ~2 years ago before coming to Jow Forums

So this is what a Liberal Paradise looks like?

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Why stop at 70 and not 1000 floors

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There should be walls between each state in the union.

I have a family member who works in real estate in Southern California. Spoiler: If you owe the next 30-40 years to the bank for your home, you don't own the home. The situation is far more dire than you seem to realize.

There's going to be a huge market correction very soon and it's going to wipe out what little equity people have in one go.

John Carpenter was right again.

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You must be from a real shithole too.
To Americans it's not acceptable living.

And it's beautiful.

Because then other states will become a Cali.

There are very serious engineering challenges that have to be met for very tall buildings. Especially in a seismically active area.


California has frequent earthquakes and history of very big ones precisely where everyone wants to live.

I know a bunch of those fucks will come to Colorado. White liberals will kill us fucking all.

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>There's going to be a huge market correction
Not as huge as in 2008. Current home owners all remember that and bought cheap.

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>acceptable living
Again, the buyer decides what's acceptable. If I don't want to live in a small ass apartment, I wouldn't buy the fucking apartment. I'm just imagining all of those homeless people who could actually live in a small ass cheap apartment, but can't because government regulations. Rich people won't live in small apartments. Because they have the money to buy a big one. The only people you are hurting with building regulations are poor people who are willing to live in shittier housing. Sure beats living on the streets that's for sure. And Hong Kong agrees, millions of Chinese still move to Hong Kong every year. No Hong Kongers move out of Hong Kong into China. Trust the way people vote with their feet.

Let them be stabbed to death for their millions in their little mexico they created.

>Again, the buyer decides what's acceptable.
You're from a shithole. Americans will not be living like industrial farmed caged animals.


I mean, everyone in Sweden is dreaming of moving to California. We watch Hollywood movies all the time and get the impression that California is heaven on earth

Why would anyone move from that place?

>Why would anyone move from that place?
You need a million dollars to buy a small house in a decent place. And that's just the house.

Sell the house, move to Texas where a twice bigger house costs $300K and live like a millionaire.

trollhatten sweden is the best place

>White liberals

Having a house on the beach isn't all that it's cut out to be. You have a house that's submerged in four feet of sand with a wall-to-wall view of an empty ocean. It's peaceful for about two hours, and then you get sick of it. Real fast. Then you start looking back every fours hours to see if the view has changed.

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No good American should have to live within a hundred miles of some liberalfuck Californian. It's inhumane.

Being in a flood plain is also a huge liability.

Speak for yourself nigger.
>t. sailor

They pay for your gibs and built all the technology for you so you can shitpost against them.
Thank them for their service now!

it is northern mexico

Here's the real article: unv.is/csnbbs.com/thread-851165.html
>Nearly 50% Of Bay Area Californians Say They Want To Move Out Soon
46% of Bay Area residents want to move out of the Bay Area. That means San Francisco, which is badly overcrowded, with terrible rents for terrible apartments, and has literal human shit everywhere on the sidewalks.

Stop replying to threads that post the headline but no article. These are bumpbait slide threads. Their purpose is to fill Jow Forums with pointless arguments over misunderstandings.

>these people will still vote Democrat
No they won't. These aren't the Mexicans who turned California blue. These are work-chasers who went to the Bay Area to earn money, and fucking hate living there because of the Democrat policies that make it awful even if you're earning well (i.e. tolerating homelessness, restrictions on construction keeping rents high, lax law enforcement).

Silicon Valley developed when California wasn't a deep-blue shithole, and the Bay Area was still pleasant to live in. It has just gotten worse and worse, and the talent and capital are going to finally move to another city.

Commerce clause

Socialism is always great until it stops being socialism

You need special permits to build anything over 4 stories in California. Even in areas that have no history of bad earth quakes. It's a total shit show.

t. faggot that's apparently never seen the ocean in his life.

Must suck being a broke little bitch in a landlocked state.

thats what every leftist is doing. then theyll shit on texas in a few years and continue.

You wat m8?
>highest illegal bean population of everywhere
>some of the worst traffic in the nation, half of drivers are illegal beans without insurance
>state with highest cost of living besides maybe New York
>restrictive gun laws
>infested with bean gangs and drug cartels
>AIDS Capital of the world
>very high taxes
>extremely liberal employers that will fire you for the slightest misstep

Probably the last state I would want to live in.

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They take. Take the blood of America and pimp it out to foreigners for votes.

>Implying Florida isn't already a shithole where no one can drive