Hey Americans tell me more about rednecks

They seem a very interesting culture, I always had fantasies of being one of them, with their pick ups eating corn and drinking moonshine.

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they're very fat

They're fun to party with on the weekend up north, but the culture is not my taste.

I'd rather be Latvian than Redneck.

they're fat, poor and ignorant people

they work hard but it gets to them in the end

they're just the rural working class, they vacillate between pure trash and very kind folks

that's a faggot though

Gib italien gf pls

They're fun, but pretty depressing when looked at in depth.
They're tied down by family tradition, religious dogma, and a community that doesn't like what they don't understand, therefore it isolates and cannibalizes itself. Usually in areas where there's not a lot of job prospects.

So yeah, they can come off as fun, or lazy, or thrillseeking, but that's often because they've given up on all hopes that there's any other kind of life out there.

So any american to fill us on the nuances on "redneck" "hillbillies" and all that ? Or are just these all synonymous of a derogatory term for rural people ?

Its all the same really. Trailer trash is its own thing though

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