What do we do about Canadian posters...

What do we do about Canadian posters? Literally every single time one of these faggots post it’s some despicable faggoty dribble. They’re so consistently bad I’m not convinced it isn’t just one fucking faggot from Canada shitposting constantly. When can we range ban these faggots? CAN WE ATLEAST ADD A FLAG FILTER??? THAT WOULD BE GREAT

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I am convinced that shills use canadian proxies.

I know a bot spammer is a leaf, he's ruined other boards now he's spamming age of convent threads on Jow Forums daily and using his bot to slide shit. Sort catalog by creation date and you can start to recognize the bot picture algorithm, pic related.

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Age of consent**

Flag filters would be nice. Why isn’t that a thing?

t. 53%

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Seconded. Fuck leafs

Every American post ever made:

>trying to sound tough on the internet by posting dumb racist shit

>1 post by this ID

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Every Canadian post ever made:

>being a contrarian for no reason in a really snotty, gay guy type of way. Being a total cuck

Fuck off leaf, you’re the biggest cancer on this board and you need to make like a tree.

don't be disingenuous you know the australians are the worst here
you just mad cause a canadian turned you down fagget

why would you do that, we're white you mart sharting mutt

>Every American post: support refugees, "inserts random nigger to care about", support israel our greatest ally, based black guy!, BLAIRE WHITE BOYPUSSY. I could go on.

I agree. Leafs are faggots and should be conquered. Annex me senpai.

Canadians just hate Rottweilers because it's a dog that can say "No Fuckee"

It’s literally never like that. see, you’re making shit up. Thats what you faggots do.

Australians bring cheeky, funny bants. You faggots do not

Canadian posters are a symptom of Canadian people, and the Canadian people are just shitty. they have no redeeming quality about them. they are a nation sized San-Francisco.

>Australians bring cheeky, funny bants. You faggots do not
ya 1 times on 100 fuck off at least most of canadian hate canadian more than you do so we at least reach agreement on some points
australians are just drunk retard

Canada is nicer, bigger, more diverse, more accepting, has more pride, has the best sport, and has a little thing called Tim Hortons pal, so much think twice (or even three times lol) before being a jerk towards The Great White North

Thanks for doing nothing but emphasizing the point of the thread. MODS GIVE US A FUCKING FLAG FILTER FUCK THESE GOD DAMN LEAFS

listen to the kike ameritard like you always do

Canada is awesome. I sometimes drive up to Kingston which is about 45 min north of me (northern New York) They have some bad ass sluts that fuck on the first date and are actually cute as opposed to these fat hussies that live around me.

This. Burgers shitpost all the fucking time and yet it's only a big meme when it's us who do it.

you are just talking shit because we are all asleep at the moment.
But I'm not cunt so watch out or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich m8

You don’t get it. Most other people shitpost and it’s funny. You shitpost and it’s fucking annoying and faggoty

Sup cunt? Welcome. Straya is always welcomed to hate on the leafs

this is why nobody likes you guys, you're just such faggots.

I knew there was still one alive to be pissdrunkshittalking I swear you guys relay to be sure we never have a rest

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The burger mind is more nuanced than that, they're literally fucking retarded and their own special stupid...you can recognize an americanpost almost immediately without seeing the flag because they drone on and on and on like talmudic jew spiel in like half their posts. Non americans hardly ever write paragraph after paragraph as if they have some mental conniption to bore you to death.

>Wahhhh I'm an American, wahhhh a-bloo-bloo wahhhh doodookaka
Literally beneath us

Literally a lower lifeform

>Most other people shitpost and it’s funny.
No it's fucking not. You can't say that only X shitposting is bad but all others are fine. Stop trying to this stupid fucking status quo. It's like how one kid in the class gets designated as the loser, and even if he says something funny, nobody laughs because he can't be allowed to be given credit. This stupid reputation that Canada has on this site is baseless as fuck and only continues because you want to pigeonhole us as "the one nobody likes". This was never the case pre-2014, so I can only assume this was decided completely by random.

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>be Canadian
>go outside
>don't get shot

>says the leaf hat

Don't forget to wear make up for canada you fucking fruit.

Sounds like a shit hole

Aussies are actually funny tho. Canucks are worse than Californians

>more diverse

You say that like its a good thing.

Canucks are from Hongcouver though.

I mean 1 aussie on an 1000 is funny, there's no redeeming factor to their stupidity unless they are talkin to an ameritard

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Make up is an almost wholly american industry that get shilled around the world on and on jsut like your idiotically long pol posts. Feminism would probably be on its last legs too if american corporate shills for makeup were all given the bullet so you start first with the lead-pill.

You sound like a 12 year old girl.

I have to agree that a lot Canadians are shitposters (I have been lurking for a year on this board and it's actually my first post ever). From what I observed there are shitposters from every nationality, maybe just slightly more from Canada and Australia. Don't categorise EVERY poster from a country based on that, that's just stupid in my opinion

You sound like a 12 year old faggot
*dabs on em*

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Judeposters like op are a far worse scourge

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Fuck off leaf

If you like Kingston women, wait till you see Montreal women

Leafs are the biggest trolls on this board
Most likely always high as fuck, not taking anything seriously, I respect that somehow, it's not like Jow Forums is a serious place for political discussion anyways...
If you get triggered by obvious baits, I guess it's your own fucking fault, just ignore them