2018 American Midterms

Hi Pol, I am a young Georgia resident ensuring my voter registration and researching candidates for the midterms today. Is there anyone who can give me insight on who to vote for? I'm reading about the governor race right now, it looks like there are 2 Republicans, Cagle and Kemp. Is Kemp trying to split the vote?

Attached: Georgia_Peach_Icon.png (329x362, 11K)






based af


ATL here. Brian Kemp WAS the GA Sec of State, a trump supporter from early on, and is an IRL shitposter, watch his campaign commercials on YT they're fucking priceless

Casey cagle big claim to fame is being LATE to the trump train BUT cutting off Deltas balls when they ended discounts for NRA members.

I'm voting kemp

Pls Pol I really would like to have a dialogue about this. I am 19 yrs old

the jews are behind this