This is the administration Jow Forums supports........... I feel sick

This is the administration Jow Forums supports........... I feel sick

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I know right?
So much easier to toss the fucker out.

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Where were his parents?

Suicide is a choice OP.

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I'd feel embarrassed to have to deal with illegal filth and the damage they cause to children too.

Whiny little shit

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>I feel sick
Me too. Foundlings should be left to die in nature.

Yeah, thats ashame that noone there shot that fucking nigger when it open its cockholster and started screaming.

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I hope he was found in contempt of court

>taking your 1 year old infant across a perils desert to commit a felony in a foreign nation
What an enormous piece of shit, child protective services should remove that child from those monsters.

1 year old baby appears in mcdonalds, cries hysterically. You know 1yo babies cry hysterically right?


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>Babies cry

Truly breaking news.

A toast, to victory!

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Like you care about babies pro choice libtards.

>Post article from liberal trash huffpo writer, not thinking anyone would bother to look up who the author is.
>Sit at computer and stroke micrcephalic penis while drinking a soi latte from starfags.
>cry into pillow afterwards as boyfriend pounds ass with bigger dildo than last time.
sage faggot,die.






>unironically using libtard
Back to Facebook, boomer

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Did the baby plead the 5th and ask for a lawyer?

It's not a felony yet, I'm afraid. There's a bill in Congress to make it so, though.

EVERYONE must stand trial in the courts of the god emperor. The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance.

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little shit thinks it can cry it's way out of trouble

You have to go back

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What's Todd's political stance? Legit question does anyone know?

>SHOCKING REVELATION: 1 year olds cry hysterically when in a stressful environment!!!


libtard plz go

And its a good thing



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>*makes anti-abortion thread and talks about baby corpses*
>*posts maimed terrorist victims*
>*reposts stories of whites tortured before being killed by blacks*

Here's the real article you big faker.

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You have to go back, libtard.

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Fucking kek

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>Where were his parents?
Please don't change the subject.

The baby was 1 years old and forced to be in immigration court.

Land of the free? more like land of the new third reich.

Will we see a title like this during the media's red-propaganda cycle du jour?
>1 year old child cries hysterically as it is ripped apart by gunfire in Mexican gang war

What about this?
>7 year old girl raped, decapitated by Los Zetas gang member. Video of horrific scene uploaded to Liveleak

Something tells me no, and no.

Wow, not even a "Somewhat".

womp womp

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>1 post
I approve of this post.

>Land of the free? more like land of the new third reich.
Those are the same thing, user. Freedom is White.


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I think he said he leaned left in an interview from like 2008. Could have easily changed by now.

This. Only whites have high enough IQ to understand freedom.

Why don't you just expell the toddler AND his parents?

> Implying that infants do not deserve justice and representation.

I'm embarrassed that Mexicans have "such strong family values" yet are constantly putting their children in danger using them as cannon fodder to get into the country and then as pawns to stay here.

>I feel sick
Must be the AIDS

> 1yo's cry frequently and often without reason
> "hur dur.. Don't bring context into this!"
The reason the kid was there is a pretty important point you fucking shill.
Clearly you DON'T give a fuck about the kid, and are just virtue signaling.

As for the child's fate, if it were born in the U.S. it'll stay and be remanded into the custody of any legal relatives, or the State. If not, see pic related.

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I bet the kid would understand being launched by catapult back home

man these immigrants are such fucking crybabies

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I just realized theres an apostrophe where there needn't be

im saving this shit top fucking kek

They should've thrashed the turd cunt nugget.

1 year old cries
More news at 11

>forcing children to attend deportation trials is wrong!
OK, let's just deport them imme--
>omg they've abandoned due process this is exactly like Nazi Germany!

The only outcome these people want is open borders. There is no use even paying attention to their complaints, they're not interested in any sort of debate.

That's because you're part of the disease consuming USA.

You sure don't feel sorry for the wealth stolen from our nation. I want to hang you.

>discount flag gives opinions on things
>no one cares

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Here's the better one

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look at redguard stats in oblivion

>not immigration trebuchet
im dissapointed

>Land of the free? more like land of the new third reich.
I wish.

You're wrong. This administration is the best compromise you're going to get. I want illegals of every age executed on sight.


Thanks for this infographic.

As a memer, only your first edition ever gets reposted.

If that little nigger didsn't speak English, it should be hanged.

Who cares?
They're just shitskins, let them suffer.
Are these troll threads or what?

>Jow Forums is one (1) person


> (OP)
>Will we see a title like this during the media's red-propaganda cycle du jour?
year old child cries hysterically as it is ripped apart by gunfire in Mexican gang war
>What about this?
year old girl raped, decapitated by Los Zetas gang member. Video of horrific scene uploaded to Liveleak
>Something tells me no, and no.


>1 year old baby
>cries hysterically

jfc, are liberals so completely shut off from the real world that a crying baby is newsworthy to them?

Came here to say this. Will wonders never fucking cease.

Lol he’s only slightly worse than you edgelord

lmao, dis nigga dyin' and shit

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Worse. They're so shut off from the real world that they think crying babies means anything to two groups of women:
1) women who can see through the emotional manipulation and
2) women on their side or unaligned who they convinced motherhood was bad.

Perhaps it was the parents attempt at abortion.
12 months, 6 months, 3 months what the difference to liberals.

Fare enough, I can't win anyway because now there's a dot next to the T and I give up.

I know your pain.

Meanwhile you support the parents who put their children at risk, and their continued ability to do so

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>1yo clump of cells

Can't hear crying from mexico

>I feel sick

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>I feel sick
Look at this faggot

great bait