Monster Beverage Corporation CEO (((Rodney Sacks))) and COO (((Hilton Schlosberg))) produce the follow energy drinks...

Monster Beverage Corporation CEO (((Rodney Sacks))) and COO (((Hilton Schlosberg))) produce the follow energy drinks marketed at children

Monster Energy
Full Throttle

Stop sipping the zio juice. If you see a kid with one SLAP it out of his hands. Jew are poisoning our people.

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that first sip of the day tho

Rockstar’s pina colada flavor is best, fucking fight me

Just took my first sip of the day. It was great, as always.

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excuse me you fucking fruitcake

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>not carbonated

and btw the best one is LIME FREEZE

I unironically drink one a day.

The good stuff mane.

>that 20 year old boomer who could only get an advertising internship at the subsidiary of a subsidiary

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Inb4 Montser Number 666 Symbol

I don't drink such big cans 'cause they are expensive even when they have offer. I drink no names, they are cheap and fine, but very rarely I buy some of these. Except fucking Monster, that shit so fucking sugar like Mountain Dreckew

Seriously, all these HFCS loaded drinks are poison, it fucks up your liver just as bad as alcohol, gives you diabetes and is addictive.

what does taurine do?

you midly constantly feel like you're in a car going fast, it's nice, like floating on a cloud. ffwwwwssssssiiiiiiiihhhh

Helps you metabolize the caffeine as far as I know

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That name is so Jewish it almost sounds like hyperbole.

fuckall, taurine is naturally created in your body, but ingesting more of it does next to nothing
it's coffeine and sugar that "work" in those "energy" drinks. why would anyone drink them instead of a cup of coffee is beyond me

Amp is the best energy drink.

Fight me.

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that zero ultra in the boomer meme just became available here.
Not gonna lie its not bad, because it doesn't have that typical god awful energy drink taste.

NOS is pretty good kiddo

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But I’ve got my monster loicense.

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their lemonade one was great but they stopped making it

Taste and sometimes a nice cold sip is better than scolding hot coffee.

Unless you lift heavy. Then you'll burn through all of the natural and need moar.

wow. 2006 called, they lost you

>That first sip of the day

I like the rockstar zero calorie drinks better. They also have 240mgs of caffeine and a wider variety of flavors.

>poorfag energy drinks
Fucking plebs.
I wonder if these companies have realized I want 16 oz but with only half as much caffeine and sugar.
Oh well pay more for less.

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>Unless you lift heavy. Then you'll burn through all of the natural and need moar.
Yeah, from sporting supplements you are taking. Your diet and supplements are set by your trainer/dietician.

Coffee isnt really feasible in the summer time for men.

Now women who work cushy air conditioned jobs can drink it year round.

red bull is red pilled, look up the CEO

>Being this much of a ragie tradie
If you applied yourself in school you wouldn't be working in shitty conditions

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T. Obese slob

I drink coffee in 90+ degree weather.

t. ditch digger

>Coffee isnt really feasible in the summer time for men.
I like iced coffee.

>1 post

Nah I actually have a pretty comfy job for the city.

Meanwhile I see you fatbody office boys sweating through your collared shirts, lmao.

>Pretty comfy job
>Is obviously jealous of office workers who are in climate controlled conditions while he works his ass off in all conditions


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It waters down into gross piss at lightning speed.

I can tell you basedboys have never put in a day of honest manly work in your life. Which is funny because there are literal children who have at least mowed a lawn or something. Modern ""men""

they taste unique

>jealous of your pale fatbody with no grip strength or general toughness
Nope I actually think you fat pussies are a disgrace. Probably get cucked or are an incel too.

Honestly kid you'd probably freak out at the technical knowledge needed for a mid career biomedical engineering job so I don't get how sweating your ass off in 95 degree weather makes you a better person

>Be a real man like me and make shitty pay in shitty conditions
I busted my ass off through school kid, you drank and smoked and wasted your potential.

2 posts, 2 sips

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>that first sip of the day

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(((They))) want you to be torched in one of the worst ways possible. Stoned from the inside.
This is a kidney on energy drinks.

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>money is everything!
Lel you bought into the Jewish scheme hard.
While you busted your ass in Jewish brainwashing seminars your body decayed and you became undesirable to the opposite sex. You also stand 0 chance of surviving war or hardship.

Youre a man, not a woman. But now you might as well transition to female officially because youve already grown the vagina.

is red bull /oursip/?

i once tried a monster, the zero calories one (pic related). the taste was not that bad compared to other cheap ass soda but it's still trash. also, caffeine per 100ml is way too high. finally, on the can, you can read "no more than 250ml per day is advised" but the can itself is 500ml. truly a dangerous drink that you shall avoid.

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That picture is truly terrifying. Did he die?

>30% free
I hate when food/drink companies do this. 30% of the bottle isn't free you're just charging me less.

They both sponsor motorsports, so both are fine by me.

>'membering things makes me smart!
spoken like a true slave

Man it really sucks being successful and intelligent! I got jewed hard didn't I? I bet the girls love a bitter burnt guy like you who smells like tar and hates anyone who put in more effort than him. Honestly kid your coping is pretty bad. I have tradie friends and we all understand our differences in careers, but 20 something ditch diggers like you are so bent out of shape over people not busting their ass in the hot sun 70 hours a week.

the worst kind of faggot is the one who LARPs on the internet to feed his ego.

Shut the fuck up its just a succesful business making vArious products. Jim beam sells various beverages including bookers which is like expensive af. Just stfu and sip goy

I've got no reason to larp.

This is superior in every single way. Also, it's from the best stater in the union. The state the acquitted Zimmerman.

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Probably not, my kidney looks about the same.

>tfw true 30 year old boomers drink BAWLS

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Haha! I had a hunch only some jews could have come uo with the Monster logo. The christian lady was always right.

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g g guys, i gotta stop drinking these but i cant. i down 4-5 of them a day. what do i do?

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I'm a xylitol kinda guy. Sure it's not great for you, but neither is sugar

>another shitty MemeLabs thread
Make new shitty memes you faggots

Switch to 5 hour energy, drink like 4 of them at once.

This pretty much. I enjoy coffee with my smoke. But hot shit in the summer, while working in hot environments just doesnt cut it. Iced coffee is too much.

k thanks, will try tomorrow

monster javas are pretty not even being ironic

Most popular energy drink here is nocco. All the white trash and leftist drinks it. Definitely jewish poison i just dont care enough to read up on it, i would never touch it anyways. Any swede wanna redpill me on that crap?

Drink a Mountain Dew Kickstart everyday. Fuck all of you assholes.

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A true God among us

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Kickstart is where it's at. Caffeine with no extra bullshit and doesn't taste like ass.

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Why do the zero sugar drinks have such a bad chalky aftertaste? How do people like those?

>he doesn't drink scalding hot black coffee in 100+ degree weather

what a pleb

you posted this yesterday and said it was because of all the iron in s o y
the day of the rake cant come soon enough

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this one is best. so refreshing and not as bad for you as the regular ones.

>he doesn't sip

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>being this willfuky ignorant
lots of negros around lately

I drink a nos when I am driving all nighter for road trip.

lmao, why the fuck i would drink that shit when i have a lot of natural energy stuff from the jungle just around the corner?

Fuck the energy kike.

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I fucking love the red and blue versions

>you dont think this basic skill makes me an intellectual?
>must be a nigger lol!
dont fucking speak to me.

I only drink it when I'm too ill to work but have no choice. Cowfee isn't effective.

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>buy the bottled water instead goy!

Those drinks are fucking terrible.

>caffeine: 33mg / 100ml

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Sodium saccharin.

Sodium saccharin (benzoic sulfimide) is an artificial sweetener with effectively no food energy that is about 300–400 times as sweet as sucrose but has a bitter or metallic aftertaste, especially at high concentrations. It is used to sweeten products such as drinks, candies, cookies, and medicines.

>Move over bro, I'm in the fast lane to diabetes!

This just inspired me to crack open my can of Green Edition

Cocaine isnt natural even though a plant is used to make it, beaner