Superman should be black

“”Science says””

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I guess they forgot the part where Kryptonians don’t exist irl.

yeah, like I'm giving a click.
If superman was black, he's be an archvillian, not a superhero.

The better question is why does superman worship the US?
He should be an international UN superweapon.

>because black skin absorbs more light

no, melanin is not the skin. melanin is in the skin. thus, the more melanin supes has the less yellow sunlight he'd get

>(((""science""))) says . . .
Into the trash it goes

I dont gonna click that shit but I suppose that they argument is the yellow sun absorbing shit.

But then they are wrong because they evolved in a red sun planet and the red sun radiation was deadly for them so they need to be white to repel all the sun they can just like us.

>We was Kiangs an sheeet
All joking aside, if they make superman black and everyone talks about how amazing and brave the movie was, I might become a serial killer.

hey there you alt right racist bigot, shop whitesplaining science to these good people!

African "migrants" need vitamin D pills in Northern
Europe. Even SJWs know this.

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Who this?

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you know, if in the 80s they did this I'd have been ok with it. if morgan freeman got to portray G. Washington or Lincoln based on merit and because it fit with the costume and all I'd have been ok with it. but if it happens today it's just straight out oppression olympics historic revisionism so I agree, fuck them all.


I hate scientists. Literally demonic practices made out to be some saviors or clergy of mankind. Degenerates. Relativistic trash with low statistical significance to all their findings.

that's also the reason the north didn't have slaves (so much)....

Super man is a story created by Jews originally meant for Jews. Superman is a Moses character.

Blacks appropriating other people's culture again. As usual.

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>Superman should be black
>Superman == black
>Superman is fictional
>Superman == fictional
>Black == Superman
>Black == fictional
>Blacks should be fictional

One of the most oppressive phrases in the English language is "science says." The actual sciences, and then there's Marxist Scientism (a political/pseudoscientific religious belief with a desired end result of absolute power over others).

Articles like OP's pic a trash as it attempts to imbune actual serious scientific research into a science fiction comic, and the scientism priest that promoted this is a fraud. Simple as that.

What are you talking about? The vikings had a large slave trade.

>Many people use skin color as shorthand for ethnicity, but 'race' has little meaning in biology

Oh no. We should tell all of the medical resarchers and doctors that use race to determine risk and prognosis for particular diseases. After all, it has no meaning in biology, so they are clearly making a huge mistake.

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>Mar 31, 2016
>1 post by this ID

What the fuck there aren't dark red niggers ín africa


the Union US northern states "north" you fucking waffle!

then make him black if it means something to you
nobody gives a shit about your kiddie movies and none of us care


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He gets his energy from the sun, so as a solar panel he actually should be black.

>”"Science says””

a "scientist" like this?

Attached: black-scientist.jpg (560x383, 193K)


*untill we need to push more POCs into a field

*untill we need to push more LGBTQ!"§s into a field

Kal El was from Kryptonog!

>implying the UN's super weapon isnt the US

I've literally had this argument before, white superman is automatically the strongest because his skin absorbs the most sunlight. Black superman is the weakest because he blocks the most and is vitamin D deficient also so he has weak bones.

he's a fucking fictional alien character. are these people insane

Here's 10 reasons a recent study states that science says my 10 foot rod is going in ur mum tonight, sources familiar with my thinking report. And that's a good thing.

Attached: Science_Says_Superman_Should_Be_Black_-_2018-07-11_14.26.59.png (1669x7312, 3.4M)

batman should be black as well since black people are inherently stronger than white pussies and instill more fear

>faster than a speeding Bronco
>more powerful than a caucasian quarterback
>able to loot large cities in a single riot
look! down in the suburbs!
>its a turd!
>its a shame!
da dedaaah de dadadeedaaaah!

Attached: Black-superman.jpg (400x590, 20K)

science says they're perfectly sane

If Superman is so virtuous. He should be an ANCAP. But instead he is on the government side, Wich steals money from the population through taxation.

This was a good post.

i hate canada so much
i think i hate canadians more than jews at this point

Because he was raised as a child of rural and suburban retards, superheroes raised by city people all support the UN.

Science also says niggers can’t make a functional society.

common sense and a basic understanding of history says wakanda should be white

>Contributor article
Anyone can write these. Please don't post here again.

Also, OP is the author. Notice how he didn't archive this shit

Article archived at

>science says superman should be a ginger

He'd use his powers to rob a dozen liquor stores and gas stations in one minute. Not so much an archvilllain as the greatest petty thief of all time.

Most superheroes are statist assholes. That's what you get when your heroes are made by kikes.

Liberals have perverted science and turned it into a fucking religion.


Melanin acts as a protective layer that absorbs and scatters UV radiation preventing damage to the body, if superman gains power from the sun and its radiation this idea would be retarded.
From what the author is saying supermans skin color should be (pic related) or darker not brown like they suggest.
Not a reason to change him to a fucking nigger, stop stealing characters and make your own, fucking apes.

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You're alright

>black supermans kryptonite is now swimming in water

And what if your doctor sends you a scientific lab report saying you have cancer?

But why? He isn't a thief

Forbes has really gone to shit.

shitposting blogs that put "science" in shitposts about pop culture need to be shot.

Dark skin =/= Black aka sub saharan African

Maybe they should make their own superhero. They can make him stronger and faster and all sorts of stupid shit to make up for their feelings of inadequacy while white man goes into space.


Yeah because they're always winning weightlifting golds and worlds strongest man aren't they?


>out of africa theory
into the garbage it goes

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nigga it is like light speed now

Science ? Superheros? Black?

Oy Vey how embarrassing

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Its LGBTQP you bigot.


try harder shills

How can they say race isn't backed up by science then give reasons as to why he should be black using science?

And that's why the Fantastic Socialist 4 always fail


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>when white people are better at something it means the system is white privelige which discredits minorisomethingcially blacks and race science is racist and oq means nothing.
>when blacks are better at something it means blacks have superior genes and whites are subhuman devil sspaw. This "science" made by black supremicist says so.

Black guy here, let me play devil advocate real quick.

When I look back at my childhood, all my heroes growing up were white straight males. Cyclopes&Wolverine from Xmen, Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Indiana Jones, and etc. Of-course, I never looked at it from a racial point of view, but I wonder, what sort of psychological affect was being done to me on a sub-conscious level by constantly relating white straight males with heroism, Intelligence, and moral good thru out my youth.

Well, I'm currently on a board that regularly advocates my races genocide and intellectual inferiority. Surely I must suffer from some sort of low self-worth to visit a place like Jow Forums. I wonder, if this poor self-esteem is due to all my childhood heroes being white men? Maybe it would've done good if some of the mainstream superheroes were black.

>Maybe it would've done good if some of the mainstream superheroes were black.
That cool, but get your own and stop trying to fucking backwash everything

oh fuck off. Stupid ass cracker. you people are so wicked. there isn't a lick of righteousness in you.

>Father abandoned him as a child

Checks out.

I don't even need to read the article and I think I know what they're gonna say.

Earth's sun is closer to us than Krypton's sun was to Superman's home planet. This is what gives him his special powers. Therefore, in order to handle the extra energy and UV radition or whatever, he needs more of day melanin. This is my guess without reading the article or looking up Superman lore.

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>shoots family over fried chicken
fuggin whypipo

Doubt it was the cause but it certainly wasn't going to change anything. Now young black kids can call whites colonizers thanks to the great black panther.

So many faggot slide threads
>Superman is not politics
>Superman is a jewish cartoon creation for the 1930's comics to beat up Nazis and Hitler
>Forbes article
The fuck is going on with this place today
Gas the bikes, race cars now

Even if they did, they're not super powered on Krypton and thus their genetics don't require their skin absorb sunlight.

>superman breaks open the dam, flooding the nearby minority housing projects.
>no survivors

fuck i meant "dat" not day. last time i try to speak like a nigger

But he wouldn’t be super anymore

jews BTFO

White guy here, let me actiavte your almonds real quick.

Everything in your life is owed to the white male, we conquered and civilized this world for you, and then we even gave you equal rights when we just as likely could've kept you as slaves or exterminated you in the blink of an eye.

You do right in seeing white men as heroes, if not for us, you'd be sitting in some sub-saharan hellhole dying from malaria, like all of your ancestors.

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Bad science. Superman should be green.

As opposed to some identity politics pushed by Jews?

>"Because most superpowers break the laws of physics, "
and blacks love to break the law, superman should be black

How would deluding yourself about the failures and limitations of your people help you in any way?


maybe because you dont have any besides voodoo dolls and funny masks ? you´ve your ancestory to blame getting high on herbs and being retarded when it came to managing wildlife , structures , infrastructure and etc - oh wait not even that was there before the jews came and took you to the US.
now you act like victims when you were saved from starvation and death at the ripe age of 20-30 by tribal wars or deadly diseases.

ungrateful bunch the american black.

Race correlates with skin color, but they aren't the same. There are black "Europeans" (r1b v88) in the Chad basin, and white Central Asians in Finland.

So make a Niggerman hero. Give him a Big N on his chest. See if it sells. Start a indy gogo for it.

>aquaman forced to dredge his bloated corpse out of someone's backyard pool

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Superman was created by Jews as a metaphor for Jews. They pretend to be white when appropriate but are something they consider better than human, yet can't admit it to normies

Only disguises they need is a friendly smile and glasses goyim are too stupid