Worried about a civil war

Worried about a civil war

I work with about a half black and half white crowd at work and even in my co-workers I can see them start to treat me and other different, less and less communication with white co-workers, more mumbling, more passive attitudes almost as if you did something to piss someone off but you arent sure what.

What guns should I get and how much ammo should I have in the event Rodney King 2.0 (or 3.0) occurs in the next few months?

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A better job, you shouldn’t be working in a job where niggers fill 50% of the positions.

Also; if you’re concerned about self defense, here’s a nice starter pack.

>Glock 19

Get enough ammunition to get proficient with your weapons, and keep a reserve of about 200 rounds or so for your AR, and some nice defensive rounds for your handgun. Make sure to shoot a few boxes of the ammunition you plan to use for defense through your guns so you know it functions.

>What guns should I get
All of them.
>how much ammo should I have
All of it.

You people are legitimately fucking crazy

This. OP should just relax and go take a nap. Don't you all feel sleepy?


fuck me looks like its happening boys

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Trips confirm race war soon.


So youre a nog or what? Are they mad at you for being black, or are you white and said pro black stuff to them or what? Explain the situation a bit. You cant just be like "Yo my coworkers mad at me, must be a civil war happening." Give us deets.

Fuck Rodney King btw

>are you white and said pro black stuff to them or what?
"pro black stuff" could mean anything be more descriptive, are you saying OP being neutral on race or non racist and talking to co-workers about it would somehow be negative?

>fuck Rodney King btw
confirmed skinhead but my question still stands

A shotgun. You want to buy a pump action shotgun. And flat of 00 buckshot. Shotgun is still king of the short and medium range.

Another option if you're on a budget, a hi-point 9mm carbine and the 20 round mags. I'd say 5 of those per gun. I'd also get 2 carbine/mags if you're serious.

A lot of people love the AR, a budget one is probably not as reliable as the hipoint. Since you're not as interested in guns per se, just as a tool, I'd go with the hipoint.

Poor guinea pig

My Alr Right-15 and my ceramic Glock 7

An AR-15 is honestly a good investment, but you'll need several mags for it to be as effective as it's supposed to be.

Shotgun. pump or auto. Make sure it can handle buckshot and slugs

handgun, like a 9mm, preferably modern style like a glock or S&W Shield with multiple mags

Most people are gonna be armed with bats and shit like that, and they'll likely be intimidated by any gun, but a big ass shotgun that "click-clacks" will bring to mind every dumbass action movie they've ever seen so I'd get that first. It's also probably the cheapest to acquire

The weak should fear the strong

Fuck off Jamal Biden. You have literally Nigger Fudd advice.

Im asking what the fuck OPs race is to try to understand better where hes coming from.

>hurr durr u skinhead cause u dont care about le dindu nuffin good kid: the prequel.

Suck off a horse, fucking turbo-goober.

>Jamal Biden
fuckin kek. good one.

>AR15s need several 30rd mags to be effective
>a shotgun with maybe 8 rounds is more effective
>the racking of the action scares people off


that hurt man

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Quads of truth. Shotgun-AR-Pistol is the trinity of preparedness.

for ultimate versatility wouldnt a bolt gun do someone good?

Ah yes I forgot, when the AR got invented the 12 gauge ceased to be effective at close and medium range.

My poorfag loadout.
-PSA AR15 for SHTF outdoors shit
-Mossberg 500 with sidesaddle for indoors defense (your best bet is a 20 inch barrel with 8 round tube, i kinda fucked up and got the 5 round tube)
-Glock 19 for Concealed Carry/Backup
-LCPII for Summer carry/concealment.

Don’t have the concealability of a pistol or versatility of an AR.
Not that it’s a bad thing to have a bolt. I could think of worse type of firearm to be stuck with in a SHTF scenario.

Inside 10 yards a shotgun its tough to beat.

>My poorfag loadout
>Mossberg 500 not a Maverick 88
I guess if you already own it.

I bought the M500 for 270 bucks at a gun show. The gun, wood furniture and 3 barrels (18" not pictured) cost me about 400 total.

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Here's a good laundry list, these are the most common rounds I see people shooting at the range.
9mm pistol
.45 pistol
.357 mag revolver

12G shotgun
.410 shotgun

.22lr rifle
5.56 rifle
7.62x39 rifle
.308 rifle
In terms of how much ammo you should have, the only right answer is "as much as you can get".
Also, PCCs are good if you can share magazines with one of your pistols. A lever action in .357 lets you share ammo with your revolver. The ammo need not be super high end expanding ammo either. In the end, round nosed FMJ is better than nothing.

Both of these people are correct.

But just as important is

>quality defensive ammo selection
77gr OTM or 55grn Hornady are good for AR.
124, 147gr HST or Gold dot are good for a 9mm handgun.

Get soft armor and a good chest rig. Your needs and strategies are up to you, but I'd reccomend strongly that you get a scalable setup, or even 2 setups. One for overt "work" (running around in body armor and a plate carrier) and covert work (chest rig + soft armor under a big jacket, or a concealed holster with 2-3 spare mags)

This is assuming, of course, that you're serious.

If you're not, then sure, just get a shotgun and a couple rounds of 00 Buck, maybe some 0Buck, and a .38spcl revolver or something.

I'm sure you'll be fine.

>quality defensive ammo selection
How much money is this going to cost though? 75 grain TAP is awesome, but I can get more practice and stock more easily with cheaper rounds.

Rodney a nigger
Trayvon a nigger
Micheal a nigger
a nigger

>I work with about a half black and half white crowd at work and even in my co-workers I can see them start to treat me and other different, less and less communication with white co-workers, more mumbling, more passive attitudes almost as if you did something to piss someone off but you arent sure what.
Or they just think you're a weird fuck that's about to be the next work place shooter.

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I'm with everyone else. AR-15
>easier to get stuff for
>better control when firing
>easier to get replacement parts for

So get the bulk ammo for practice and get the gucci stuff for your red mags.
Ignore the "train with what you shoot" mentality old fucks with more money than days left alive like to push.


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*Adolf's Revenge 15

This, basically.

I shoot cheap bulk 55gr brazilian/russian 5.56/.223 but I keep 3-6 mags loaded with 77grn OTM or 55grn softpoint/varmint ammo.

If I gotta then I know most of my rifles will work at a "battlefield acceptable" level of terminal ballistics with cheap 5.56 in my bulk mags. But I prefer the quality shit for personal defense and in general.

You know you have to sight in for each load and shoot a few fouling shots between those zeros right?
I agree with you guys, recoil is recoil, and at close range (inside ~200yard) different bullet drops won't matter much at all. Just be sure to know how many clicks over your zero is between ammunition.

>people at my job aren't being super enthusiastic
>that must mean it's a race problem between the black and the white
>I will acquire guns and ammo that I otherwise would not have obtained for an upcoming race war
>btw here's a normie funnay animal picture
Maybe you are the problem and people avoid you because you seem like the type to sperg out and hip fire italian noodles. You are already prepping ffs because people look at you funny.

The circle of life.

Why are all flags unknown?


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It was a Jow Forums thread you fucking newfag >>Jow Forums38527555

My job keeps trying to get blacks in to meet some diversity requirement but they're all worthless employees and quit within a month.
Buddy has the same """problem""" at his place.
Makes you think.