So the agreement in Wales in 2014 was to “move towards 2 percent” by 2025. He seems to acknowledge that... but then without basis wants to have it increased to 2 percent immediately.
Does Trump even know what an agreement is?
So the agreement in Wales in 2014 was to “move towards 2 percent” by 2025. He seems to acknowledge that... but then without basis wants to have it increased to 2 percent immediately.
Does Trump even know what an agreement is?
He'll settle for 3.
He's negotiating.
US wants end of unfair EU tariffs on American goods, better trade balance, and (believe it or not) normalized relations with Russia.
if you refuse, we ally with Russia, invade your asses, throw out the communist and your pet brown hoards, and set things right.
>breaks existing deal
>even his own like at G7
„Hey let‘s make a deal.“
We should accept and then break it. Art of the deal magapedes.
Hi nigger
trips of truth
I guarantee the minute that those countries give permits to build "Trump Tower [EUROPEAN CAPITAL CITY], the corrupt orange son of a bitch will shut the fuck up
He shouldn't be in Wales, he should be locked up on charges of collusion, corruption, racist/wrong opinions and cronyism
>unfair EU tariffs on American goods,
We already suggested a TTIP light which eliminates tariffs on all industrial goods.
Who gives a fuck hans, what's your big kabab shop of a country going to do about it and with what military? PAY DEBNTS
Fuck off Kraut. Sorry your country doesn't like fucking winning. We'll stick to supporting Trump and continue to fucking win.
Your agreement from the beginning was paying 2%. Why should we have to make deals with you just so you agree to uphold your word? You’re acting like we’re requesting more money from you when in reality we’re just expecting you to pay what you owe.
> We sign a contract to do something immediately
> Many, many years later I still haven't done it
> Eh I'll do it in 7 years
> No, do it now!
>What an asshole! How dare he!!!!
>agreement made in 2014
by a nigger
and there is your problem
2% should have been done since day one in NATO.
Embarrassed we only started raising it with 2014 or something
Good that it didn‘t come. I don‘t want low quality US gene food.
You're breaking an existing deal by not paying the 2%
The question you need to ask akhmed is "or else what?"
You are negotiating from a position of weakness, hence your current plight.
based trump bullying europoors (inferiors) (less equals)
No you don't understand. You have no leverage against us at all. We're on our way to being completely self sufficient. As much as I hate to say it california is one of the largest economies in the world and that's just one of our states. We're soon going to be exporting oil AND we have more firepower than most of the world combined. You have to make it worth our while. You have to present to us a gift Hans :)
Look at these piglets endorsing the action of their onions peddling merchant president. Yes, you are good little pigelts! Well done.
Once Germany becomes subject to Sharia Law, Germany will be kicked out of NATO. Enjoy your rapes.
Oh look OP the fag made multiple of these gay threads. SAGE and don't forget to wipe the cum off your face you faggot
A US-Russia alliance would render Europe irrelevant overnight.
typical pathetic german.
>calling him an asshole and always ask if he even understands what he do.
We need a guy like Trump. USA is fed up with being the broken backbone who needs to care about everybody. We got a similar role in the EU.
Deal is to increase it until 2025 which means technically it has to be 2% in 2024 latest.
So no deal is broken.
No yeah you're right. You want to be able to eat your new cultures schwarma from locally grown halal farms.
>We're on our way to being completely self sufficient
Is this bait?
If it were that easy why not do it?
You don't really want to play, do you?
>Does Trump even know what an agreement is?
Yeah, it's when Trump wins. He doesn't agree to anything else, retard.
Go run to daddy Russia
that deal isn't good enough for the god emperor
he wants results now
Can’t I say onions?
King nigger no longer rules.
Fuck dude. Think USA would let an educated pure german with money join their nation?
Funny watching these wurst munching niggers get so upset. You have nothing to bargain with, Ger-money :^)
WTF, why is onions not a word you can use? Ssssssoooooooyyyyyy!
I'm glad there are rational Germans, USA is the global bitch being pimped out by all of our allies and people act like it's irrational for us to look out for ourselves better.
If it goes to 2% now then it will be 2% by '25 retard.
I fucking hate Germany
I hope your country just fucking dies
You should had been partitioned after ww2
You always ruin Europe with your autism
Just go away and leave Europe alone
It's hard for the parasite when the host dies.
Let's be real. The countries who are not paying are going to trash this agreement by 2025. If this agreement does make it to 2025, they still won't pay. There is no accountability in NATO. That's why it's a joke. USA should pull out and let these freebooters collapse.
Waaaahhhhhhhhhh. Fuck off Germany and do what Brussels tells you to do faggot.
Noone cares lol. And noone even wants to make one-sided deals he is known to break any time if he thinks it should be better.
Economists know about the problem of massive meddling in the free market, rule #101. Trump is a simple salesman though
He especially knows a bad one
>You should had been partitioned after ww2
Well, they were but now they're not anymore.
Go for it. You have much more to lose by being viewed as unreliable by every subsequent American President than we do by being considered unreliable once in negotiaion by people who's entire governance system is dependent on us.
We should bomb Dresden again.
Don't forget Texas, with a larger economy than any shithole on the globe and Korea at #10 worldwide.
Just behind Cali in economy size.
Hes German and i love his politically incorrectness. Trump is a man of action who does exactly what he says he would do. So once congress becomes majority republican Trump WILL build that wall.
I don‘t even care about you lmao.
>Look at these piglets endorsing the action of their onions peddling merchant president
That may sound OK in German, but it English it doesn't really make sense. Maybe you should not translate German locutions directly into English. ].
Yes, you've taken great care to tell us that repeatedly, in this thread in which you're participating for the sole purpose of demonstrating how very little you care.
Fpbp and checked
Trump is doing the right thing, fuck the shills
Pulling out of NATO and weakening Europe sounds great for Russia. How do you retards STILL think Trump isn’t a Russian puppet? Everything he does helps them. He’s dismantling the Western alliances to the advantage of Russia, meanwhile you retards cheer him along...
There are, but its an incredible small group of people.
Germany is way too cucked to even understand that a nation can protect other nations in exchange for money, influence and cooperation.
Since the beginning of the cold war the usa was always pumped out by everyone.
England, france, you and we should had started operation unthinkable in the 50s and destroyed the soviet union.
Yeah fuckem. If Putin wants those assholes he can have them.
Fuck off Sergei. Everyone can see you're an obvious shill.
Time for you filthy krauts to pay your fair share.
>So the agreement in Wales in 2014 was to “move towards 2 percent” by 2025
The agreement in 2002 was a 2% GDP benchmark. From 2002 to 2014 most states even lowered their spending.
They refuse to fund their own defense.
>Can’t I say onions?
>WTF, why is onions not a word you can use? Ssssssoooooooyyyyyy!
Shareblue retard who doesn't log onto Jow Forums until directed by his masters to make a slide thread
sage ALL shareblue threads
>american education
Gtfo mutt. I am speaking to a portuguese. Do you even know any other flag than the American? Fucking retard
>Trump says or tweets something
>that must mean he means it
Have you learned nothing the past 2 years?
ask greece, france, italy, poland, balkan nations, china, russia, spain, marroco and any nation in africa where germany money is.
How much do you love your sssoy peddling president?
Just let Russia bulldoze Western Europe. It can only be an improvement
>Does Trump even know what an agreement is?
An excuse to not follow through on a plan. Every country not paying right now has an excess in their budget. Pay or fuck off.
A fellow disciple of Peter Zeihan, I see.
well sorry, I mean fucking DISSOLVED
Hey piglet, how do you like your ssssoy president?
Germany must buy our shitty F-35s.
You faggots can't afford 2%? You could afford to flood your country with useless niggers and Muslims. The fuck is wrong with Germany?
>sssoy peddling
This is pointless. It's no better than onion peddling.
the deal has been altered
>jokes about american education
>actually believe german education is advanced.
In history class you had 10 years the same topic.
Fuck OFF krauts
> being completely self-sufficient
> running the biggest trade deficit among all countries
pick one
He'll settle for 3000%!
This is the reason for the war in Syria. Assad has a deal with Russia to keep Qatari gas pipeline from happening.
I can tell how frustrated you Germans are. It's really quite funny.
>trump needs to settle for some shitty agreement that he was not consulted on years ago
If they wanted protection. They should have paid their dues.
>"EU protection"
Um sweetie, you don't want Rushie wushie and Putie wootie making the bloccy wocky all commie wommy now do you honey joy baby bears?
but he is right
american education suxx
You ask greece, france, italy, poland, balkan nations, china, russia, spain, marroco and any nation in africa where germany money is. They pay debnts, you pay debnts.
why can't it go through Iraq
By GDP % the USA is the least dependent on international trade of any country in the world. North America is as of this year energy independent, and with American shale, the US will have complete energy independence by 2020.
>I can tell how frustrated you Germans are. It's really quite funny.
I'd be frustrated too with Merkel as the head of my government.
You’re right if only we were more like Germany and let Russia produce 85% of our countries energy for us.
Nope, no chance that will ever backfire on you hanz, surely Russia will not use that leverage to ever try to fuck you over, surely.
Yeah then why doesn’t he fucking move out US soldiers from Germany immediately?
Seems like the fucking orange obese merchant is just barking but never takes any real action. How come?
They are there to make sure that you fags don’t try to destroy Europe again, if only they actually did their job.
This is the best thing he has done since taking office.
Germans, prepare your asses. Shit is about to get expensive.
Not really
an agreement is the calm before the next negotiation
time can vary from millenniums to nano-seconds depending of how much of a pussy one side is or is not.
first one to cry when the agreement ends is the pussy
Why are you still replying to this shadeblue slide thread?
Nope, most of them work in depots, admin and hospitals. They are there to support your foreign “adventures” in Muslim worlds.