Is Jow Forums seriously this beta ? Im on here everyday talking about politics with literal beta males...

Is Jow Forums seriously this beta ? Im on here everyday talking about politics with literal beta males. If you sit down to pee you're not a man you're a fucking faggot. At that point you're pretty much a cuck or trap in training.

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go to reddit then faggot.

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>not flushing first and quickly peeing as fast as you can before the toilet completes the flush, thus no noise.
Fucking barbarians

>not screaming wildly while you piss so nobody can hear it hit the water

If you ain your dick correctly like a real man you wouldn't have that problem. But now that I think about it. You're probably embarrassed about having a micro penis.

ignore anyone from ontario. they are subhumans.

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When I wake up in the middle of the night to pee I sit down because I have pissed all over my bathroom too many times standing up.

I think the leaf was joking.

Although I copped a lecture on here the other day from the French and Italians because I explained to them that Anglo's don't use bidets.

I've done this once. There was a girl passed out near my toilet and I felt weird about pissing near her because I was on acid. So I kept flushing the toilet and pissing. And then I started running a tap because I thought the toilet flushing would be weird.

I only sit and pee when I have to take a shit.

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I angle my and try and get as far away from the toilet at the peak of my piss and then make it back before lossing pressure. Obviously touching the floor is an instant loss.

Are you too retarded to buy a lightbulb or at least a nightlight. Shit I have one of those lights that turn on automatically when you walk by in the dark in most rooms because they are cheap as fuck and convenient as hell at night

As the manliest of men from America i shit standing up. I stand over the toilet with my fists on my waist. Basking in my own American glory. Often Eagles fly by and freebird plays on the radio.

You're all talking like it's a monumental task to piss into the bowl. It's fucking second nature and easy peasy. Only time you'd have problems is after sex...then again, it is pol...

>one leaf's opinion is all of Jow Forums
Nice strawfaggot faggot

I spend so much effort not pissing all over the floor and everywhere but the toilet, and even then its not safe, just not worth it often

You have a dick shaped like a tuba or what?

>not pissing on the girl

No I don't have a nightlight in the bathroom, maybe I should get one

I guess dimensionwise, if a tuba were to be proportional to penis size it would be similar to mone

That's the most Canadian thing I have ever read and I saw an excerpt from that book where the woman falls in love with and fucks a bear.


>is pol this gay
>Canadian flag
I think you have autism if you can't figure this out.

I love Canada posts, I can't believe people are still triggered by them after all these years.

>caring how someone pees
>implying this isn't inherently beta


also all the fags here falling for this low-res bait

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>claims not be beta
>defends beta
>defends sitting on the toilet to pee

Confirmed faggtory. Come back when you become a man.

normie meme debate about a non issue on the same level as pineapple on pizza
go back to facebook

fuck outta here mutt

I just shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain

Canada hate is pretty baseless and mostly just a meme from around 2014

You fuck outta of here friend

>not putting the tip of your dick in the water so the pee don't hit the water with force

I do this as well. I like the squishy feeling in between my toes.


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I dont think he wants to be your friend guy.


Dont fucking tell me what he does or doesn't want buddy

How dumb are tou to screencap Obamaleaf?

>not sticking your dick IN the water to create no disgusting noise whatsoever

Fucking subhuman neanderthals...

You stick your dick in a bowl that houses fecal matter and bacteria? I bet your dick looks like a fucked up football with no laces.

Psh, I'm a tranny. Of course there are people you'll consider 'weak' here.

Doesn't stop me from knowing my own strengths, and being able to see where you guys (or any other side) wander off the reservation, either.

>outing yourself as a tranny on pol
Also a masochist i see

Of course I sit on the toilet to pee, I have a vagoo you faggot. Go ahead and tell girls how much men peeing sitting down bothers you. That's sure to make you seem like a real alpha Chad.

I like to mix it up. Sometimes I'll sit to piss but other times I like to stand and get as high of an arc as possible for maximum noise

fucking muricans, don't you have doors on your toilets. You know, those huge things that insulate sound and what not

dunno man I pee directly in the middle of the water with as much force as possible
I like to make as much noise from peeing as I possibly can
t. alpha male

Please post something absolutely abhorrent.

>not going to Starbucks and pissing on the toilet paper

I meant bathroom

I only sit if I am too tired or too drunk to stand.

Show us your benis.

They invented a special cup for you whore. Women and their pathetic excuses.

>not banging pots and pans so no one will suspect you are using the toilette

Its true this should be regulated. Stand up to piss, but piss on the wall of the toilet bowl.

You know whats fucking degenerate, when people take a piss and like its like they purposely want to make a pissing noise pissing in the middle of the fucking toilet bowl like theyre a fucking barnyard animal, thats fucking annoying and degenerate

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might be quite hard for you to understand but it's pretty fucking gay
also uncomfortable since my dick is too big and I have to hold it in place so it doesn't touch the rim and/or piss outside the bowl
nothing worse than when your dick touches the rim

Plumber here.

Everyone sits to pee in my house. There is a reason we don’t instal urinals you fuck faces. Nobody stood up peeing in an outhouse you disgusting freaks.

Squatting to pee is for fags.

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its like as if guys are having a literal pissing contest in so far that somehow how much noise you emit while pissing is somehow suppose to equate the size of your genitals, or the strength of your piss stream ? I have no clue what people fucking do, you can just sense the unnecessary ego attached to the act, as well as its barnyard like resemblance, but it just reminds me everyday of why the human race, much of it is so not evolved and degenerate

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Haha faggot

Só how do you pee standing up with an erection you hover over the bowl like a girl idgaf what you say you are squatting.

Real men piss right in the middle of the bowl, standing up, making as much noise as possible, to signal to all the other makes your stream is strong and you have a good working prostate.

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>with an erection
who do you think I am, jesus?

I always pee as loud as possible to show I'm the dominate one in the house. If you don't like it then get the fuck out. It's my house, hear me pee.

la creatura detecto

There's a lean+bend move you can do it with, but it's not easy. Some would say it's hard

How could you be wrong

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>not constantly yelling in a deep guttural fashion, banging on the stall walls next to you, and kicking at the feet of people on each side in a show of dominance

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This. POL is filled with beta cucks with a few minor exceptions, trannies, roasties and Chads like me.

Sounds like LIDF propaganda to me. Leaves rustle this site's jimmies because they really are abhorrent posters


Ignore anyone east of Saskatchewan, and west of alberta, they are faggots.

You should put a microphone on it and set up some speakers outside so your whole neighborhood can hear.

nice. haha

We call it a RESTroom. I sit down and rest when I piss, usually reading for a few minutes too. No fucks given and no homo.

good taste


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if I don't think I can get it all in the bowl I'll sit. I'm the one who's got to clean the mess up so I don't give a fuck about what some fag with mommy or mommy-wife to clean up after him thinks


Checks out.

>I am woman hear me roar
An alpha doesnt try to prove hes alpha you faggot

Fuck you man when I have to wake up at 5 am to go to work I don’t feel like standing. Sitting and pissing is relaxing as fuck.

virgin tinkle vs chad piss

What the hell do you expect? He's Canadian.

Then piss right above the water in the toilet? Then you won't have to be so pee shy when others are around.

I'm oldfag my knees ache from work, pee takes forever, I don't like cleaning toilet everyday. Yeah I have a seat and a smoke when I pee.

If I stand to piss, I'd have to stop shitposting on Jow Forums from my phone. Checkmate, you piss-covered-bathroom-floor faggots.

>Not pissing as forcefully as you can so everyone can hear, thus asserting your dominance over the men's room

What a bunch of pussies

I only sit when I piss if I'm half awake and can barely stand up or when I'm shitting.

When I REALLY have to piss I'll unzip and hold my dick out for about 10 seconds with a massive urge to piss just for the discipline.

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I piss sitting down because it is more fucking comfortable for me that way. U'm secure enough in my masculinity to not give a fuck about what oyhers think about my urinary habits.

It takes ~25 seconds to piss, no flush lasts that long but I always play the flush race game when I feel it coming to an end I flush and race the toilet to finish

I sit to pee because I’m a fat lazy fuck who can’t be bothered to stand for more than 15 seconds.

>25 seconds
wtf. I can empty my bladder in 7 seconds. Lot's of practice from my raid days in wow.

It's a Canadian. What do you expect?

Oh, no. We'd really hate to lose another phonetrash newfag normalfag. What will we do if we lose the man with the penile dexterity of a 90 year old man?

>nobody should have to hear the strram of piss hitting the water

Still better than the rap music I'm force to hear

I do this and I stand on top of the tank when in a public restroom and look down at all the other faggots watching me. I drop em high and loud, try to get as much of a splashdown as I can. Might even soak a so1cuck with the wave.

Fuckin saved!

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>Faggots are turned off by pee play

Nice try FrootCup

Think that nigger would be down for me just calling him a gay nigger for 10-15min, without letting him jerk me off? Would be cathartic desu

Those two should meet up.