South africa reverse racism

Africans need to stop this shit. South African farmers are being killed. Next thing France or Canada will do dirt on their black population

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>muh REVERSE racism
they're almost at the point of outright openly calling for genocide against whites, which they've been practicing quietly for a long time now. their president is already openly calling for land to be taken from whites. when are you going to just call it "racism"?

srs this is the sickness of whites. BTFO'd by jewish head tricks at every turn. i hate it.

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Nah this is great. I hope it spreads to countries with large African populations like Britian, France and the USA. Its the perfect way to spark the next war.

No such thing as a white South African exists.

Reverse racism isn't real. It's just normal racism.

It’s not reverse racism, it’s just racism

Got it in one,now we just need to make sure nothing grows in and make them all starve to death quickly

And checked

AAAyyo...Holup. Dat JayZ?

we aren't anyone's population. We can handle all you white devils dish. No matter what you do we aren't going anywhere.

No tears for White Europeans in South Africa. Take it as a sign as to what is going to come in the future.

Payback is a bitch.

>A fucking leaf


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This isn't reverse racism, or even just plain "racism" for that matter. Racism is prejudice plus power. Now before you go yelling at me for being a "post modern, neo marxist kike" or whatever, let me tell you why that is the only definition of racism. Racism was NEVER a thing before the post modernists defined it. Race realism was ALWAYS a thing before it became taboo as the result of the equality doctrine (meaning, racism was accepted as wrong because everyone is equal). As a reaction people have changed the meaning of racism to simply mean "racism is discrimination of someone because of race".This is wrong. Yes whites all over the world have always been better of than non whites (which means we have power over them because of more wealth), and because of this we have been prejudiced towards them (we treated them as shit because we saw them lower than us, which they were and always will be). However, the "racism" label should not have any effect on us at all, because racism comes out of race realism. We must accept that blacks have on average 2 standard deviation IQ's lower than us, and accept the implications that come along with it (they will always be less well of than us UNLESS we institute policies to discriminate against ourselves just so we can force them in to positions that will improve their place in life despite their inability to ever get there on their own). This is all our own fault. Become race realists and by implication, racists. Equality is not real and never will be.

White should leave SA and blacks should starve to death.

Hou jou bek ,kike.

Jy is seker poes dom. Lees meer boeke.

where do you think you live, nigger?
you know goddamn well if you step foot outside of toronto you'll be another "overdose statistic" found dead on the side of the road
quit pretending canada loves you. we don't

I think he's saying it's not bad or racist to accept that they're more stupid than us, and we all should accept it as it is racist to think they're our equal. And in that way we should strive to better them, like gods.

How many white south africans would want to immigrate here once we change our immigration system? Hopefully next year we're switching the point system and it seems like the majority of white south africans fit the requirements. There's already quite a few in Florida where I live. Is it really so bad that everyone wants to leave or is Jow Forums just exaggerating things?

Do not feed the wildlife. They become dependant and be a threat to people.

A lot would want to leave. Take as many as you can. I'm never leaving though

lmao you won't even leave jane & finch to get a job

nobody is scared of you

You know what? Why not?

Let's pay all the plane tickets for the Boers and bring them here. In exchange we will send their black brothers and sisters over to South Africa where they don't have to deal with filthy whites. We can also cut all the aid money since that's a neocolonialist construct. It's a win win.

We can return when we have our shit together and the population is below a thousand.

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>take as a sign as to what's coming in the future

I'm not sure that's in your best interests for whites to do that.

>reverse racism
This term itself is racist because it implies that whites are the origin of all racism.

I'm saying that blacks singing "Kill the Boer" can NEVER be racism because "racism" was a made up word in the 70's by post modernists. It never existed before that, and that is why the post modernists get to define racism as prejudiced + power. They were the first ones to look at the relationship between white people and black people. What they saw is that white people are better of than blacks (more wealth means more power ie. hierachy) and that whites see blacks are lesser people which is why we discriminated against them (prejudice. Also important to note that whites adhered to a higher standard back then which only increased the gap between us which led to more prejudice). They saw everyone as equals. That equality doctrine is now the mainstream which has caused people to change the meaning of racism as simply to discriminate against people based on race. Whites now fall for this as well. I want people to become race realists like we always were before the equality doctrine ruled us. Realize that blacks are lesser beings and that they will always depend on us. Race realism leads to racism. That is a good thing. Racism does not have to be based on hate, but should be an emphatic pity of blacks, accompanied by rules to control them (not give them welfare so they spread like rats). A black singing "kill the boer" is not racism, it is merely pure hate.

It's not racism, it's progress of course. If only we could start some sort of campaign to bring South African whites to the US. Because they are TRUE refugees. Screw any sort of attachment they have to their homeland, they need to get the fuck out of there.

its no surprise. you realize south africa has actual terrorists in power right?

>smokes crack
>murders fellow negro for their shoes
>gets shot in drive by

This is honestly disgusting.
There is so much wrong with this, from the whites who thought it was a good idea to the blacks who thought it was a good idea and also the (((whites))) who came up with the idea.

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How the fuck would white South Africans not fit whatever system we already have when we're importing Africans with IQs barely above 50?

>We can return when we have our shit together and the population is below a thousand.
That would only ensure the same thing would happen again in the future.
If white are going to survive we need to close our doors to the world that has done nothing for us and say tough shit when everyone starts crying for our help.

native americans held slaves. latin americans held slaves. africans held slaves. and all of their cultures were far more brutal and barbaric than anything ever produced by the white man.
slavery was literally still legal in parts of africa until 2007
slavery continues to be a huge problem among these peoples today, particularly in africa. one example of an entire industry built on slavery (specifically child slavery) in Africa is the cacao trade. think about that the next time you eat chocolate

don't ever let them tell you the nonwhites are innocent and the white man is evil. the nonwhites were brutal and barbaric. whites have always been morally superior and we brought much needed civilization to these non-white people.

also over 1 million white christian slaves were held in africa around the same time as the transatlantic (african) slave trade
many of these slaves were castrated by the moors (who are black) who held them . this is a brutal practice europeans did not subject their slaves to.

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The exodus of white SA's to Europe, North America and Australia. Taking with them their horror stories will be good in the long run.

The only solution is to not be a cuckold who teaches your children to hate themselves. Look at how nonthreatening and soft these men look. THe dude in glasses even looks like he's got some serious gyno.

It isn't a thread without Tyrone dropping in.

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to the white people in the background smiling while they talk, destroying any pretense one might have about this being a legitimate sincere gesture, probably patting themselves on the back about how progressive they are.

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Tfw this is how I feel about he general populace around me

the first slave owner in the usa was black.

the slave trade was in the hand of muslims.

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this 1000x

I hate niggers as much as the next average joe, but if some alien race came to my homeland, told me I was inferior and stole all the good farming land, I would want them the fuck out to.
Colonization is for kikes. Blood and Soil. My ancestors should have never left Scotland.

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thank you. i was trying to put that into words but you did it much more succinctly than i managed.


Except white SAfers were actually there before the majority of niggers. The indigenous inhabitants are the Khosian people, and whitey came along around the 1600s. Thing is, most niggers in south africa are not Khosians but actually Bantu peoples who came to South Africa long after the Dutch arrived. Khosians only make up a small amount of the population and are heavily discriminated against in SA as well

>Reverse racism
Here's your official reminder that using terms like "reverse racism" is playing into the very leftist word games that allow people to misappropriate words and shuffle around definitions to best suit their warped illustrations of reality.

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>reverse racism
What is that mean?

It means OP is only purple-pilled at best.

This is why having a non-white majority and a white minority doesn't work. Whites either need to take back South Africa or leave, and seeing as how liberal retard countries won't take white refugees, the latter probably isn't gonna happen.

Does reverse racism mean not racist?

>Racism is prejudice plus power
>Racism was NEVER a thing before the post modernists defined it
>It became taboo as the result of the equality doctrine
Not necessarily. The "equality doctrine" you describe was conceived as equality under law (and in the eyes of God, if you want to take it that far), not complete and literal equality. Obviously people are not created equal. Don't encourage people to go around bragging about being racist unless you're a saboteur.

reverse racism is newspeak for hates white people but gets a pass

The moors weren’t black you ignorant mong. They were berbers. They kept black slaves. Some of whom were allowed to intermingle with the white slaves.

Stop spreading the lie you stupid piece of shit. Please. Thanks.

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>>It became taboo as the result of the equality doctrine
>Not necessarily. The "equality doctrine" you describe was conceived as equality under law (and in the eyes of God, if you want to take it that far), not complete and literal equality
You are failing to see that this is coming out of a South African context. In this country, equality ONLY means that people are born equal (even though some people use God to justify this concept as well). In South Africa everyone is born the same and the only differences is because of Apartheid racism, which still has an effect on the poor non whites. (ie. In Apartheid, whites used to power to discriminate against blacks, and that that power was only ever achieved on the backs of blacks. Which created prejudice because we could not "walk in their shoes" so to speak and never had to experience what they did. This is accompanied by the idea that if this never happened, whites and blacks would be true equals in every way possible)

No sweetie, South Africa *Reversed* Racism.

It's like reverse rape, a woman can't really rape a man because men are fundamentally different. Men has a penis which is essential for rape, cause if you try to rape with your vagina it doesn't matter how ugly you are the man on is going to enjoy it, he'll probably even laugh about it later to his buddies. Similarly racism is about a superior race looking down on an inferior race, and since there is no race more inferior than the black its not possible for them to be racist.

>No sweetie
Get the fuck out of here with that condescending roastie feminist speak.

Nice flag Shlomo. You're reverse psychology tactics need work.

Whites don't belong in Africa.

Africans don't belong in Europe.

You're accusing me of being a nigger? Lol you'd be a nigger under US Jim Crow laws.

Very true user.


Taking South Africans and allowing them to mix with us will actually be a very bad thing.


Because they have non-white ancestries. They have Khoisan, Bantu, Indian and Malaysian ancestry. They are not pure whites.

Read this, for example.


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nah they were as black as it gets.
BTW the women in your picture are so possessed by demons its incredible.

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Rhodesia was a miracle. So sad...

When the declaration of an “unwinnable war” was made the Rhodesian Military should have been let loose, they would have shown what happens when a good dog is forced into a corner. It would be such catharsis to have been there, bushwhacking communist golems by the thousands, a real Good War. Many good wars are coming but they will be small at times, in remote areas. I want to fight somewhere, it would be so real and undiluted, real Life, short, loud and true. If youre sharp, it wouldn’t be short either
. Only a handful of years to work and make something, work = deconstruct the illusion, make something = a family, secure in the old ways so the way gets passed along. Let’s go to Angola.

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