Without using mental gymnastics, convince me that white privilege doesn't exist

Without using mental gymnastics, convince me that white privilege doesn't exist

> Bah-bah-bah-but the Joos......

Jews are white. Next!

> Bah-bah-bah-but poor wittle homeless white people...

They have access to more resources and sympathy than homeless PoC

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Other urls found in this thread:

everything2.com/title/The Myth%3A Poverty is a major cause of Crime

is she ok?

They can't, OP. They'll just cry about "LE SHILLS" and give you personal anecdotes (not an argument, read the sticky)

Agreed. Nice doubles by the way

White privilege is merely higher average iq and the fact whites built western civilization

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Asians make more money than whites in the US

how can white privilege be real when white race isnt real
hint: it is real, but its about welath and civilization, not race, so rich niggers get it and poor crackers dont

Ah its this faggot yet again
Every further comment gains him 0.10$
Stop responding and do something else faggots.

White Privilege is absolutely true. It means, however, that ALL OTHER RACES are inferior due to not having the innate privilege of being White


probably, but thats not privilege. That's a superior culture.

Your allowed to say nigger here. Fuck off kike you are not white.

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>convince me that white privilege doesn't exist
in this world there is no such thing as privilege.


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It does, but like many things, privilege is earned.

>Jews are white. Next!
Whites are closer genetically to blacks than whites are to Jews. Next!

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Next please!

what people call white privilege is the hard work that was put into their life. I.e. those rich white folk (like Trump) put in the effort to gain said 'privilege'
>also sage

Starting now, just to be safe.

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I want to fuck the fat off of Ochako!

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>Jews are white
¿Acaso es la inteligencia catalana tan baja?

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Define it. Is it exclusive to a place? Do I still have it in the Congo? Hong Kong? Japan?

White privilege is a term created by the socialist left to dismiss the perspective and opinions of (not even necessarily) successful whites in successful white nations. You could say it is a tool of white genocide, because it is.

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I have to work, I am discriminated due to my race for not being brown. Tell me abour minority privilege instead

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Simple. Nobody pretends to be white to get into a selective college.

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>Jews are white
stopped reading there lmao, czech'em

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HE has spoken.

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yall know thats the seal of solomon and not the star of solomons father right?

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>Do I still have it in the Congo?
Yes. In Democratic republic of Congo you're kidnapped if you're white and disregarded if you're nigger.

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Niggers are impoverished criminals not cause of poverty but cause they're literally a different subspecies without any Neanderthal DNA.
everything2.com/title/The Myth%3A Poverty is a major cause of Crime

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How about you convince us that white privelege is real without mental gymnastics or appeal to sentiment.

>blah blah muh slavery muh job applications muh sympathy

There is no systemic preferential treatment enforced by the government, you are equal before the law and that's the end of it, the rest is up to the individual.

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Look, man. I'm just here to end a shitty thread. I don't even know everything that's gonna end up here when it's a folder dump.

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>implying that it doesn't
>my grandparents and most grandparents of white people that live in white coutries
what do niggers do?
what do latinas do?
what do muslims do?
what do chinks do?

hello may we have some of the wealth that your grandparents worked for YOU FUCKING RACIST !

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In fact lots of people in countries like India and arab countries pretend to be whiter than they actually are.
Women's beauty in these named countries is strictly associated with whiteness.

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>Jews are white. Next!
jews are not white
t. the jews.

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A privilege is something that not everyone needs, but a right is the opposite. Given this distinction, an insidious dimension of the white-privilege argument emerges. It requires condemning whites for possessing, in the concrete, features of contemporary life that should be available to all, and if this is correct, how can whites be expected to give up such things? Yes, there is the case of the reality of whites being the majority population in all the sites of actual privilege from prestigious universities to golf clubs and boards of directors for most high-powered corporations. But even among whites as a group, how many whites have those opportunities?

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Stop spamming.

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When this thread stops getting replies, sure.

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Stop spamming, dumb fuck.

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The fuck are you afraid of, shill?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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>The guy trying to prevent the MHA faggot from getting his jollies is the shill
What was meant by this?

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Get a real flag, pussy.

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objectively false
in this world women have female privlage. this is the truth and a fact because women's rights can be taken away from us at any time by men, ergo they are a privlage and not a right.

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