Why don't establishment republicans realize they are killing their party with immigration?

I thought that the potential tax increases and regulations if a democrat won would scare these guys into stopping immigration. They can't seriously think Hispanics will become conservative? The democrats aren't an alternative neoliberal party anymore either. Their only hope is to lower immigration and they don't care. What are they thinking?

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They are in on it, especially braintumor

they dont care, they just figure they'll adapt the platform as the country diversifies. They attempted to do that when Romney lost but Trump threw a wrench in to that plan and showed you can win by appealing to the white vote.

It's Chamber of Commerce Republicans who want cheap labor, plus idiot libertarians who think the US has magic dirt that turns ignorant peasants into lovers of liberty.

Because we would rather have total war.

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It not even about the party anymore its about their own individual futures in the jewish world order.

Republicucks like the Bushes have been pushing the "Hispanics are natural conservatives" bullshit for decades, hispanics are welfare leaches and will vote in socialism if given a chance, remember, all shitskins want to live with whites and reap the wealth from socialist redistribution of wealth, only whites lose in that arrangement

What's so bad about immigration? The only anti-immigration people are losers who think they deserve $15/hr to flip burgers and mow lawns.

Fuck off Shlomo.

Because they aren't.

>Republicucks like the Bushes have been pushing the "Hispanics are natural conservatives" bullshit for decades, hispanics are welfare leaches and will vote in socialism if given a chance

Exactly, all you have to look at is the governments of the countries hispanics come from are like. They are all leftist.

there's something in their blood that makes them communists. They are insectlike or something, idk. It's weird but they are incapable of learning that communism doesnt fucking work.



They'll just trade issues to stay 50/50. Clinton was the build a wall candidate in the 90s after Reagan to level out the parties marketshare.

They hate Trump because he is fucking up the agreed upon balance. You dont get to pick guns, immigration, jobs, prolife and anti war.

The are the Good Goyim that make up the Slave Master Class along with their Jewish Masters. They will be the last whites to fall, if they fall at all. They firmly believe they will be able to stay atop the pile of humanity if they keep the mass immigration gravy train flowing.

Democrats are the party of Mass Immigration and Republicans are the party of Cheap Labor. They work together on the really important stuff, such as keep the money in their hands.

It's a mix of things, but a lot of GOP politicians are genuinely stupid and don't understand systemic trends. I've heard them recite things like "Ted Cruz is a Hispanic, and he's a conservative, so, we just need better outreach...". Remember that the average age of a US Senator is 63 and a House member is almost 60, so we're talking about Boomers here.

UHhhhh is this a post from 2006? Have you been watching the news in the last two years?

What are you taking about you absolute retard, things are in motion, as we speak, to shut off immigration

Because establisment republicans care about two things. Israel and international capital (essentially Israel). As long as they can sit in their comft red state seats and bait voters with abortion or whatever they're not going to interfere with the globalist agenda.

We don't even have a wall. Immigration is continuing at a rapid pace. Look at the actual numbers. False/delusional whitepills are even more dangerous than accurate blackpills, because they induce complacency.

They're just stupid rich faggots.

What they do for work really isn't that demanding, they are in a bubble, probably have little idea how bad it is in the suburbs.

If Trump and Brexit don't radically change things it's over and these faggot millenials will be calling the shots for 10 years.

No one looks at history and draws parallels properly.
>Be Rome
>Powerful, conquering, expanding, seek glory, praise your gods and culture for hundreds of years and succeed due to a common vision of dominance
>Culture begins to become decadent
>Meek, non-violent, pitiful Christians come along
>People begin feeling pity for them as they wont fight back when proud Romans bash them
>Slowly allowed to continue spreading their word of weakness
>Overtime Romans stop glorifying their gods and power
>Culture crumbles as Christians take over
>50 years later former Goth enemies come begging to settle on Roman lands as refugees from the Huns
>Within 50 years these same refugees SACK FUCKING ROME
>About 50 more years later Rome falls for good

>Be "The West"
>Proud cultures glorifying their conquests in the name of Christendom
>All have common visions of dominance of their own culture spreading the word of God to the dark corners of the world
>Pity towards conquered peoples causes them to cut many loose who have had churches already placed
>Couple World Wars weakens the Imperial spirit
>Religion becomes optional
>Slowly meek Religious Liberals for lack of better term spread words of weakness calling it new flavors of freedom
>Culture rapidly crumbles and "white people have no culture"
>Suddenly refugees from everywhere entering these once proud nations

We live in a troubling time. Western civilization is collapsing again for the first time in 1500 years, actually that seems to be the cycle since the late Bronze Age collapse was about 1500 years before Rome fell.

Because the Republican Party is unfortunately still befouled by greedy businessmen who want cheap labor and compassionate cucks who believe brown people are based and closeted constitutional experts.

>establishment republicans
Think about what that term means.

good post

It's really easy to appeal to new voters if you drawing them from the entire world.
But it's killing the people who already live here. Appealing to immigrants is just a slow and painful death for the United States. Our nation is at a crossroads.

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