Obama voted best president in living memory

Rural Retards BTFO
If Obama had a third term, we’d be living in literal utopia

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One person's utopia is another's dystopia

stop it world government is a good idea.


>we’re falling back towards dystopia because my political opposites don’t want to advance the interests of useless third worlders

>Rural Retards BTFO
>If Obama had a third term, we’d be living in literal Ethiopia

>Rural Retards BTFO
>If Obama had a third term, we’d be living in literal Ethiopia
fixed it for you

Why don’t you want some on mars?

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>dragging us back into the 19th century

Pence time travel confirmed?

I know OP is trolling but holy shit do I hate r3ddit

>30% of the population is racist

It was a REDDIT poll
so no surprise here.

Who would a Jow Forums poll pick?

Its true in one part we would not be discussing kids in cages, because it would not be acknowledged as a problem with Hillary, or Obama because they are our guy.
The nation though would be getting pushed further into division, and much closer to civil war. Also we would be much poorer, and kowtowing to the EU, China, and drone attacking heterosexual weddings in the Middle East.
Yeah Obama was the best if you wanted to destroy this nation.

>Who would a Jow Forums poll pick?

fake news

The delusion is beyond strong with this one. Obama was far from anything listed, his administration was as transparent as a glass of milk. Also the amount of crony capitalism was off the hook with him.

lmao metritocracy. citi bank literally told him who to hire.

Andrew Jackson

also fucking lmao at the moon hotel thing. Obama directed NASA to focus on muslim outreach.
musk is a faggot but he's done more than nasa has in a long time.

First Mulatto POTUS. You have to give him that at least.

>in 25 years we'll all be speaking Chinese if we don't stop listening to EBIL RACISS

Literally how retarde do you have to be. 99% of "raciss" are very, very aware of how powerful China is and how much Chinese are spreading across the globe. In fact they're probably the most aware out of anybody.

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Niggers can only remember the last 17 minutes of their existence

fuck apparently I'm also retarded

>likely on the path to Utopia.

I lose faith in this world with each passing day

>Obama voted best president in living memory
By 12 year olds?

>moon hotel

he literally shut down NASA

No doubt because we would be in Screwedtophia.

Nigger ment to say Ethiopia.

fart huffers huff their farts!

Don't confuse their fantasies with reality. This is how we get Antitwats ruining everything.

With the invention of the internet 'living memory' has no bearing. Besides; Jackson holds that title.

WOW that sure is impressive

i hope it's of practical use

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Obama administration ruled for 8 years and it gave us nothing but more war and poverty. The only thing the Obama administration and his lasting legacy gave us was the "refugee crisis" and millions upon millions of people dead or displaced.

I fucking hate "liberals", I want to rip their fucking skin off.

Fucking kek

Except his retailation programm the deep state niggers talked him into made anarchists worldwide kill themself, they even managed to kill Hunter S. Thompson. stop007.org