(If you're a troll, have this 8=======D in your mouth and move to the next thread. This one's not for you.)
Okay, here's the thing: I have attempted twice. First, I tried hanging from a ceiling fan. The rope broke, I fell and hurt my knee. I was unable to walk and leave bed for five days. Next I tried taking pills. I'm no chemist, so I didn't know what to take. I took everything that I was in the medicine cabinet. Was rushed to the hospital and was kept there for a week. Still alive, I might add. What am I doing wrong? Any tips?
Side notes:
1) I live in Pakistan and guns are illegal here. To get a gun, I would have to make connections with ppl that I've avoided all my life, and I intend to keep that.
2) Don't suggest wrist slitting. I won't do it. I don't want to just sit there with open wrist waiting for it to end. The anticipation will kill me. I want something quick.