Suicide tips?

(If you're a troll, have this 8=======D in your mouth and move to the next thread. This one's not for you.)

Okay, here's the thing: I have attempted twice. First, I tried hanging from a ceiling fan. The rope broke, I fell and hurt my knee. I was unable to walk and leave bed for five days. Next I tried taking pills. I'm no chemist, so I didn't know what to take. I took everything that I was in the medicine cabinet. Was rushed to the hospital and was kept there for a week. Still alive, I might add. What am I doing wrong? Any tips?

Side notes:
1) I live in Pakistan and guns are illegal here. To get a gun, I would have to make connections with ppl that I've avoided all my life, and I intend to keep that.
2) Don't suggest wrist slitting. I won't do it. I don't want to just sit there with open wrist waiting for it to end. The anticipation will kill me. I want something quick.

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Ill take the bait.


Try gravity, or electrocution?

Come on, man. That's not an answer.
What about life?
Life is shit, but you can't just give up (for logical reasons).

Bitch over there faggot.

This thread is specifically for tips. I don't want to discuss why, I just want to know how.

Find a really tall building or cliff and jump off?

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In case you forgot the first time, here: 8======D

>Still alive
because you don't actually want to die.