What's the most red-pilled sport?

IMO it is wrestling. Not the fake, gay WWF shit. But colligate and international style wrestling. It has countless upsides:
>the world's oldest sport
>combat sport
>teaches hard work, self reliance, proper diet, proper hygiene, determination, etc.
>trains the body and mind
>hyper masculine
>builds team unity while emphasizes individualism
>very few blacks, whites and arabs dominate the international scene
>any body type and body size can combat due to weight classes
>offered for free at many middle (Jr High) and high schools in the USA

Is there a better sport to get your kids into?

Personally I think not.

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it's a perfect example of evolution, if you know what I mean


>not watching Aussie Rules Football
Its like American football, soccer, and rugby had a kid and removed the niggers

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I had fun throwing people around

Yep, the black kids lose their minds when a 6'1" Caucasian dunks.
Seems like there's one racial group that doesn't display any physical evolutionary traits, we both know who that is(;

Let me introduce you to the florentine football


Wrasslin is low key homo tho

Nothing involving the Suckclowns. Fuck you you lameass farmer fuck.

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