Because we're Greek, we are better at everything.
We took dirt from the ground and made it to computers, we are just better at life.
We will prevail while you will drown in a sea of niggers, slants, indians, latinos and other disgusting shitskins.
Because we're Greek, we are better at everything.
We took dirt from the ground and made it to computers, we are just better at life.
We will prevail while you will drown in a sea of niggers, slants, indians, latinos and other disgusting shitskins.
>he boasted while living off kraut gibs...
What can modern Greeks accomplish thu?
Only muslim shitskins live from welfare.
gimme a quick run down on Greece and why are you in Germany.
Nigger, please. You’re entire nation lives off german gibs. You’re poor and bitter.
I'm white
no you dumb muslim shitskin
>We took dirt from the ground and made it to computers
Does Greece make computers? I think they only make ouzo. But whatever, still better than the turkroaches, fucking subhumans. I really wish erdogan starts a war with europe.
based and redpilled
tfw he ignored me
Turks aren't greeks, iki.
Most modern Greeks aren't even trying to get close to our ancestors' level.
It is quite sad,
I don't think so. Computers today are usually made in China trash, planned to fail after some years.
Greeks don't have a protestant or Asian mentality, so they only produce quality, but in small numbers.
because they are already better
Greece is the greatest nation. We built the world and when you were hanging from the trees we made philosophy and literature. Truly great. We are best.
Ikibey thread?
Everyday discussions I have end with easily readable unethical purposes and endless loops.
The smart minority just goes along, playing the game.
okay, sounds based.
Tell me more about Greece, is the Golden Dawn Relevant?
>took dirt from the ground and made it to computers
fucking lmao
What he said is technically true.
Golden dawn are a nazi street gang trying to pose as patriots. Very dangerous my friend
Pay debnts
How else would you make metal gears?
pay debts
i thought it Was a Nationalist party, do you support them?
You can't be a Greek nationalist when you're against freedom.
It is a complex issue
stfu shill,
Greece gave us western Civilization.
>metal is made out of dirt
My replies are always objective/factual.
Why dont you like Greeks?
Yea i dont know about greek politics, i Just thought they were /our guys/
So, what flag are you hiding?
i am greek
Nah, they're the worst way to go about it.
Maybe they can be considered Gods for an Arab country.
>everything I say is true
Pay debt.
I don't know any Greek who has debts
There's no chance for you to win this.
I also lost my reaction folder, things are gud
But you post AntiGreek meme and say italian created western Civilization
>you cannot defeat me
Oh, you're the beddit faggot
funny thing, it was always known the were nazis, even their symbol is a swastika rip off but when the crisis started they blamed the media and the system to be lying and trying to bury them, it was easy because people were super pissed off at the people in power and because the majority of the voters are dumb fucks. They even got their supporters to do the nazi salute saying that it's a roman salute. After all this shit they got 3rd place in the elections :]]
How are you even posting from your OLPC?
I bet you unironically want a free market, equal human rights no matter if a citizen or illegal refugee, rights for terrorists and criminals, normalized gay marriages and a repeal of recognizing trannies as people with a mental disorder.
is the current government good then?
I certainly use the first computer in the history of mankind.
Turkroach rapebabies don't count as white stelios.
no you don't. what's it like living in a third world country anyway?
Greek Diaspora here. You're correct, Greek user. The last thing I worry about is our survival. We built the world.
Only A*glos and Ger*anic peoples have to worry about such a thing. They're week and vulnerable to their own pathologically altruistic impulses.
There are more Turkish rape babies in Sweden than in Greece.
I purely respect the Complete personal freedom of Greek citizens as our ancestors envisioned and the modem world(mostly the US) use already.
A free market would be there end of a Nation.
I despise illegal immigration and I don't care about gay people getting married or something since I'm not fucking them.
Sw*des will be replaced by more virile people. They're weak and feminine. The Greek will not only survive but thrive in the common centuries, while the northwestern Ger*anic peoples will vanish.
And I hate religious dogma.
A society where someone can tell my son that its ok to be a faggot and he suddenly starts taking an interest in that garbage is not a society you want to be raising kids in.
Its not just about if you want to fuck them or not.
Greeks do you have a plan for getting outside this mesh? Or you are just gonna wait until the EU collapses and forgets about the debts? I am not saying this would be a bad option. Would love to see the krauts getting bitten by their own poison.
He shouldn't be able to do so.
The point is that propaganda = restriction.
Which is why we shouldn't be concerned with preserving northwest Ger*anic culture/civilization. Modern civilization -- which includes the degenerate behaviors and "cultural" forms with which we are so familiar here on Jow Forums -- are a direct consequence of Ger*anic peoples.
Europe will survive, but only because the Slavs and Mediterranean peoples, excluding the Iberian Peninsula.
Cute desu.
As if gays are the biggest problem. Also it's inevitable. If you're a nation in the western influence sphere it's only a matter of time for your society to change after the american one.
why do greeks take so much credit for stuff that mostly macedonians and turks did? literal WE tier
Jeez, LQ.
Too on the nose leaf, try again later.
Gays are one of the larger problems. Thats where the transgender cancer begins. Men who just cant get satisfied with just being rammed in the ass, they need to feel like they were born with a vagina.
Also some nations will just reflect everything western culture throws at them because they've already established a stronger cultural presence. Thats the reason why some brands of food, clothes, cars etc are much more prefered in some areas that others.
Greeks have nothing to say to Ca*adians. Your Prime Minister is a proper measurement of who Ca*adians are and what Ca*ada is. Enjoy your replacement.
Greece's population is decreasing rapidly. Low birth rate and emigration while the foreigners have already become a big minority plus all the immigrants that come every day PLUS all the syrians who will eventually just stay in Greece. Greek society will be pretty much like every other western country when it comes to diversity.
what wrong, turks never invented an answer to that question?
>votes for 8 years of king nigger
>haha u hav trudeau lol
You jelly, aren't you(?)
We have Trump. That speaks volumes.
You have your Prime Minister -- whose filthy name I will not speak. Your opinion is useless.
Don't you agree that it's inevitable though?
Do your best to remove all that scum.
Germany is lost, but Greece can do it.
You're wrong. Greece does not suffer from the pathological impulse to be replaced. Greeks are far too ethnocentric and self-aware. We will never become what England or France has become.
>US flag though
>Obvious VPN
>jealous of being a subhuman
>muh god emperor neocon
>implying 4 years of trump undoes 8 years of obungo
>implying trudeau is and always has been prime minister
nice 56% of an argument.
you would've had hillary if it weren't for the electoral college. Your opinion is useless.
They're more ethnocentric than other nations but still not enough. We're literally americans and there's nothing we can do about it.
Allah is a homosexual.
yes, I am familiar with the term. thanks for le epic redpill faggot
be more sensitive there is a muslim right above you
Aside from Greece, the U.S. has the largest Greek population in the world.
Trump is not a neoconservative, as evidence by the North Korean Summit and the up-coming Russia summit. He has largely withdrawn from Syria, and he seeks to implement what is in effect a non-interventionist foreign policy.
In contrast, your Prime Minister -- whose filthy name I will not speak -- seeks to export dragon dildos to every nation in the world in an attempt to establish State enforced homosexuality.
It matters, friend. Greece is not polluted in the way that Ger*any is for instance. We will survive. We are too strong of a people!
To countries with lesser delevoped culture? Sure, they'll probably get assimilated.
To countries who have a stronger respect and rule to follow in the steps of tradition? Not a chance. Western culture frowns on traditionalism, it always aims for the new and ever changing. Which will be very unpopular in places like most balkan countries.
Take McDonalds for an example, one of the stepping stones of western food cultures, it only lasted 4 months in my city before it had to close up forever, now there is no McDonalds in my city.
Indeed, I forgot about Greeks keeping the Hellenic spirit alive.
Balls deep into the east. Too bad he absorbed eatern culutre into his army and way of living until his own men threatened to mutiny. Alexander was a cuck faggot. The companions and hoplites were the real Alphas
Canadians are the last ones who can call others faggot.
>trump is not a neocon
>here is list of things that make him the definition of a neocon
>haha i'll just make up something that sounds gay about trudeau
>that'll offend him
I think you should go back to the_cuckold
What are you talking about, both our countries produce close to nothing. Every manufactured good here belongs to a foreign company.
Well he had to didn't he? He spread much more hellenic culture than he assimilated easter culture.
>only major art forms depict nude muscular dudes
>culture of practicing pederasts and boylovers
>basically prehistoric nambla: the race
>questioning anybody else's sexuality
Greece is overall one of the best societies and culture on the planet. How's it going with the economy over there? I hated seeing the EU cuck them with austerity.
Nigger even your ID is brown
Not entirely true. I dont know about your country, but here we still are one of the, if not THE, largest rose oil producers in the world. We have a few weapons companies which export a lot of custom AKs over to the states and other countries. But mostly we produce lots of food, since we have lots of open land and fields here.
Most factories are owned by foreign companies, but thats hardly all of our production power.
I have made my case. Given that you cannot rebut my points, I will assume you have surrounded, which isn't out of the ordinary for a filthy Ca*nadian. Enjoy your filthy Prime Minister, whose name I will not speak.
>literally provides arguments for my case
>haha rebut my points
these things aren't that hard lad
also if the asterisk goes over a vowel you insatiable mutt
You know next to nothing about ancient Greece.
Just repeating Jow Forums posts made by shitskins who are jealous of Greeks.