How is she so inept?

How is she so inept?

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i saw an interview a few weeks ago where she said multiple times to exit the eu because thats what uk wants. what exactly did she sign now?

Answered your own question

You think she is inept?
Isn't she a remainer?
The real inept people are the ones that expected her to Brexit.
Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool that followes them?

Despite the popular belief, a politician's job is not to ensure the welfare of their country, but simply to get rich. I assure you she's more than capable in that area.

she's fucking poison

let's meme her demise lads

worst PM ever

I bet her approval rating is in single figures

She isn't. She is a spectacular leader actually.

they're the public face of the real rulers, the deep state and banking mafia

and this, she's a total EU double agent

>Remainer in charge of Brexit
>Brexit turns into a shitshow
Nobody's surprised.

She was pushed into the role because literally nobody else wanted it.

they're there to bullshit us, to divide us, to deceive us, to distract us, and most of all to demoralise us.

I wanted it. I'm not a Tory, but I would have done a much better job.

There was a large poll but I can't remember what it was, it said something daft like a 30% approval rate that she'd deliver the best brexit. I thought about it and realized that is probably about the right % of remainers still going on about it. A bad brexit is a remain victory even if it fucks the country because they'l simply go back to their french cottages, pretty simple stuff

If doubles based Corbyn will become PM and implement a hard brexit

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why God, why

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Yeah well I could have been more specific and said that non-tories such as plebs, labour voters, shills, pakis and people from Timbuktu weren't included in 'nobody else'.
The first step was eligibility.

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Serves her right, she trusted the sand niggers.

what happened to nigel? did he not want that position?

different party, a meme party that went viral one summer basically, but will never get in power because it's so smol

He's not a tory.


Didnt think you were allowed to post on pol Theresa.
Cant wait to watch the knives come out the second you sign off any deal.

Nimble dame.

he should be

Ukip should be the conservatives, conservatives should be Labour, and Labour should be the Lib Dems.

at the moment it's basically which party do you want goy, the left, the far left, or the far far left

would Hillary have been this bad or worse?

but im sure ukip will come and save the day right???

>How is she so inept?

on purpose, would be my estimation.

I wish. Big Nige would be a revelation as PM. There's no chance though, they're miniscule and get demonised in the (((media))). And in fact them running would take more votes off the useless Tories and give the even more useless Labour a leg up and a greater chance of winning.

ive heard they have had an uptick in membership, or is it a drop in the bucket


yeah it's a bit weird with the youtube kids joining, Nige isn't even with them anymore, he'd have to rejoin and make a leadership challenge (though they'd bve crazy to oppose him in any way, he's the only reason anyone ever heard of them, and without him they're a shell.

but basically to win here you need to have the most 'seats', every constituency is a seat, there are 650 of them, and each one is fought for by a maximum of 1 representative of each party.

So that's a lot of money needed, a sugar daddy is needed basically, and he'd be pissing his money away, because they still couldn't compete in the media, where most people get their information, and the msm would never help them.

he tweeted that if brexit isnt started by 2019 hes getting back in politics, and yalls politics is weird to me

Yeah trannies and pedophiles are a big thing in the pedo elite circles.

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and just to clarify no representative can compete for more than 1 seat.

yeah, I was hyped when I heard he was making an announcement, but to me he's saying if the bomb goes off I'll join the bomb squad, it'll be too late to affect it by then unless it's cancelled, and I doubt it will be cancelled, more likely botched intentionally by T. May.

I think this whole thing is and only ever was a negotiating tactic to get a better deal than we had before. And it looks like May's going to negotiate us an even worse deal the way she's going!

I would think her love, Angela Merkel and her, get on regularly together, and decide what to fuck

she's a female for a start

shes a useless twat waffle, she should be fired

She get a nice deposit in the BVI offshore account everytime she makes the Daily Mail REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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She'll be out of office by the end of the week. Get fucked EU...

checked and correcked

yep, from a cannon preferably

tories cant govern beyond cutting taxes for businesses and slashing benefits

I don’t think think Theresa the Appeaser is inept. She was Remain until she got the PM job and now suddenly it’s a shock May is slow rolling and sabotaging brexit?

fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt fuck this cunt

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shes a criminal.

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So Labour gets in next election?
What's next for; the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and UKIP? I thought the Lib Dems were on the road to classical Liberalism again after 2010 but that seems to have flipped? Is UKIP going to make headway in general elections and start to get some power? What's the predictions?

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mutt here, quick rundown?

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The fact she is a "conservative" pisses me the fuck off.

Backstabbing whore of a PM betrays the majority.