
Why do liberals use this word and why is it so infuriating?

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It is a marker to identify them easier. Like a tracking meme

I’m conservative and I use that. But I live in northern Kentucky practically and it’s par course for our dialect around here.

Should have posted this. It’s even on our landmarks.

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>through and through
>and that's a good thing
>oh sweetie



I want these to die too

Christ, these people are embarrassing.

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same reason people say pop or soda its just regional dialect

If they're not from the south and they're using it, then they're culturally appropriating. You should call them out on that.

Co opting our got damn dialect?

funny, in my country, liberals also talk in infuriating way

>can't say y'all now
what the fuck am I supposed to say 'you all'? 'you'?

Too soon

they use it because niggers use it, and they love emulating their braindead pets

it's infuriating because of this, and also because it's more broadly southern lexicon, so it sounds wrong hearing some estrogen-pumped cosmopolitan faggot say it

Tumblr/twitter, and originally from black cultural appropriation

"folks" pisses me off more than any of the other ones

"You guys," even if you're addressing a group of women.

I'm from Texas, I'll say y'all whenever I damn well please

>You all
Also fuck off yank

Because black people say it and libs want to be "cool" like their hip negro friends.

I'm from central New York State and I use y'all for some reason.

>insulting Jow Forums‘s ancient cultural traditions


Hello guys, I am quite autistic and I am not very exposed to normies. I thought that this word was ghetto language and not liberal...?

One would think y’all’d’ve figured out the efficiency of contractions by now.

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>Why does [thing I don't like] do [thing I don't like]
Since you're just making shit up, why not make up your answer too? Just feel the feel that you were always going to feel and name it, maybe microscopic larynx jews or something.
Alternatively, I dare you to walk around the Southern USA and declare that anybody who says "y'all" is a liberal.

He asked why liberals use it not southerners. Fuckers in California use when they are typing and its annoying. I'm from the south and say it all the time but never use it online. My guess is they are copying niggers

They're doing what they unironically think conservatives do. Doesn't bother me. I've always thought the whole hissy fit over the word was stupid anyways. It's a combination of you and all that saves time said that way and it's perfectly understandable to anyone who isn't ESL.

you'da thunk yalldve fig'rd quick talk by now

Delete this you fucking poser.

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Because it's a good-ass word. Much better than the pleb tier "you all".

>You guys
But that's Yankee-speak user

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i use it because i live in rural pa, faggot

Yall wypipo crazi animols. All yall wypipo be shootin up skoolz and sheiit. Fuk Donal trump.
>robs his local deli for 40oz malt beer and chips

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It's fucking southern not liberal Jew yankee you fucking retard

It's like ordering a hamburger pizza but they say they don't have hamburger pizza when the person really means beef. Same with different areas calling their sugar Jew drinks pop, soda, coke or cola.

When did I ever say it wasn't Southern, you utterly-braindead retard? I'm simply asking why pretentious coastal liberals have, in recent years, adopted a prominent example of Southern slang. It's peak cringe to adopt the regional dialect of a region you don't belong to, like Americans saying "mate."

Yall is southern.
So fuck you!
But I can support any yanks that use the term being final solutioned.

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>uniroincally redpilled and based

Hey mate, in another life I believe I was a great Australian hunter that sold kangaroo meat.

Y'all better check that privilege y'all.

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>"Why do liberals do [thing]?"
>retards immediately chimp out because they can't fucking read and think I'm attacking them

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>ya fags

Your ID.

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Who knows. I feel like it started from Twitter and suburban kids are co-opting it in order to feel sassy or some shit, i.e.
>y'all don't know what you're talking about when it comes to women's rights
>y'all are straight pissing me off
It's annoying. I live smack dab in the middle of Toronto and everyone under the age of 25 seems to be using it.


I use that word. It's a plural 'you'
or if you're from New Joisey, an alternative to 'youze guyzes"