White women are on the loose
Something has to happen to make them behave
What do we do?
White women are on the loose
Something has to happen to make them behave
What do we do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>She punches, kicks, throws objects, etc. and he still walks away
>One light shove sends her flying back onto the ground
Women are so fucking pathetic.
Why are women so fucking weak rofl fucking pathetic, if that were me I would've laughed in that cunt's face and danced around then raped her haha fucking women we should've enslaved them hilarious
just walk away
LOL dude held on to his drink too. barely spilled a drop.
they are not
they are just as racist as white men
something must be done to solve this problem
Women’s minds are not as capable as men’s apart from some of them. They simply are not inclined and or biologically equipped to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them and are therefore more prone to acting in ways such as this.
Did she fucking smash a glass on his face?
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