'Why do the media demonise African Australians'

What are Jow Forums's thoughts on this? Should a black persons race really be disclosed if they commit a crime?

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>fuck off we're fu--

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I'm sick of the anti-human bias when police say they are looking for a person who committed a crime. They should just say they are looking for an entity.

If it's a description of the person... yes?

I refuse to believe they're so bad that the media has to take time out of their routine of bashing white people to demonize them.
Emus aren't people senpai, why you think thee's so many sharp borders? They're fucking walls

compare that map to this map of arable land. really makes me think

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The empty parts are wastelands full of dropbears, emus, and abbos.

>African Australians

This isn't aus/pol/ fullanon


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The light yellow parts are desert, Shlomo

Yep - After the war hundreds of thousands of black and white zimbabweans fled Mugabe and moved to australia

my cousins(white rhodies) still live in melbourne

luckily the vast majority of immigrants were actually skilled/educated thanks to the excellent school system in Rhodesia so it's not as bad as the blacks that are flooding into europe

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You guys already have abos, enough subhumans.

have you seen it in a satellite image?
the interior is mostly inhospitable
desu it wouldn't be so bad if we flooded it with seawater

>southern tassie one factor low
I always thought TAS was pretty good for farming, but I guess its just the North huh?

Shut up you dirty shitskin, we need to work together to fix this mess.

That painting is lewd.

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> African Australians


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White africans from rhodesia and south africa moved here. The blacks are mainly sudanese due to endless civil war there.

Surprised me too, I always picture Tasmania as some sort of green paradise in contrast to the desert that is Austrailia. I wonder how our nation compares

>deport two
>bring 20,000 more in

Yas Peter Dutton

Ive been looking at places around koonya/eagle neck and it looks beautiful, lots of rainfall too. I guess that the soil isnt friendly. Sad, I want to grow a small orchard

Deport them all - NOW. I never see any of these niggers doing anything but loitering around the city and speaking to underage Aussie women.

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>African Australians
There's no such thing as an African Australian. Australians are white.

Pick one. You can't be both.

Also bump.

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Tassies fucked
chinks are in on it, median house price up %40 in under a year

Fuck, I hate the Chinese so fucking much

check the development that just got approved down there.
There are homeless aussies, I shit you not, living around Hobart who can't afford to live further away


>african australian

god fucking damnit, if there was ever a term i thought i'd never, ever hear it's that and it just disgusts me

Abos aren't african

I've got a good idea, lets punch the bus driver in the face.

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