What country would you fight and die for?

What country would you fight and die for?

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Any place where I can smell women's feet

Also OP here, to answer my own question:

I'm from zimbabwe BUT I'd never die for ZANU - but I'd fight the terrs any day for the old regime

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A white ethnostate.

Only one

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I would die fighting for Texas independence.

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The best one

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I would die a 1000 deaths for the white ethnostate.

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none because i'm not retarded

lol more like mexican

Right now? Probably anything

The only correct answer is souria

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In all seriousness, the United States.

So you would die for israel?

I like living.

I won't die for a geographic location. I'll gladly give my life to secure the existence of my people and a future for white children.

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He loves life. He loves making poo instreet.

Life is beautiful

Only for Switzerland or Ireland, last two civilized countries on earth.

The California Republic
>used to be legal to kill mexicans, chinks, niggers as long as you disposed of the body
>had laws that said “chinks”
>used to have antijew laws

The fourth reich

USA and California. My family have been here in California since 1866. My family relative was a town founder (Turlock)

(High five) welcome bro

My own nation, and then any nation with a northern european ethnic group under attack. The more the population looks like my relatives the more inclined I am to protect them

Y'all taking this so serious. If I wasn't forced to fight for the U.S. just because of citizenship. I'd probably pick Hong Kong (Not China) as a possible alternative just because I like it and it's really beautiful there.

They're like technically independent but they're China's bitch at the very least. So a fight for an independent Hong Kong? I'm game.

The aryan states of america. None of the ones that currently exist.


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Fucking none of them
I would fight and die for my loved ones though.


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A White, Christian, Patriarchy. Not any place where I'm forced into an "equality" with faggots, women, jews, moslems, niggers, and brown people.

Depends on the conflict, international war: USA, Civil War: the right


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It depends if you're talking about a worthwhile war, something which hasn't existed for centuries.

My own and maybe The Kingdom of Bavaria if it ever got its independence.

It depends on the purpose of the fighting.

I would fight and die for no country in this modern state.

However, if it's for the purpose of the West's genetic and cultural preservation and proliferation, then many (except for the US, because the US is a country of bastards that has spread degeneracy and cultural poison throughout the West). No specific country would matter as long as the end-goal is achieved. However, if I had to fight not just for the success of European peoples but also of a specific nation I would choose...

Most notably:

I fight for my Commonwealth

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>hating non whites
That's not very Christian of you.

nice try Ahmed. They are the canary in the coal mine. If they get nuked we at least know to start sprayin’ & prayin’ with our nukes.

the one with the money

United States of America, Ireland, U.K., Poland, and Russia. In that order.


High IQ Post

>dying for roasties with dented grills
Nigel is cool

Unironically Serbia or Croatia. Depends on circumstance.


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Non. Just kill as much CIA niggers as possible.

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That’s a Roger.

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Honest question: How does it feel knowing that whites were the only thing keeping your country from being a shithole, and now that mugabe has forced them out and redistributed their land, it's become a literal nightmare?

Traitor, I'm sending the RSS to break your legs.