>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump @Breakfast w/NATOSec Stoltenberg 7/11/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @NATO Welcoming Ceremony 7/11/18
>Pres Trump @NATO Leaders Working Dinner 7/11/18
>Pres Trump departs NATO HQ 7/11/18
>Pres Trump meets w/FRA Macron 7/11/18
>Pres Trump meets w/GER Cunt Merkel 7/11/18
>Pres Trump @NATO Council meeting 7/11/18
>Pres Trump @NATO Summit Welcome Ceremony 7/11/18
>Pres Trump tours Agora 7/11/18
>Pres Trump/NATOSec Stoltenberg statements 7/11/18
>Pres Trump welcomed by NATO Sec Stoltenberg 7/11/18
>FLotUS Melania w/other 1st Ladies 7/11/18
>VP Pence @America 1st Event in Kansas City MO 7/11/18
>VP Pence on Rush Limbaugh Show 7/11/18
>Ivanka @Senate on Paid FamLeave 7/11/18
>Acting EPA Admin Wheeler address to EPA 7/11/18
>DepSoS Sullivan @AGOA Forum 7/11/18

OP pastebin:

Attached: bythepussy.jpg (3418x3112, 1.18M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I love Charlotte Pence

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>Trump master mind 4D chest.
Trump is the prime example of the Dunning–Kruger effect. Prove me wrong pro tip, you can't.

>Only focuses on monetary value.
>What is soverein state with slightly different interest (does he expect to dictate all of the west)
>Only want to make a shortsided deal, doesn't understand long term relationships.
>What is arms Sales to allies. And control over supply of equipment and spare parts.
>Does a bigger militairy marktet gives the US a competative advantage in inovation?
>What is cloud?
>What is power projection? (why does the US spend so much more)
>What is the Petro dollar?
>What is reserve currency?
>What is foreign trust in T-bonds.

>Labor gets in short supply, Wages go up for the lower class.
>Higher consumer prices.
>Has to import them legaly, has to give them voting rights
>Has to pay them properly

>US "wins"
> US gives up its leverage over China.
>American investors get worst ROI, American esteblisment loses global power.
>Loses acces to markets, less money flows back to American multinationals, loses competative advantage in inovation.
>Higher consumer prices.
>Labor gets in short supply, Wages go up for the lower class.
>Niggers demand more money.
>More US niggers get jobs, and more wealth. More cloud.
>Niggers get uppity. More money to suport more niglets.

>No abortion rights
>More Niggers
>Make America Black again

The US holds all the cards.
>Folds aces cause he doesnt understand the game? Why is he so hellbent on destroying the American global order? Yeah 4D chest so brilliant. Make America mutt again! MAMA

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I need to get to a dentist

>t. yellowteef smokerfag

Attached: 1410752870077.jpg (243x207, 8K)

>tfw she'll never be my wife

Attached: 1517642190157.gif (900x900, 211K)

Scared yet, drumphtards?

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>great at C or Java
can you describe your problem, op? happy to lend a hand?



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What are they gonna do? Nag us to death?

y so many shills today seemed like a very slow news day to me

Yeah, I'm going to have to dodge used tampons as well as hobo needles/shit/piss when I go into Seattle next time.

Pretty sure I'm accomplishing that by being a smokerfag, user.

> abortions are contraceptives now

>be smokerfag
>told to kys
Already am jackass.

Euroniggers finally realized Trump wasn't kidding about NATO.

>not the weaker sex
>need men to open jars
where are they going with this ?

This nigger has some gal...

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>we'll Jezebel our beta orbiters and some dumb niggers into being violent for us if you don't pay the bill for me killing my baby.
Why must I suffer these people?

I-Is this the thread or the other one?

I didn't realize so many shills were euronigs I thought it was just leafs

>hey user you forgot to fill some parts of your application to be my personal assistant come back and stop walking away so fast, hey user..dont you hear me

Attached: ExecutivePortrait-030.jpg (1363x2048, 365K)

This actually kind of hurts cause my moms second pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Could you handle dinner with President Trump?
>what would you say if so?

Belligerent Harpy Screeches Unintelligible Hatred At World That Spawned It, And That's A Good Thing!

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>the absolute state of the NATO alliance post WWII

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No one is banning contraceptives
You’re mad that you won’t be able to force me to pay for your fuck pills
You’re making me want to ban them
We should just ban roastie fuck pills

>hey let’s attack the fans
>I’m sure this won’t end badly, Schlomo Goldstein!
Why are kikes this tone deaf? You’d think they’d be more subtle. Instead they keep attacking without thinking about the long term consequences.

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post livewebm?

In november death grabs Ginsberg by the pussy.

There's a major domestic push to bandwagon it too, but it's all the usual astroturfers.

i remember when we had rope for people who spoke like this . America won't truly be great until day of the rope

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Yesterday someone pointed out that the Founding Fathers, on average, lived into their late 70's. This whole argument from the left about lifetime appointments is just twisting average lifespan, which was decreased do to infant mortality, with expected longevity of adults. Also, fucking since when do leftists give a shit about the Founders' vision for this country?

How is anyone taking their contraceptives?

They're dark as fuck. gallowshumor/10

Many people know or atleast can imagine the feel, which is why these are so effective

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I've been wanting to ask Trump the same question I had 3 years ago - are you aware of how much people actually believe in you and how much they love you?


God is the greatest abortionist of them all

If you made it 15 you would make it to 60 in many cases. By 1910 that was over with for the most part

>WWII apparently lasted until 1950
I fucking hate all you 20yr old boomers

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Trade wars are easy to win.

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>just nine
well make the others pay then, because we're footing the bill for them

Half Saiyan, half namekian, half Uchiha babies

God I fucking love white painted toes FUCK

just wait until artificial wombs

the problem is i would need MySQL to match strings with errors (for example, find titles like "Trump General" but with misspellings like "Turmp Genereal" or etc.). i do not think MySQL does that, or efficiently enough even if it does
i know how to solve approximate string matching via edit distance in Java or C, but that would require me to extract the huge amount of archive data, parse through the data and perform the matching. here it's less of a question of "do i know how to do it" and more of "am i actually that autistic that i will do that much work for this"
for now, i'll settle for having a few holes. i can patch them up later

guess when I fucked her in the ass with a hammer I should been more delicate. Oh well

No, but a girl like her could be your wife. Just b urself.

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>disney allowing their dogs to fuck up their image of being family friendly


would you quit if I told you you're gonna lose 10 years of your life if you keep it up and will sink healthcare even more in your country?

Shit made me kek hard.

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perfect feet

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They are hellbent in destroying themselves while at the same time buying all the competition, creating an illegal monopoly on movies.

She dates a sandnigger, right?

Stop referencing this show

Does this count?

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That's exactly my point, you dumb nigger.

*next week

have to believe this faggots fucks little sand niggers in the ass.

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The communist CIA guy defends the closet German communist (Merkels is slowly killing germany's energy production to increase its reliance on russia).

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>He doesn't represent the NAYSH
>VapeNaysh y'all

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By making it go back to being a state by state decision, as it damn well should be.
Government funded abortions and "plan b" pills will only be legal in new york and california.

it happens a lot, to my mother too.

she was easy to dox

Like what? They'll keep making Shit Wars movies?

Male aborted black lives matter activist and aborted antifa
>I just wanted to fight fascism
>I guess freedom of speech does mean freedom from consequences now...

>which sometimes died in wee hours and had to be revived by presumably trumpOP))
that is correct.. the first i'd say 3-5 weeks there were maybe 2 threads/day, sometimes 3 even when rallies where happening which at the time werent daily, and overnight did not exist at all
it was maybe 2-3 months before /tg/ went 24/7
>(in related news, FUCK that one baker that would misspell "new thread" every time he baked, that alone is going to make finding this shit incredibly difficult)
that was probably me ;^)
i salute your autism, as one who knows that feel

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>implying NATO wasn't useful
Jesus you kids who didn't live through the cold war really are retarded

Woo let's make some money user


I see Democrats are about to reclaim the House as well. Very exciting!

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Should be titled "most Americans don't think Obama was the greatest president" since that is what their data says

Well Kennedy basically told male fans to fuck off already, so many of the audience. What now? Who even cares anymore? Even Mark Hamill knows this series is beyond six feet underground.

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glad i could help. but srsly will stew on it

Ok so let's start from the basic.

A criminal buffoon we call #45, is under investigation and has nominated a supreme court judge, not one by 2. Does any one not see a problem with this? Let's not even discuss that one of them was a stolen seat.

Oh and there is a report that Kennedy made a deal with trump to get Kava the nomination..... does any on not see a problem with this?

I want a legitimate president and a legitimate supreme court judge. Not some people bought by the russians.....

Oh and Nate Silver said today that a blue wave is now inevitable.

Fucking greedy kikes, didn't Disney buy rights to a bunch of public domain folk and fairy tales that they'd made into movies but that existed for hundreds of years prior?

Sorry for having participated in the thread split, I just wanted to show you guys my fresh Trump meme

>another episode of laura flirting with the fag

Bro, you broke the mold.

have to use my sequin?

That post is ignorant of global finance. also there are a lot more resources than just energy and food. what are pandemics, what is nuclear proliferation, what is global warming etc. some ages favor defensiveness (castles) than cannons get invented and proactive warfare gets favored. we life in a time were defensive strategies lose to pro activeness.

Isolationism is retarded

Okay that's quite enough of that forced shit...

they're great

>why hasn't she told my sister about me?
These are fucking great. So simple, so incendiary. This kind of shit is going to be spreading across boomer evangelical facebook and the media is going to be attacking it just like IOTBW. And to think, it all came from those dumb gf memes. The Russians hackers have done it again.

THE LAST JEDI director RIAN JOHNSON has stated that GAMERGATE is “the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns,” adding that similarly vitriolic movements that have since sprouted up online are “lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.” The Star Wars filmmaker, who was on the receiving end of huge amounts of fan backlash over his entry in the sci-fi saga, has been an outspoken presence on Twitter regarding the incredibly divisive reaction to The Last Jedi and its cast/creators.

Johnson stated that he was “amazed how few people know about Gamergate” in an exchange on Twitter, replying to an article regarding Comicsgate, an anti-diversity campaign launched by comic book fans

checked, acutely

why are there so many shitty abortion memes now?

idk, but they've fucked with copyright law since Mickey should've been put in public domain by now

What are you going to do, by stock in coat hanger manufacturers?


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