What are /pol's thoughts on Chris Langan and the CTMU? Is the theory a legit advancement in terms of knowledge of the universe or is he just a high IQ larping boomer?
Crackpot pseudo astrophysical mumbo jumbo from someone without a formal educational background.
Langan is a fag and proves IQ really doesn't mean shit.
Look at that head you can tell there's an abnormal amount of knowledge in there.
Who are you to say that though? I am not ruling that possibility out, but it doesn't seem self-evident that that's true
If he posts on Jow Forums, then why are there nothing but brainlets here?
sounds better than what they teach you in school and TV
> formal education background
> parotting what less intelligent people have memorized and repeated themselves is more important than being actually intelligent and working through issues
He's a literal retard who took a crackerjack box tier IQ test
If any of you faggots would go to the CTMU Facebook page and read what he has to say, you would see that he is 100% redpilled. Too bad you’re all too insecure about your intelligence to consider maybe someone is smarter than you
He's redpilled and intelligent but his foundational understanding of science is lacking. I doubt he could pass a senior level Chemistry/Physics course.
Yeah it works that way- call response theory feed in what you need out the universe 'loves' you (maybe literally) hence why does prayer and intent work the way it does but it likes to solve problems and help people I think. There's something very odd about it all.
Most high level science courses are not graded by big picture knowledge, rather by minute details about theories and studies. Regardless, his CTMU theory relies little on a foundational knowledge of physics/chemistry. To me, his theory was generated by intuition (as is any great advancement in philosophy or science. Einstein did not empirically stumble upon e=mc^2, rather he intuited it)
But there is not proof that prayer works right?
This claim is baseless and I doubt you’ve read anything written by him. Try “The Art of Knowing”
CTMU takes some of the basic premises of hermeticism (All is mind) and attempts to frame it in the language of higher order logic, that's all. Any other esoteric anons will undoubtedly agree. Tbh you could read the Kybalion, or any of Manly P Halls works and obtain the same understanding.
This guy gets it. The world wasn't made by splitting hairs.
truly intelligent people can explain their theory to the common folk, this dude uses so many latin and french root words-mumbo-jumbo. Rediculous. I can't understand a word this fake-big-word intellectual. Use simple words and form your own compound words taken from simple English. "Cognitive" is just an example of, what i, think a bullshit word
There's not proof that it doesn't - and yet some people seem to swear by it. Others swear by their luck, and others by their gut or intuition.
This may be a fair criticism. But it is only a criticism of himself and his shortcomings in communication. One's ability to communicate his/her ideas should not determine whether those ideas are correct or incorrect
>big word
Jamal your lips are poking out from under your flag
Actually there definitely are studies that show things like this have no deviation from statistical predictions. A good example would be the prevalence of professional poker players that swear they had a feeling they would win the hand, while in reality their odds are completely predictable and non-varying
There are also studies showing people who can statistically beat the odds- it's just a back and forth. Might want to talk to someone who either had a miraculous happening or someone who's good at finding things.
He mispelled a few of those 'big words' he used too, but I shant be a grammar nazi to someone so wise. how can langan even compete?
People can statistically beat the odds in situations where the odds aren't the only factor at play (poker is also a skill game). Talking to people who have experienced very low percentage chance situations is bound to mislead you into thinking anecdotal evidence is representative of something greater
I'm so sick of Langan's six-gorillion IQ. He hasn't done shit or invented or patented anything so he's just a normal fag.
He is red pilled on the Jews. Plus CTMU solves Evola's and Nietzsche's transcendence problems.
The human race requires something greater than themselves such as God/Purpose to survive. CTMU can be the basis and foundation of a factual religious ideology and God for the white race. It is perfect for National Socialism.
Um no, he actually explains things without using big words. That's what makes him great.
Cognitive is not a big word Jamal.
Read it. The main idea is the rejection of the free will-determinism dichotomy and the proposal that the universe is self-determinant.