What the fuck were they thinking?

They would skate on this?

Attached: 20180711_185458.png (1080x1196, 630K)

what is that "art" even supposed to be. I guess its disrespectful but its also looks pretty dumb and "abstract"

Remember. Most of these universities are at least partially taxpayer funded.

They found out a mob was going to show up tonight with pitchforks and torches with blood in their eyes.


Attached: 1531345030760.jpg (399x510, 35K)

and their administrators are all kikes.

It's un-American to take this flag down.

That town is full of liberal dipshits. I worked there many years sadly.


wow cool art there Kansas!

Attached: 1454608801761.jpg (639x617, 111K)


can't anyone be bothered to include some fucking context when making these threads? is it because it's summer?

H̷͓̫̠͓̞̘́͘e̷̢̧̛͇͔͕͚͔̰̼̟͉͢ͅ ̛̬̫͍͇͍̱̣̝͡͞͠c̵̶̖̺̟̹͔̦͢͞ͅọ̵̷̧͎͇̳̺͈͇̬̳͙̰̪͕͝͠ͅm̨̨̡̜̯̠̩̙̗̰̮̤͖͕̪̣̀è̵̡̙͈͖̙̙̭̹̮̼̳̱̪͟͞ͅͅs̛͈̙̬͇̳̗͈̭̩̀́͟͢

Maybe you should go to a different country then faggot

get gassed pls


Attached: DhCoYreUEAAlfG-.jpg (720x496, 24K)

I agree. The most American thing there is is free speech and y'all should be ashamed to infringe. I love the flag, but I love the Constitution more.

>people use their own free speech to voice opinion about this flag
>school removes flag of their on volition
shut the fuck up you greasy weasels

No country will Respect us until we Respect our own Flag. Trumps SCOTUS will approve an Executive Order making Desecration of The Flag of the United States of America a Class 4 Felony.
Screencap this and put it in a folder.

Well then, it won't be America anymore. That flag, and what it represents, contains the right to shit on, desecrate, and burn any symbol or argument defending that flag. You like to say that the second amendment protects the first, but why defend the first when you set up "sacred" symbols that may never be violated? If you don't see how that infringes the first amendment, then you just don't get the concept of free speech. It even means you get to say "fuck free speech," but you don't get to shut people up and you don't get to keep the rest of us from hearing people say "fuck free speech." It's not just about the saying. It's also about the hearing.

Lawrence is not Kansas.
Lawrence is a commie shithole.

You are literally actually fucking retarded.

student here, can confirm

I know I sound retarded. Maybe I am. But I feel like, sometimes, there are things worth defending.

The largest reason you are retarded is because it's not the same thing. They have the right to keep it up, as they did, but they also have

... right to take it down. This is something owned by the University of Kansas, and they have a right to not allow things like that flag to be hung up. It's not the students private property.

I just feel like sometimes we lose the thread, you know? "Free Speech" sounds old fashioned and Leftist and like something from the ACLU. I know that. And I suppose UK does have the "free speech" right to take it down. But in these borders, in the goddamned USA, we also have a right to say that the USA sucks and the flag sucks and we hate it and I love the USA because we have those rights and I really feel that Jow Forums wouldn't exist without them.