How do we acheive our HUWHITE enthostate

How do we?

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I don't think it's a realistic goal personally. You want a white ethnostate? Move to Poland or Vermont

A national socialist enthostate maybe?




less larping

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dropping the meme flag is a good start

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>ban abortion
>civil war.jpeg
>secede in the chaos


Okay then

>civil war 2.0
also a giant meme. we will lose before we can win.

The only way to take back america is to fall back to the white small towns. From there we create a national ethno-religious identity movement, and encourage very high birthrates, community defense and isolationism from the non-white rest of the country. Over several generations the population will explode. Then we have the numbers to re-seed the country.

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Nice plan.

Tell me more

>the left starts breaking shit
>the left starts actually breaking shit, employs minorities to do so

This is a shitstorm of a situation.

Also, sorry, but economics. Small town america survived off of the farm economy, which has become increasingly automated. It cant support us

any future ethnostate must be built organically from the ground up. Pressure from the non-white government will make securing any territory impractical until the advanced stages

Small towns will comprise a web of underground political, economic, communications and defense support that will allow these small isolated communities to act as a nation within a nation, helping support eachother against various threats.

the religious nature of the movement will allow the use of religious exemptions to circumvent current anti-discrimination and tax laws in the meantime

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enjoy the decline

then drop yours, american pig

>Being blackpilled

The only way white normies would accept an ethnostate is if the left pushed so far and hard that the normies go full fash

Ya know just like how it happened in Germany

Banknotes as worthless as wallpaper is what drove the German people fash.

the same way we lost it ironically, ((peaceful)) demographic manipulation

Also another stock market crash.


Seasteading. It's the only way.

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