Be white, upstanding citizen, family man

>Be manager at sporting goods store
>mangy nigger comes in
>tries to steal a .40 caliber handgun, ammo, and backpack
> white man apprehends him until cops arrive.
> another nigger swarthy nigger thwarted from evil doings
> white man gets fired for it
> now out of job with 2 kids to feed

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Other urls found in this thread:

forgot link, aslo pic of filthy nigger.

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niggers ruin everything. fuck that company for firing him, probably scared they are going to get sued or something. this world is fucked.

It is most store policy to punish or fire an employee who confronts a thief or robber. Liability issues. Takes lowes for example. You can literally just walk right out with anything you want. At most, the cops get a description of you, thats it. They are not allowed to leave the store even to id your car or plate. Do what you will with that info.

its stupid, ass backwards thinking. Only a jew would come up with laws that benefit criminals.

Grown man with family.
Lets his whole income rely on the whim of one boss.
Yeah, this will end well...

Thanks user, i need a new shed.

stupid fucking law

Not a law. Just corporate policy.

Check out the JF streams with Frame Game and it will all make sense. Basically the US civil right laws (especially disparate impact) from the 60s has resulted in a trillion dollar diversity industry in the US and cases like this could and most likely will lead to multi billion dollar lawsuits. You regularly see 100 million dollar settlement. It's insane.

Watch all of the videos. Especially the Starbucks ones.

Why do so many blacks in mugshots do that teeth thing where they intentionally open their lips and make a chimp-style teeth-baring expression? I've seen it too many times for that to be coincidental.

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*settlements in the 100s of millions of dollars

I'll make sure to never shop at a Academy sports ever again in my life then.

let this be a lesson: don't risk your life to protect your (((boss'))) money. Just let the niggers steal it.

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Baring teeth and looking down their noses at the camera are some tricks to not be recognizable in their booking photos. God only knows why you can't just beat them into sporting a normal expression for the pictures.

That is a great step. I hope Amazon never does anything stupid, ir else ill not have anywhere to shop

a screwdriver isn't a gun and ammo. This guy stopped a massacre of people

You're putting your life at risk if you let someone take a gun with ammo and you could identify them in a line up.

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>yeah, i walked in with the shed
>nah it's cool man

Unless someone from "loss prevention" happens to be there. Those employees work under different guidelines. Take that info to heart.

Good. The USA must be destroyed.

I worked retail for 5 years. Niggers used to steal Hennessy and Johnny Walker Platinum all the time. Never tried to stop them. Didn't see the point. If it didn't affect my paycheck, then it wasn't worth doing something about. Besides, they can just write that off as an operating loss on their taxes.

Fuck him he broke the rules. The store didn't fuck his family he fucked his family.

Yea don't try this at the lowes around me.. known for excellent hands-on loss prevention

Doesnt matter, clearly store policy is to comply and not interfear.

yes but the idea is the the theft of a gun and ammunition is an extenuating circumstance given the non-tractability of the gun and it's potential for use in further crimes.

Shocks me not even pol realized that this is an example of corporate funded criminality. they take the loss, but it serves the greater good of destroying society.

Lowes has no LP. Other than cctv. Insider info, as it were.

I second this Ivan.

Yup your right. However, it's not your property and you don't get paid enough to risk your life for someone else's property.

Gun didn't have serial numbers? Link?

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Lol, liar.

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That a pic of your mom?

normally I'd say just let them steal since there's no reason to risk your life for your employers profits, but he stopped the dindu from fleeing with a gun and ammo, he's a hero, I hope the public backlash gets his job back with increased pay

I would have never imagined. Thanks for that.

>defending corporations

lol serves him right

Can the nog really sue Academy for not going by company policy?

Does mom know you're on her computer?

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On work computer and yes they know.

I agree, the fellow did the right thing. However, policy is policy. He was fired for doing something im sure he was told not to do. Dont worry, I would wager he has already received much better opportunities

not relevant, it was an immediate risk of life to others
and what use would tracing that serial number back to the store it was stolen from have? most nigs are smart enough to cover their faces when they do shit like this.

The US is the main tool to spread degeneracy and subversive propaganda, so yes. The US has done an enormous amount of damage to Europeans.

>fires employee for trying to prevent a theft
this is extra-retarded considering that the feral-ape was stealing a gun, undoubtedly to be used to murder an entire white family.

okay whats stopping us from compiling a list of fucked ass retailers to never touch again. wouldnt be hard to develop an argument and accompanying propaganda to ensure it made a dent, possibly even kill the perp.

boycott this kiked company and find this hero a new job
we can do this


>Protect your (((bosses))) money
>Get tossed out like an used condom

Your boss is not your friend, when you sharts will acknowledge it and stop expecting decency from the fag who would change you in a snap of the finger.

I don't think he was doing it for his boss. perhaps he was doing it because it was the right thing to do

Someone should make a "coupon" guaranteeing people the right to just walk into these Academy stores and take a gun from the cabinet. put in a comment saying on employee confrontation present this coupon which informs the employee not to prevent the acquisition of the firearm under pain of employment termination.

The article said the nog had stolen two firearms earlier that same day. I suspect he was paying off drug debt or something by giving them untraceable firearms.

checked and based

Wut. Jews not Americans idiots. Your Jews that ruined Germany you stopped Hitler from killing off came here and took over our shit.

Dont blame Americans idiots...blame (((americans)))

Yes. Absolutely needs to be done. Where the fuck is the NRA people on this??? Academy sells guns, denies ability to defend oneself. Even boomers can see this for what it is.

Why is Donald Glover giving a fake name?

>Black man named White

>basically all american news are run by jewish people
>nearly all entertainment people in america are jews
>president has to suck the cock of jews and the only way to really win is to be the one that sucks up to them the most
>90 percent of conservative side has a daily shill for Israel and how the Jews are gods chosen people
>most of the liberals also praise the jews but will actually denounce them if they do shit against Palestine
sorry m8 but america is no more then a puppet for jews and should be die

so the jist of it is to save the store from being sued out the arse, shitty thing happened, dont think the bloke should of been fired. however the bigger thing is not having some sort of theft protection for the gun the nig tried to steal. i havent been to yankland, but dont you cunts have them behind locked display cases or behind the counter at least? this news has just signaled to every chimp that its ok to just walking into stores and grab shit cause if they try to stop you the good samaritans get good pink slips.

Not with gun and bullet, the nigger could kill him right there, fuck academy sport, never shop from them again.

You know they put serial numbers on them and the manufacturer shoots two bullets from them, one the store keeps, and one to the purchaser, right?

So you can trace it tho the store it was stolen from. Doesn't help Identifying a perp

lol that's why I loved working at Home Depot. Under-cover asset protection at most Home Depots, at least in California. Saw at least one Mexican per month get tackled outside of Home Depot after stealing something, like a drill.

>not arming your employees

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You’re a fucking faggot, I’d tell you to kill yourself but you’re obviously too much of a pussy

they are. I think the nog asked to see and hold the gun.

boss was prolly in on it.

Is the boss a nigger? One more store I will never go to again.

We need to make this guy a legend. Make the right people see this.

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I assume the guns and ammo and kept in a locked case, So who was the dumb fuck that got both of them out at the same time ?

Ammo is not usually locked up at Academy but the guns are

That's just what they look like.