Are farmers obsolete?

Is automation the end of rural retards? Only city folks will continue to have jobs developing the robots.

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Corporations have taken over farming a long time ago. Most current small time farmers are just rich people who do it as a hobby.

I cant somehow picture a robot chasing a cow around a field solely to push a fist into its anus

Fuck no. They are the ones who feed you. Hell, farmers are probably the truest Americans out there.

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>Corporations have taken over farming a long time ago. Most current small time farmers are just rich people who do it as a hobby.

t. deracinated city dweller

Is it really that bad in the US?
Here in Sweden pretty much all farms are operated by families, Can't imagine it being any other way.

Does agriculture mostly make up most of your market? If so, how did you achieve such virtues society?

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No, he's a faggot who doesn't know what he talks about. Sure, corporations own farmland. But every farm within 100 miles of me (the limit of my knowledge) is family owned.

it''s true. those who say otherwise are unaware of how rich their neighbors are. a few decades back, the system was overhauled so that farmers would have to take out loans and bet the homestead every year in order to make a profit. Gradually over time, attrition wore them down.

It has always been that way we have never really had corporate farms despite being a communist/socialshit country.
The reason is that we have always been an agrarian nation before the 1900s over 90% of our population lived on the countryside as farmers and such, after the early 1910s this changed alot but it is still quite alot of farmers here in %.
I'd assume it is like that, But then again the US is very large and i suppose it differs from state to state and county to county.

not if we replace them with robots, then programmers feed us

the best food comes from small scale farms

also plant and animal husbandry is a god tier putsuit full of zen and life lessons and truth.

So there aren't any policies that you Swedens have that preserve your agrarian society?


Pretty sure there's a dude operating that machine in your pic, buddy

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>he thinks his job won't become largely automated too

Hahaha, get a load of this meatbag. All you h*man's will become obsolete very soon. Pray to God the machines have mercy on us. Synthetic organisms are coming, but before that we will have a 99.99% automated work force. You will be a welfare leech soon enough, my friend.

farming will never become obsolete, but the mechanization just means all these Mexicans will be out of work

When can machines pick apples and oranges?
Plus it will only affect illegals, so it seems.

But since palme era most small farms got bought up by wealthy ones so most farms are not small family farms.

Not anything which makes any significant change, Currently we have had a really bad drought so alot of the crops have dried out even the corn, So alot of farmers have had to slaughter alot of animals for meat, So there is currently discussions if alot foreign meats should be temporarely banned until the situation is better.
Honestly the last 40 years our grade of self-sufficency as a country has gone down alot for instance we only grow 50% of the potatoes as we used to do in 1970.

he isnt wrong. All the farmers raising livestock are zombies controlled and abused by big meat companies. Crops are all owned by companies farmers are paid to plant. Independent farming is long gone.

all independent farmers get nailed on imaginary bills and fees by feedlots and slaughterhouses to keep them out. Alot of slaughterhouses wont accept independent livestock.

I don't for one believe it will be as big of a problem in our lifetimes as people make it. People predicted the same with computers, industrial machines, and more. There will always be things people need to do.
But just to play devil's advocate for a bit, you do realize that one guy is doing the work of dozens of people because of his machine.

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Its not that bad as the other guy said I agree with I grew up on farms. A lot of farmers own like 20 different areas in one part of town due to the fact that so much land has been bought up for residential housing. This is in urbanized areas or small towns. Other than that just go outside of it by 12 or 15 miles and you'll see nothing but acres of farmland where each plot is owned by different families.

Tell that to GMOs

Well darn man. Hopefully you farmlands would get better. Still, it must be great to live in a society where the people can grow their own food without relying on wages, workers, or the market

Machines can and DO pick oranges. They might be able to pick apples too, but that's beyond my knowledge.
Everytime you see the immigrants for farm labor excuse you're being deceived, automation can do it, it's just a hell of a lot easier to underpay some immigrants when you need them and pay nothing when you don't than it is to invest into equipment.

But just like slavery, immigrant labor is unsustainable.

Thats bullshit. Look up the USDA numbers.

t. Ag fag

Even hearing that name gets my blood boiling lol.
It is true espescially for milk and dairy farmers being tied to (((Arla)))
That happens here aswell maybe not 20 different areas but 4-6 fields is not uncommon for one farmer to own.
It is kind of hard here as the ground is frozen about 7-8 months/year and big portions of our country being mountainous/sub arctic.
Our self-sufficiency could be alot better but the problem is that it is not profitable for farmers to grow whats best for self-sufficency always, Myself i grow a little bit of everything in one corner i have potatoes in the other i grow corn, aswell as growing peppers and chillies in containers and tomatoes.

I'm poor but been busting my ass and saving up for the past few years. More or less have perfected my setup and acquired much of the gear I will need to get my aquaponic garden built. Gonna buy a beater house in middle of nowhere and get a part time job at the closest home depot or walmart or whatever (I have no formal education and fuck going to any sort of school) and then build the house up. Looking forward to it very much

Why do you even need profit? With agriculture you wouldn't need profit.

Because if no profit there will be no fuel for the machines, no way to get new machinery or spareparts in case it breaks.
Also there would be no money made to live off, It really is simple as that.

two of my mother's cousins are dairy farmers in New York. both of them own their own farms. One has a good operation with around 500 head of cattle.

Make sense.

Yeah exactly. Plus, everybody in society is the very reason it fucking sucks. I don't want to feed them. I don't want their bread and circus tickets either. The people I like can have some of my food for free, provided they are reasonable about it. I want them to share with them because I like them.

You guys should read up on the gift economy. All these morons who think cryptocurrency with solve the problems that come with banking are delusional. A non-rigid, completely personalized form of 'currency' is the only way to prevent these problems. Imagine if (((somebody))) tried telling you that you owe your friend a favor, when you both know that you don't. Imagine if he tried devaluing the value of your favors whenever he felt like it. Or expected 10-30% of your total favors done yearly to be done for him, except he never did any favors for you in return. Probably would stop doing favors for that person pretty quick

A part time job can remedy this. Might as well be one at like Home Depot or walmart or somewhere like that so you can cash in on the employee discount. Assuming you don't already have a good job, which in that case keep that.

Alternatively, you can work towards being able to produce all of that in-house. As in your friend who has a business that makes a similar product can start making that one, in exchange for some fresh veggies or what have you.

Also if possible, steal whatever you can. Not from your friends though, or from even remotely small businesses. It's way easier to rip off chains. I guarantee if you work in a large business you will figure out a way to get a massive discount on everything, sometimes even up to 100%

I think the real question that you should be asking is how will you feed yourself without them? You call them "rural retards", but if the shit hits the fan could you fend for yourself?

C'mon now, we both know you won't last more than your water supply. Which I would wager is approximately as long as whatever you have in the fridge + your toilet tank will stretch.

In a world of automation, where you do not own the type of land to even subsist on, what value do those who do - like the farmers - have for you?

Technology? That also is being automated.

People were farming long before cities existed.