What's going to happen to society when even chads don't want to deal with the #metoo bullshit?

What's going to happen to society when even chads don't want to deal with the #metoo bullshit?

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Double down, like women always do. They will never accept responsibility.

Its just an excuse not to bother interacting with subpar thots

Chads like him have women initiating the flirting.

ignore roasties

get money

You can trust me, Henry. I'm not like other girls.

Segregate the workforce

Riff Raff had to cancel his tour because of a rape accusation. He made a 20 min public statement with his lawyer but I think they took it down. In the video he stated that pro NFL players where contacting him stating that they were afraid to be alone with girls now. That's right. Professional millionaire sports athletes with 10 inch dicks are afraid of women now. I don't know what we as a society are going to have to go through in order to remedy this but I do know that it is primarily women's fault.

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Don't worry people are out there fucking, anyways.
Carry on.

If Henry shaved off that mustache he wouldn't have to worry.

Pick me Mr. Cavill! I'm not like all those other girls.

Empires will be forged. Heros will rise.

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2 dilemmas of the roastie age.
1 be Chad
>No sex
>Don't flirt

2 be beta
>Simply exist

#metoo is just another anti-human psy op aimed at population reduction. Every good goy knows that.

>people avoiding the vaginaljew
how is this a bad thing?

It means more for me!

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I love and hate the meme simultaneously
Why oh why couldn't I have taken the blue pill ?

That’s because it’s all a big bullshit psych op and real women find this shit as mystifying as you do

>I don't know what we as a society are going to have to go through in order to remedy this but I do know that it is primarily women's fault.
Should probably just rape 100% of the time and there will be so much that it wont be a problem anymore and will be expected. Also, kick the bitch in the fucking face for the hell of it.

When chad doesn't even want to deal with this shit you'll start to see roasties become even more desperate until the dating scene becomes so toxic and risky that it explodes

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Wasn't he gay? I'm not insulting him or something, it's OK to be gay and I like him as Superman

MGTOW wins again

>rich nigs can't bang tonnes of thots and discard them like trash no more.
Oh noes

This #metoo thing has been pretty good for the most part, almost all of the accused men have been leftists. Lmao.

Also that guy is the most shit boring wooden actor ever and is an awful Superman.

>almost all of the accused men have been leftists
>Hollywood is mostly liberal
Ya think?
On the flip side, Trump's one of the biggest creeps, and it's pretty obvious.

This is why you need to write out contracts before you have sex.

>discard them like trash
They ARE trash.

Beta fucks like you is why women get away with it.


What's his workout?

Thats not how it works.
Chads get the same shit. More of it in fact because women want to control a top tier individual.
Think of all the Chads who have been accused of rape or misconduct. Even Trump and literall every top sportsman from the 90s.

>2 be beta
>Simply exist
This is how it is for any man. See above.

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Muh dik

And if chad rejects them, he gets #metoo-ed.

the next logical step

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Exactly. Women cannot deal with rejection

Chads are going MGTOW

Roasties will never be supported again

Once birth pods(artificial wombs) become mainstream, women will officially be obsolete and you won't have to worry about that anymore.

the only "real women" you speak of only sane and rational viewpoints because they paired up with a man who taught them sense. single women are retards until they date a guy who informs them of the correct viewpoints

At least he pays them for it.

Henry is a closeted faggot. The likelihood of him getting #metoo'd is nil.

Because the justice system skews heavily in favor of women and they now know it, so they go hunting for millionaires to suck dry.

Bill Burr summed up everything about women in one bit. You'll notice that at a certain point the women stop laughing and it's just the men because they all know what he's saying is true.


Oh it's my fault I'm supposed to police all women. Shutup u shitskin.

Nah, he's just shy.

Let the roastie keep going. Things usually go horribly for those who engage in these power plays.

ignore money

seek god

>Henry is a closeted faggot. The likelihood of him getting #metoo'd is nil.

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It doesn't matter if they wrongfully accuse you of rape.
The important part is to NEVER EVER EVER EVER EEEEEEVER apologize.

This. People need to realize that apologizing to leftists is the worst thing you can do. Trump never apologizes and nothing sticks to him.

>Henry Cahill

He's a robot.

femdom shotacon is hot

If the boomer is removed from power the roastie loses her power. Luckily for you frog man, Abdul is going to remove your country's boomers from power within your life time.

Define real women.

I want to get #metoo'd by a predatory onee-san.

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Found the thot

Unless he sees one so beautiful he just starts kissing

pretty much confirmed that he knows who is doing the rape in jewhood

you know the rules:

>post Feminine Benis or GTFO

>soibois will rise up
kek imagine beliving that

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The great thing about this is that, as a man, I can afford to wait until my 50s to start having children. My Grandfather was still fathering bastards into his late 60s. Women can't wait much past their 30s so they just can't win in the end.

Feminists have made it so that literally the safest sex is sex with an escort.

>boohoo being a fornicator is rough
>who knew being a sinner had downsides?
Renounce fornication.

That's the idea.

Yeah it's called marriage. You want to get laid, get married. Renounce fornication.

>I responded to an apparent female with the following;
It's just Jew marketing. They are way over hyping the product they are turning you into. You no longer matter as a person; your only perceived value is the concept of your sex appeal, not any real or tangible aspect of you personally. You have no direct value. This is why every relationship starts on the odd 'off key' down note of disillusionment and slowly slides down hill from there. The Jews value you only as a tool, a decoy. You are no longer the 'real thing', the new perceived "real thing" everyone is pursuing is an ideal that no real female will be able to live up to for any significant amount of time. From the Jew perspective, your destruction is presumed already accomplished. Most women will follow the Jew directives to degrade themselves gradually until no one sees any particular value to them. Then the process of artificially inflating the over hyped declared value begins and for no other reason than habit the victim goyim females, shiksa, follow further down the path to their destruction at the hands of, and by the designs of, the followers of the Talmud.

There are blind items all over the internet about Cavill doing stuff to women like having unprotected sex without telling them he has raging herpes. If true, he's covering his arse now in the hopes that any #metoo stuff in the future doesn't stick.

Flirting=/=fornicaton m8.

Flirting leads to dating which leads to marriage which leads to sex. At least that's the way it should be.

Besides your argument is pointless. If a society is so shit that flirting has legal ramifications it's already past the point where marriage is nothing but a sham used to suck mens money to women in bs divorce courts(cause divorce lawyers who are kikes make big bucks and women statistically spend more money then men despite the fact men make more money)

>that level of denial
it's all about fornication being misconstrued as rape

>he doesn't realize that Chads can't rape
Oh, Henry, my sweet summer child...


You fucking idiot.
>almost all of the accused men have been leftists.
No user, almost all named and shamed in the media has been, which means only higher up. Have you any idea how many middle class working men have been fucked by this? Right wingers, nationalists, conservatives, christians, any of those and similar? Me neither, but I assure you the blow was hardest there. People on here are so bluepilled they say "we are safe because we are poor", they have no conception of the multitude of reasons a woman would have for lying about such a thing (especially at work).

Yeah thats good.
But if you're speaking to a complete bluepill normalfag, use "marketeers" "madison Avenue" "advertisers" or "sales people" rather than "jew".
Unless you dont mind being so open bout the jew thing. I guess its a good thing really to just name the jew.

As soon as women figure out the jew just uses their sex appeal as a commodity to perpetuate the global economy, they might start acting sane again.

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>get married
found the jew

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Imagine unironically beleiving this

You're a man baby, yeah

The state keeps getting bigger and bigger as the market keeps pushing capital (humans) beyond borders.

Cuck Britain only started its 1984 doctrines after the mass rapes of these children came to light. They have no other way to deal with this as a state organ.

The free market bringing death and degeneracy as ignorant lunatics keep playing the jew game without any remorse, care or awareness. It is a battle of will and the western man is broken, demoralized and metaphysically cuckolded by his own ancestors and the consequences of their actions.
What a time to be alive

The real women you are talking are brown poojitas with brown pussy and no hope in life.
Different ppl different survival tactics

>double down
>on risking being called a rapist
are you telling me to rape?

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Its the opposite
Women recognise they are high status and play hard to get to the extreme trying to make him fall in love because they feel he is attractive and can get any girl they want.

As much as people meme on here game is important always. They will be pretend to be not interested while opening doors to chase them.

WOMEN will double down. Double down on their feminist bullshit rather than admit its not doing them any good

>anti marriage

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get married if you want, just not in a western country with western laws.

Unless you are a woman or a sadomasochist

>"I know there have been situations with people I've worked with being perhaps over familiar with some of the actresses," he told GQ. "But, I've always walked up to them and said, 'Hey, are you all right? That's creepy.'"
superman white knight beta male confirmed

Y-you can flirt with me Henry...


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based superman

That shit kept me sane for awhile

if chad is worried how fucked are we?


>he wants to be a genetic deadend
I'm continuing traditions that have gone on for thousands of years (they predate Jesus) and will go on for thousands more. You're trying something new that will ensure there will be no one left to keep it going. My way has proven its pseudo-evolutionary fitness, yours is clearly absolutely unfit.

Reminds me of the time, i was listening to some drunk female coworker trying to take this guy back to her room after dinner, he kept saying "sorry i'm married, look i love my wife very much". He leaves and she just starts breaking down in the elevator. Literally lmao, this is what you get for being a roastie for 10 years of your life.

retake Jerusalem

This is no psyop, it's just women drunk on power. It's one of the reasons they weren't given much of it in the first place.

why aren't MGTOWs moving to countries with more traditional laws?

Disregard females, acquire currency.

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Your wife no longer has the social obligation to fuck you, and feminists are working hard to classify unenthusiastic sex a woman gives you out of pity as rape so they have yet another tool to destroy men.

pic isn't exactly what I was looking for. Try looking for stuff on "cycles of civilizations" Basically, we're falling apart as a civilization and we're going to have to be reborn. We're on a one way trip THROUGH hell and the only salvation is to "break on through to the other side" I dunno. Also prepping isn't as stupid as it sounds.

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>men go their own way
>fucking scumbags bet you couldn't get a girl anyway go fuck yourself reeeeeeeee

>wamen go their own way
>you go girl! you a strong independent wamen who don't need no man. fuck men. we can make our own sperm soon and then men will be obsolete haha take that men fuck you men reeeeeeee

It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Either way, you're getting shit. There's a reason most trannies are mtf and not ftm, but women don't want to talk about that. I guess being a woman isn't as bad as they make it out to be

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This will make Chads go far right.

because you gave the wrong women power positions by implementing diversity quotas. Never give power positions to power hungry people.

bullshit. The biggest influence in the life of a woman is her own father. Girls who had a father can do that alone. I'm more redpilled than 90% of men