any ausfags here have experience with the crimestoppers website?
if i possibly have information regarding a serious crime that possibly involves members of the police how fucked would i be if i report it? how secure are their servers? do all all police stations have access to the information received?
not sure if this belongs on Jow Forums but i guess i'll try here first.
Honest best place to ask this question is maybe on whirlpool. You aren't going to get ANY GOOD ADVICE AT ALL here. Maybe try the "Lifestyle" section.
Lucas Garcia
Also just use a VPN and Tor when you report whatever it is and do it anonymously (make up a new if you have to). You can't be found if you put in the effort.
Print it out and mail it in. Nothing electronic is secure. Low-tech is the way to go.
Brayden Clark
yeah mate. I hate them. good on ya.
Brandon Price
What state? Makes a big difference
Alexander Hill
Don't go into a post office to mail it. >cameras Get an idea of the weight of the envelope by filling one with blank paper first. Buy enough stamps to cover it. Go home and put the proper shit in it. Post at a mailbox, but not the mailboxes at the post office... >cameras KEEP YOUR FUCKING DNA OFF EVERYTHING. DONT LICK THE ENVELOPE.
Zachary Ross
Bro, do nothing today but consider if you are a hero. Don’t feel bad if you aren’t, but be certain to record and share with Jow Forums if you decide to be a hero. Cowards are never martyrs; such is life.
Be certain that if you don’t become a hero that you do become a martyr.
If you do it anonymously you're sort of fucking yourself unless the information you're providing is self-evident.
What I mean by that is, that police need to be able to corroborate what you're saying and some of that corroboration / validation is placed upon the source itself. Without a source, you're left with third party hear-say - which is absolutely fucking useless in most circumstances, and likely won't be acted upon. Unless you front up in person, or are willing to be contacted about what you're saying, don't bother.
My second favourite pass-time is making shrinks cry. I've also done more than my fair share of illegal shit and yet here I am. Cops harvest DNA from traffic stops. You've never asked yourself where the drug swab ends up? They've got your drivers license in hand along with a sample "for drug screening" which just happens to have your DNA in it, and they keep it. DNA is a very real threat. If you're going to go up against bent cops, you best have all your ducks in a row.
Nicholas Scott
Seek help.
Benjamin Rodriguez
I’ve been pulled over many times; several on drugs. I have never been swabbed.
Anyways, the point is that if user mailed two letters being on camera in the PO is irrelevant.
Jordan Lewis
No need. Unless it's a Court Order only pussies see psychologists/psychiatrists.
Isaiah Ward
Ignore my previous post, I was assuming I was talking to a free country.
It's not irrelevant. They will track where it was posted from. They will go through the footage and now you've been narrowed down from 1/25,000,000 to one in a few hundred maybe 1/1000. Your odds keep getting worse from there. If you posted in a postpack or a big yellow envelope now you're down to maybe 1/100.
Jonathan Torres
yea mate them coppers come up on my shack in the twinkle of day then ask whats on me light box without a proper dress code warrent mate but I couldn't fight back because mah bloody Jow Forumster card was due like milk in the sun. Anyways, i'm hitting the drink after I get out of the big house after a few moon rises, so I will spot you hidden men later.
Oliver Murphy
Are you post offices like an ATM machine? Here you just put it into a slot and it falls into a bag. There is no way to determine the sender; despite knowing who visited.
As I said before, bring two posts and you are perfectly clear.
Jeremiah Jenkins
I see you know your way around a mental heath crisis team. That’s all we really need to know. Good luck.
Mason Allen
They have cameras outside as well as inside. Stay the fuck away from post offices. Don't give up your day job. And?
Jonathan Rivera
Depends on what state you're in. I'd recommend not reporting it to the police or Crimestoppers. Instead report to the State investigative body and they'll act on any serious allegations independent of the State Police, and have far reaching powers under relevant legislation:
>QLD: Crime and Conduct Commission >NSW: NSW Ombudsman or Police Integrity Commission >VIC: Anti-Corruption Commission >WA: Corruption and Crime Commission >SA: SA Ombudsman >TAS: Integrity Commission (must be reported within 6 months of offence) >NT: In person at a police station, or call 131 444 >ACT or Federal Police: The Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
Noah Garcia
Go to a lawyer you idiot.
Jonathan Wilson
>and And that you're talking paranoid nonsense. The fact you've had interactions with MHCTs before, the fact you know about court orders to see psychotherapists and that you think the gubment is out to get you paints a pretty clear picture of what's going on here.
Take your meds, my dude.
Zachary Bell
Yeah get the Jews involved what could possibly go wrong?
Thomas Russell
Bro, a certain degree of paranoia is very healthy. I would like you to reflect on the fact that you can in no way justify your degree of paranoia.
See a shrink. Refuse meds unless your life is shit, but talk to a professional about your paranoia. If not, you’ll be making gangstalking posts here in 5 years.
You're assuming a lot there sunshine. What makes you think I'm on the receiving end of Court Orders? Maybe I work for the Parole Board? Maybe I'm a Court Sheriff? See you don't know shit.
I'm telling OP how to not get caught when using AusPost for something that you don't want tracked back to you. This is good advice for anything from interstate weed sales to credit card fraud.
Again, how could you possibly be tracked in the first place, much less if you mail a normal post at the same time?
>user is caught on camera at the post office >he also has a documented post to his mum Scot free.
Jack Barnes
Never trust a narc.
Elijah Moore
There's no one who works in those professions who'd be speaking like you are. We know a lot from what you've said, you've let the ball drop. But don't stop posting. Like the Ameribro said, you'll be talking about gang stalking and trackers in your blood in no time.
Ian Rodriguez
Why narrow down the list of possible senders at all? Use a mailbox in a street not in your neighbourhood. Keep living your cotton wool life mate. You'll be fine. I don't know what gang stalking is, and trackers in blood is fiction. >There's no one who works in those professions who'd be speaking like you are.. Ok. Whatever you say.
Cameron Davis
Fraught with danger. Journos are there to make money off you, and it's getting a third party involved for no reason, other than their benefit.
If someone is legitimately worried that the local cops are going to be on the take, the best bet is to go to the investigative body who oversees the state police. See If that's not an issue, stand by your statements and convictions and speak to the local police in person. I don't think the general public realises how badly the sword of Damocles hangs above the average cops head; one whiff of corruption and the heirachy comes down upon them with the force of a thousand suns. There is a zero tolerance policy with any behaviour which brings their organisation into disrepute. If there are legitimate grounds for officer misbehaviour, the action is swift and thorough. We're not living in the 1940's anymore.
Jacob Nguyen
>We know a lot from what you've said, you've let the ball drop.
See this is what the paranoid guy was on about
Liam Clark
Fine, whatever. A good idea doesn’t make you less of a nutso.
Though that may just be my gun privilege talking.
Jaxon Rogers
Contact a crime/court reporter in your local city anonymously with the vague details that dont and cant identify you, they'll have dealt with this kinda thing before and would be the best to advise you, no blowhard on the internet is going to have a clue.
John Morales
They must have some sort of internal affairs section, that fights crime within the force. It would be quite safe to turn to them I think, since that whats they made for.
Wyatt Nelson
Dude you live in a fantasy utopia where cops don't lie, tamper with evidence or harass the public. It's perfectly clear you've little or no experience at all with the court system and Police making shit up.
I got 5 charges once for standing in front of a speed camera. 2 assault police 2 resist arrest and interfere with a photographic detection device. It's easy to never had contact with police when you're 20 and haven't done anything in your life. Did I resist? No. Did I assault? No. He cut himself on the hard plastic inserts of my bike jacket when he tried (and failed) to throw me to the ground.
Carson Allen
did you get raped by a bunch of niggers?
David Turner
t. stupid faggot
Anthony Lee
i agree, just sell your story to A current Affair. No doubt theyve dealt with this sorta shit before
Josiah White
David Jackson
Posting your criminal history now, are we? Now we're getting somewhere. Keep going.
if the police are corrupt, obvious the crimestoppers site is corrupt too! even if it not, what good does do to send to corrupt police?
ur best bet is to meme it. either online anonymously, or in person anonymoosly using can a spray paint.
also u could stop giving a fuck. i piss off some real bad people and was scared for long time. but then i accept i will most likely be killed by them, so its foolish to be scared. accept ur death, dont be afraid.
now i can say thing like 'what's the only thing limper than a freemason's tiny cock?' to the face of a tiny dick freemason. and even when i tell him the anser ( his wrist) he still dont do shit, probably cause his bitch wrists prevent it
Eli Jenkins
Look, if you know what police station they belong to, go to that police station and ask to talk to the Senior Sergeant.
"It's regarding members of your staff and i wish to talk to him exclusively about the issue"
Adrian Rodriguez
Standing up against shit I don't agree with. Keep knowing and doing nothing though.
Jayden Turner
Yeah do this. Unfuckingbelieveable.
Nathaniel Reed
>has contact with mental health crisis teams >has knowledge of court ordered psychotherapy >wants people to believe he's either police or court employee >then mentions he has a criminal history for assaulting police (x2!) which prevents you from that employment >is clearly paranoid, delusional and has a victim complex
Yeah, we're gonna trust everything you have to say buddy. Fight the powah.
Kayden Moore
you think all cops are dodgy?
Majority managerial staff love nothing more than to weed out the scum amongst their staff.
Ryan Richardson
get a free trial from nordvpn
Aaron Rogers
That was just the 2 from that day. Difference between charge and recorded convictions. Again you scream "I don't know shit about anything". I thank you for your diagnosis Doctor.
Andrew Torres
appreciate it
James Kelly
Yeah but not the higher level stuff. They might come down hard on bottom feeders to make up for all the shit under the radar
Jordan Lopez
walk into the Police HQ building and ask to talk to someone about your knowledge of police officers commiting serious offences.
go straight to the top, don't fuck around.
If it's serious enough, it's worth more than filling in an online form
Of the last 4 times I can remember 1 was a decent human being, and that was a Victorian copper of all things. I'd heard nothing but shit about them. Older highway patrol greybeard was fine. We had a chat about what I had in the back of the ute, made sure it was tied down properly. he thought it was cool. Still gave me the ticket for 108/100. I legit deserved that one.
Gavin Perry
I honestly don’t know what I am being scored on, but please stop spying on me.
Nathaniel Cruz
I used to work with them directly, fix their cars etc.
the young ones were total smartarse's, they'd make fun of you etc and swear and whinge.
The women were the worse. total know it all's, especially the cute ones, they are absolute demon banshees.
My boss at the time, had enough of them and complained about the officers by name, they got individual grilling from the up aboves.
I found the motorcycle police to be the friendliest and easiest to get along with.
Jaxon Wood
>frensly chat with copper >can't talk him down from a 108/100 ticket
Sounds like you just let him have it. I assume it was a rural road? Did you mention the width of the road? | 120+/100 i wouldn't even try. But 108/100 and you think he was a good cop? Fuck, standards have have either slipped in this country, or i am the only one that listened to my Dad when we got pulled over. There is ALWAYS a grey area.