It didn’t need a majority catholic, either.
Michael Myers
Leo Hill
Thapar racked up retard amount of cases since Trump nominated him to whatever circus court, why hasn't she?
David Sanchez
wow she is fat
Noah Hernandez
>*sniff sniff*
Ian Morgan
Part that brapper with a big niggerdick.
Xavier Roberts
Manafort is in confimnent for his own safety dudester
Cameron Jenkins
I want two. My fiance recently woke my up at 4 in the morning sobbing because she had a dream about being a mom and was scared because she didn't used to want kids. I love that fucking baby clock
Michael Perez
4% is retarded, that's a wartime economy. We should be at about 2.5% ourselves.
Jason Robinson
>long board
Retard alert.
John Bell
She has cancer, user.