>The call for withdrawal is especially strong among left-leaning voters, with 67 supporting the move. Some 55 percent of Alternative for Germany (AfD) right-wing backers also called for the removal of US forces. The Greens stand 48 percent in support of ending the US presence in Germany.
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Yeah that’s because Merkel has allowed them to believe Russia is not a threat, obviously padded out with fake social media votes, American troops withdraw because merkel followed the will of her people, and surprise surprise people start getting fake attacked with fake nerve agents because pesky Russia suddenly does want a war. So what can merkel do but retaliate? And then Russia cuts off Germany’s energy supply, Germans freeze to death and merkel looks at the German people and says you did this to yourselves. Meanwhile Russia didn’t even know they had declared war on Germany
Germans must be retarded if they think we're falling for this again
in essence, these are rustlings of Germans wanting indepence from the US and to shake themselves free of US military occupation
this is like when the Soviet union lost its will to assert its dominance over its satellites as Soviet Union and Russian nationalism found a chance to reassert itself, and with it its satellites found a chance to assert themselves as independent statelets
they just are fucking retarded coal burners all together that should just die
Get the fuck out of my country amricaner
good. the US needs to pull out of germany and let it fall. maybe then the right men will take back their country and make it great again
the absolute state of england
Good. I have no idea why we have a military alliance with countries in Europe in the first place. We have absolutely no reason to protect one another when they engage in the politics they do.
In the last few months they managed to beat us and Sweden
I'd love for them to try and make us leave.
Imagine being as retarded as you are.
are you retarded?
what are you going to do declare a war on a european country?
Yea thatll make you look like the "good" guys
If we vote you out and tell you embassy to fucking ditch the garrisoned bitch boys who behave like animals out of my soil then they just go, any other response at that point would be unreasonable and jewish
Ami go fucking home you fat ugly Mutt
>Germans paying for U.S. protection
Freeloading is more like it.
WWII has been over for years. Having bases overseas fucks us in long run especially since the empire always finds its way home.
>declare war
They never signed a peace treaty with you. You are literally occupied.
You idiots. Without Americans there, you'll become Britain and Sweden. The hard part is getting Muslims there, and that's already done. I waa deployed in Iraq and Syria and know like 20 shitskins who "fled"(from nothing) into Germany for FREE everything. Shut your fucking mouths about "mutt this" "mutt that" when you are literally the laughing stock of any non-Sharia nation.
You thin the U.S. government cares about morality?
"the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"
Mate, you're the ones threatening to leave.
Can't get more beta than threatening "up your defence spending to 2% or we'll leave you unprotected" then change to "nuhuh, just try making us leave" when they call your bluff and refuse to increase spending.
I think we should be treating Germany the same way we treat North Korea. No trade. No cooperation. Full embargo. Eat shit, Germany.
They we have brainlet, youre mentally ill if you think otherwise and a quick google research will reveal that youre retarded
Have fun driving no good cars then Our economy doesnt rely on America as much as youd like it
>doesn't understand how an embargo works
Also fuck your cars. They're not worth the cost, and they aren't as great as you think. Maybe 20 years ago, chump.
Japanese make more reliable Autos, besides good luck buying oil without the petrodollar. If you weren't the U.S.'s client state then you'd be Russias.
Like I said, try it and see what happens.
>drumpft is evil, he works for Russia!
>Drumpft is mean, we like Russia more than America now!
Really makes you think
Grow the fuck up
>herp derp im dumb and dont want to accept that my countries relevance is fading every year
You'd never be able to Embargo any European nation.
>WWII has been over for years. Having bases overseas fucks us in long run especially since the empire always finds its way home.
Force projection is bad.
>Globalism is bad
>unless we do it
Stretching your forces too thin and the financial burden of having troops stationed all over the world isn't sustainable.
Bring our boys home... we’ve got walls to build.
Oy vey it's the euromissiles all over again, quick disarm europeans !!
Russia can't conquer Europe soon enough.
Listen up Chang. Germany not paying up doesn't mean we'll leave, it means, "nice country you have here, be a shame if something happened to it".
t. countrylet thinks his lil' country is relevant
US still #1 superpower, so suck it. Have fun observing first hand the self-inflicted demise of your shitty country AND culture, Hanz.
What is the US afraid of exactly? That Switzerland and Austria do a joint invasion of Germanistan? Germany is surrounded by NATO members otherwise, there‘s no chance anything will happen.
Good, there are a lot of Americans who would like us to stop being world police and to stop subsidizing the military budget for about 30 countries so they can spend money on infrastructure and social services and then point and laugh at us when we're not doing the same because we're wasting billions of dollars on an empire of "influence" which provides us with absolutely nothing in return.
I'd love to just get the fuck out of Germany and all of these other countries. I'd love for them to fend for themselves again. They don't want us there, and we shouldn't want to be there. Nobody is happy with the arrangement and it only serves to create a US led and funded global police force to do the bidding of Israel, which is why our alphabet agencies are butt blasted that Trump wants to pull us out.
In 50 years the USA will be Brazil and will join the ranks of the 3rd World
Germany is in the heart of Europe surrounded by a bigass fucking buffer zone that blocks out all their potential enemies.
Their defense budget could be 0% and it wouldn't make a lick of difference.
>what pay us or die
>russia is the evil guy here
the absolute state of america
Ill never forgive you for the Syrian war that is still on going because your grubby fatty jewish hands can't let go of messing with the middle east
You cant safely drink your water from the taps, the living standards of your country mimic the ones of a third world nation try later again
All Yankee kikes will hang on the day of the rope!
>Stretching your forces too thin
Dude, what? You have no idea what you're taking about. You act like we're in the midst of a full scale war on multiple fronts.
>the financial burden of having troops stationed all over the world isn't sustainable
It is when the countries we're protecting pitch in.
Didn’t want to go to bed mad
On average you have a 50% chance that an American you are talking to is a shitskin
You faggots have been saying this for decades now.
>talking shit about water quality in a tiny area in the US while your country is bred out of existence by extremist welfare rape apes
I lol'd.
>pay us or die
Now you're getting it. You're our ally only as long as it benefits us. The world doesn't run on sunshine and rainbows, Abdul.
Viva La Raza! Mcjigger, your country doesn't have much time left.
Every year America gets less and less white
Stop burring your fucking head in the sand you tard
we didn't invade u fucks to let them leave.
big daddy stays u commie fucks
Germans have been fighting and winning for thousands of years, Jewsa will be gone in the next 60.
>refugee crisis
which you caused btw by being jewish and now look at you pretending you wouldnt drop the "protection" in dime once some higher up in your country realises it saves shekels
Look at your petty behaviour if only the whole of europe would realize that you are monsters
Yeah, or basically,
member iraq?
member green zones?
member foot patrols outside the wire during daylight only?
awh yah i member
>your country doesn't have much time left.
He says while posting with an American flag to an American flag.
this is fine. germany was a lost cause anyways
You cannot deny America is in dire straits at the moment
>what are you going to do declare a war on a european country?
>if only the whole of europe would realize that you are monsters
Then what?
not fall for your jewish lies
>Germans have been fighting and winning
Until they got BTFO'd worse than Japan and are now selling out their country and culture for the Jew agenda.
thus uniting all of europe (excluding switzerland) under one culture,one language, and one religion.
I hope that Russia cuts off their gas supply and after being weakened with no heat and power for a few weeks Germany gets conquered by Poland.
>Having bases overseas stretches your forces thin
>I would know, I play call of duty
On average if your talking to an American your talking to a German rape baby. There would be no Spanish empire, no British empire , no French empire without Germans. There would no US nuclear deterrent without Otto Hahn and no rockets to load them on without Werner von Braun.
Refugee crisis? You mean the Gibs Migration? Nobody to blame but yourself, fucking shit-eaters.
Well Germany is full of ISIS so.
A sad chunk of people on Jow Forums don't give a flying fuck about whites and would gladly kill millions of ethnic germans, just like in WW1 and 2
>its not our fault that we cause a storm of fucking gibsmedat after extending a civil war to the extreme
I hate you as much as the Coalburners Guilt tripping us into these fucks, if it were my way id already kill every american for enabling isreal that much every day
>La Raza!
>For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
lmao trumps bluff has been called
america is stupid if they think europe cares about their defunding threats, you can just leave
bye bye
We should've never fought in Europe in either WW1 or WW2 so I welcome this. Besides, those troops could stop the invasion on our border. Or anything other than continuing to occupy a once free nation.
Good, no more free rides for Germans.
his party is on suicid watch now but dont care about that
90% of US flags in this thread are divide and conquer JIDF shills.
A true and redpilled American would want Trump to pull out troops and free Germany from the deepstate
I wouldn't mind h countries troops being in European countries if they were shooting the invaders instead of being walking wastes of time and tax payer money.
are you smoking too much weed again ?
don't listen to this
It would be great if we could leave withoput them whining the nazis will take over again. We could even drop the endless shit about the 6 gorillion and shoah here and the god damned jews can go fuck themselves. Would be great! But we all know the shitheads in power will fuck it all up 250%
And this time, we won't fucking get involved. Instead we'll solve our own problems.
Why asshole, we discovered this continent. You need to GTFO.
>Look at your petty behaviour if only the whole of europe would realize that you are monsters
Wouldn't matter because you couldn't do anything about it but cry.
It'll happen anyway when La Raza takes over and cuts the Military welfare gibs.
What is the perceived benefit we're getting out of providing the western world with military protection? They enact trade protectionism against our entry to their markets and pretend we're the bad guys when Trump reciprocates because we're running a multi-billion dollar trade deficit in spite of being a nation with all the necessary resources in the world.
What is one good thing we get from these people? We certainly don't have their friendship, they fuck us at every turn. We don't have their respect, they fucking hate Americans, we don't have their cooperation, and even if we did, what's the point of NATO other than as a tool for the kikes to wield?
Please explain to me how the average American is benefiting from NATO.
based. why do we even have troops in Germany? PULL THEM OUT
>Funds and arms ISIS
>Destabilizes the entire middle east and removes all secular leaders
>Bankrolls most if not all islamic terrorist groups at one point or another
>Forcibly "de-nazify" Europe
>Help de-colonize the world, kill every major European empire
>Give billions in aid every year to israel
>Globalize the planet and popularize nigger culture
Nice job America
When are you done paying reparations anyways Hans?
Weren't Europeans worried about a Russian invasion for decades?
This. We need to let Europe taking care of it's own needs while dealing with the traitors in our own country.
>play shitty communism simulator
>us says we are leaving nato
>everyone leaves nato
>russia devises plans to get into political systems and makes europe full commie
>america gets isolated and gets fucked
shiettttttttttt its becoming a fucking reality
Don't fall for the fake news, we're finally getting back on the right track, lad.
no we dont, britbong vpn faggot.
We don't ever pull out.
Won't happen. Whites are rich alongside the Jews. They don't want the military spending to stop because they all profit from it. Minority leaders will be puppets for the democrats. Look at what happen to Obama. He let the insurance companies write Obamacare cause he couldn't get anything done. He also brought us Citizen's United, which allows foreign nations to throw money into our political elections. Maybe at a local level the minorities might try some progressive agenda, but they will reach a screeching halt at a national level.
Germans better learn to speak Russian, back to the Soviet Block they go...
Reverse psychology isn't going to work on us cucks, cya.
This 100%. We have our own invasion to deal with we need our troops here protecting us from our enemies. Not fucking around in europe.