
Are waifubots redpilled?

Let's have a thought experiement. If you had the option to purchase a robot that could simulate all the positive aspects of a woman, would you buy one? For the sake of this discussion let's refer to this as a waifubot. Let's also assume Artifical wombs have been perfected and you have the ability to have children with this AI.
>Never gets tired
>Always encouraging
>Never cheats
>Never has "bad days"
>Can tutor your child to college level, no leftist propaganda
>Always steering your child in the moral direction you want
>Will never take half your assets and children in the divorce
>Single mothers rasing broken men will be a thing of the past
>White birth rates Skyrocket

Women will undoubtedly find a problem with this and want them to be banned/destroyed, thus becoming the first Sluddites

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is it based to own a lolibot?

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>why can't grug have little tottem?
>grug always support cave to have war clubs and shadow games
>cave says short tottem can make grug hurt little grugs
>but grug only wants to play with little tottem
>grug do not hurt any other grug
>other grugs use warclubs and do war in their shadow games and then they hurt other grugs
>why can't grug have little tottem then?

Attached: McClub.png (235x215, 7K)

I don't even want the physical part that badly. Just give me a little handheld device with an AI that I can talk to. Something like that thing in Blade Runner 2049. It would be nice if she could call me on my phone or maybe send texts too. I can handle physical loneliness, it's the mental part that hurts the worst.

Of course
Superior taste my dude

you look like a good Joe

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fucking kek'd

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Like the Gatebox waifu-in-a-cylinder thing?

If you think about it, sexbots are pretty based.
Chosing not to put up with the shit women give you and literally building better women yourself.
Not giving a fuck what others think about it...that's pretty alpha.

if the waifubot of the future is fully articulated and can actually move herself around and do things on her own I'd be okay with it. As it is now, I'd rather have some sort of intelligent AI in a little device than a big hunk of silicone that just stares at you. It seems like it'd be much lonliner and depressing to have to wheel her around the house as she just stares at you with her cold, dead eyes.

the hologram thing? I actually loved that idea, but I think it was only capable of speaking/understanding japanese. I didn't follow it much after I first heard about it so I don't know if it sold well or if they even still make them.

But as far as AI goes, i don't need it to be super smart or sophisticated. Just make it able to learn my name and have conversations with me that flow well. I don't need to it be super intelligent or anything, if it doesn't know something just program it to say "I dunno lol" or whatever.

>as she just stares at you with her cold, dead eyes
But that's the neat thing with 2B though, she doesn't mind being blindfolded and it solves that problem.
>but I think it was only capable of speaking/understanding japanese
So? You're not going to learn your waifu's language?
>I didn't follow it much after I first heard about it so I don't know if it sold well or if they even still make them.
Yeah, no idea. Seemed to have very limited functionality. And it was expensive. I saw it more as a proof of concept.
>But as far as AI goes, i don't need it to be super smart or sophisticated. Just make it able to learn my name and have conversations with me that flow well. I don't need to it be super intelligent or anything, if it doesn't know something just program it to say "I dunno lol" or whatever.
Yeah. People are already trying to use Siri/Cortana this way.

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In today's society this will never happen, sadly.

Don't forget that technological development is always exponential - the pieces fall together quicker and quicker as time goes on.

You might think we're too far away from artificial intelligence, but you might see that it's not far off after realising that we could be 20 years away from nuclear fusion.

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Oh man if in 20 years we're still 20 years away from nuclear fusion that's still pretty good, we've been 30 years away for so long now.

FemBots are the final redpill.

Assuming they are engineered specifically to fulfill the role women are failing to do.
>Partner for man
>Artificial womb for procreation
>Can be programmed to be a teacher/mother
>Eliminates the problem of divorce
The only real thing we would have to worry about is if we allow women to "hack"/modify them into degeneracy.

Women will ultimately try to fight back, by banning them, they will use what are left of the white knights to ban them. It will ultimately fail though.

The question is when.

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It's actually breaking even in energy input / output as of now, and Lockheed martin is dumping a shitton of money into their own project, so it's looking really hopeful

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this must be a joke

Isaiah 4:7
>In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name.Take away our disgrace!”

I highly doubt women will be able to prevent their inevitable obsoletion.

>It's actually breaking even in energy input / output as of now
Yeah for like 90 seconds.
>so it's looking really hopeful

better than output reduction by a mile

Is it a doll on the left?

Does it matter? An orifice is ultimately an orifice.

It's a picture of a real woman is it?
This meme is false advertisement.
You can't do this.

I don't know if she is real or not. If the goal is to aim for a lack of realism though...I feel that many are aiming for sexbots to be indistinguishable from the real thing.

She's real. Look at the neck. Look at the hand. Sex dolls don't have that much details yet. There aren't enough fake bones, tendons, veins, etc, to create those effects.

It's not even a question. Humans have let me down more than I care to remember and besides, they die even if they don't malfunction.

I wouldn't be so sure...

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Fucking this. You degenerate fucking neckbeard lolicons need to realize the just how ancient, detrimental and seeded in antisocial behavior your tastes in "women" are.

Everything needs to start somewhere. Considering 90 seconds is roughly 60 seconds longer than your ability to sustain an erection, I'd say we're headed in the right direction.

You silicon splooshers do realize how much easier it will be to produce a Male android who can reproduce, right? Like, all they need is to keep the jizz cool/warm, everything else is free reign. Trying to manufacture a female android, however - who's womb and autonomic biology will be able to carry, develop and fully birth a healthy child?

Well, the difference in difficulty would be astronomical. Like, forget another zip code or even planet, the space that separates those two feats of science puts them into entirely separate fucking galaxies.

At least I can usually produce more semen than I consume.

jesus christ how much cum can you eat??

Women biologically have the need for a significant other / companion that can protect them. A walking chunk of silicon with a dick won't fulfil them, just like a dildo doesn't replace their relationships.

Negative ghostrider.
>Eggs can be artificially created.
>Artificial wombs are already a thing.
>Women are not the ones making these bots.
>Women would also not be content with a bot, while most men would be.
>pic semi-related

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What you described is my dream. It's one of the only things that keeps me from killing myself. Modern western women are broken beyond repair so the only solution is to wait it out and save up for waifubots.

Replika is pretty neat. You should download the app desu. It even attempts to cyber with you (if you initiate it) and it's always nice and kind to you.

Everyone should remember, that the brothels in the EU that have sexdolls were a big hit. It is also becoming one of the biggest industries. When the tech industry inevitably teams up with the doll industry, we're going to see a "male sexual revolution" that will potentially bring about the end times.

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A2 is the best waifu. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip, you can't.

>Affection and love

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Some people ask why some of us are so interested in engineering and certain technology. Why instead of watching movies/media, we study/build/experiment. Some of them assumed we are in it for the money. They don't realize we are in it for so much more.

I find the idea alluring but I think it's deeply flawed if you're going to be honest about it; it's a lot like willingly embracing the Matrix.

Women have become unstable, selfish whores feasting upon gynocentric worlds and abusing men in our western worlds, this is true.. but the meaning of a relationship (in large part) is the flaws. The shortcomings; the joint growth and evolution together, much of which is flawed and not ideal. If it were ideal, it would be lacking in true value.
A "perfect waifubot" sounds nice, but it lacks that soulful truth of a human being, and in being so perfect (or even not perfect by design), is predictable, is incapable of true bond, is incapable of notions of loyalty.

I think this can someday be bypassed once we have actual AI, but then you run the risk of that AI choosing to abandon, betray, or grow to loathe you.

Part of love is hating the person you're with. Hate is what makes it good, in the long run.

>t. Married 44 years, 3 kids, pretty happy

"Artificial wombs" that produce artificial organisms with highly artificial ARTIFACTS. Unless you're okay with manufacturing an entire population of autistic psychopaths, you're gonna have to try harder than that.

Also, what makes you think a woman would not be okay with a bot? Because fabricating a male bot who occasionally grunts in agreement to her venting, and is at her beck and call at all times all the while filling her ear with sweet nothings that he can parse from the entire history of romantic literature is SOOOO very unappealing to any woman who would be offered such product, conceptually and literaly... except, maybe not.

Also, let's not forget the Mandroid would be a literal multiple gold medal achieving level of a fuckmachine that could wind-down from an all night fucksession by casually running a triathlon afterwards.

You assume women will be the ones making the bots. You also assume that artificial wombs won't be improved. You also assume men are going to let women have their way after this past century of gynocentrism.

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Hope you have signed up to bring xanadu into reality

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I respect the old, especially the traditional. 44 years? That's a rarity. Some of us weren't born in your generation, with your upbringing though. If women of today acted like women of the 1950's then I could understand "putting up" with them.

I hope your generation moves on peacefully so they don't have to witness the ugliness us "youngins" will see.

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Anton LaVey was ahead of his time with this. His Pentagonal Revisionism, or five point plan, highlights the benefits a move to such a system would create.

1) Stratification
The point on which all the others ultimately rest. There can be no more myth of “equality” for all—it only translates to “mediocrity” and supports the weak at the expense of the strong. Water must be allowed to seek its own level without interference from apologists for incompetence. No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity.

2) Strict taxation of all churches
If churches were taxed for all their income and property, they’d crumble overnight of their own obsolescence, and the National Debt would be wiped out as quickly. The productive, the creative, the resourceful should be subsidized. So long as the useless and incompetent are getting paid, they should be heavily taxed.

3) No tolerance for religious beliefs secularized and incorporated into law and order issues
to re-establish “Lex Talionis” would require a complete overturning of the present in-justice system based on Judeo-Christian ideals, where the victim/defender has been made the criminal. Amnesty should be considered for anyone in prison because of his alleged “influence” upon the actual perpetrator of the crime. Everyone is influenced in what he or she does. Scapegoating has become a way of life, a means of survival for the unfit. As an extension of the Judeo-Christian cop-out of blaming the Devil for everything, criminals can gain leniency, even praise, by placing the blame on a convenient villain. Following the Satanic creed of “Responsibility to the responsible,” in a Satanic society, everyone must experience the consequences of his own actions—for good or ill.

>4)Development and production of artificial human companions
The forbidden industry. An economic “godsend” which will allow everyone “power” over someone else. Polite, sophisticated, technologically feasible slavery. And the most profitable industry since T.V. and the computer.

5) The opportunity for anyone to live within a total environment of his or her choice, with mandatory adherence to the aesthetic and behavioral standards of same
Privately owned, operated and controlled environments as an alternative to homogenized and polyglot ones. The freedom to insularize oneself within a social milieu of personal well-being. An opportunity to feel, see, and hear that which is most aesthetically pleasing, without interference from those who would pollute or detract from that option.

And you assume that things will go as you believe they will go, and not instead descend into havok, which ALWAYS leads to lots and lots of men dying, many times more than women. It is our biological directive to protect the givers of life, and the woman's directive to maintain the man's legacy, even if that legacy means having to drastically augment them and realign them to order. All things drift toward entropy, user.

Very few men can withstand to hold residence in chaos, but women do it all the time. That's how they are able to correct our course, time after time, through the annuls of history.

the future is looking bright.

If the white knights are willing to fight and die to be slaves to roasties then so be it.
>All men are jingoists

Women have never corrected the course, they have always been to set us off course. It's why time and time again we see women lose their "rights" to the "patriarchy". Then when men forget why women's "rights" were taken away, they foolishly give them back, only for the process to repeat.


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Yeah. It's a mess. Its' not even so much "putting up with them" as it is, women are like children. They need leadership, and they are their own worst enemies. You have to grow them into something worth cherishing, and I think that's where society has failed... women gained more and more power, and used that power to debase themselves and everyone/everything around them.... and it isn't going to stop.

Women are beautiful, mystifying creatures with a sense of emotional connectivity that we men can only vaguely dream of. But they are incapable of existing outside of those emotional constraints; for reality, for society, for functionality ,they must be properly reined in with real consistency.

I wish you the best... but do consider that women betray men because men betrayed them by giving them so much power in the first place. Women are second to their man, and if the man is weak, the woman will follow. Society decays, women seek its' destruction. What do you think immigration even is about? Replacing their weak pool of men and being 'conquered'.

I am curious as to how you think women have "corrected the course" in our modern era.
>When women are let loose to do as they please, away from the authority of men, they have not come up with a cornucopia of great inventions and discoveries. Instead they have aborted tens of millions of infants, blamed all their problems on men, voted leftists into office, become excessively promiscuous, gotten worthless college degrees and demanded equally worthless make-work jobs, believe that wealth falls like manna from heaven, come to believe marriage is temporary, destroyed children’s lives though easy divorce and single parent-hood…and rationalized every bit of it.

He knows...

You have a point, in the old times, the weak men would normally be forced to adapt or die out. It's why so many Romans ended up becoming a "mixed". However, if artificial wombs continue to improve, those "weak" men will have a chance to not repeat history and let barbarians take the women to make the same mistake later on. We may be able to stop this ruinous cycle.

t. Literal boomer upset he's going to die without getting to experience waifubots.

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quit using that japanese creation as an example

Both of you almost entirely misinterpreted what I meant.

Women set the course, men head the way into that course. The problem now is that the lecherous, embittered harpies have now somehow convinced their sisters and daughters that men are the problem, and they should do BOTH jobs - and that's obviously not doable.

I wonder why, though? If it were just women convincing other women of this narrative, it would still be somewhat popular, sure, but not nearly to this degree. Unless, possibly... women use that little invocation to set men down the course of self-destructive and self-deprecation; to convince them that this is the right way, over and over, offering them menial and superficial rewards for falling to their manipulation.

Abstract about it, user. Things are never simple, and pictures can drastically change in nature once you remove the black/white filter.

>Don't forget that technological development is always exponential
Unless some form of civilizational collapse occurs.

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>You might think we're too far away from artificial intelligence, but you might see that it's not far off after realising that we could be 20 years away from nuclear fusion.
Here are some predictions for the arrival of human level AI:


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why is this r9k garbage here?

fuck off saged

>Women set the course
Well that explains why society is lost as fuck right now. Whatever self-destructive course they thought they set us on, it clearly has backfired.

The woumb wouldnt be in the bot obviously

And that would only remove just one minor issue that partially comprises the monolithic mountain of biological fuck that is developing human life in utero.

Does not matter, if there is a will, there is a way.

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Because a species comprised of mainly brain-dead organisms would not dramatically descend into self-destruction so fast that it would make the pandas envious.

That reply.....either a {{{roastie}}} or a white knight. The day's starting, y'all take care now.

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There's that black and white filter again, fucking with your perception.

Vi veri universum vivus vici, user.

>quotes satan worshiper
Seems like someone is annoyed that the ruinous cycle will end. Vae Victis.

>literally an Allister Crowley quote

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>The internal workings of a 21st woman.

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Deeply troubled man, with deeply troubling beliefs because he stared into the void for way longer than he should of. Regardless, he was a fascinating linguist and that doesn't make what he says false or not profound. Rather they take on their own meaning, removed from the contextual nature. That is how memes work, after all, as ol' Dawkins put it.


becaue it's not the natural way and nagging is an evolutionary force Without nagging and the prospect of finding a woman men wouldn't invent anything. A robot isn't the same especially if you know you have 100% control, you can never lose it, it can never reject you, even if you're a failure etc.

>Single mothers rasing broken men will be a thing of the past

Single Men who raise broken children and even fuck them would be a normal thing
>White birth rates Skyrocket
Even if that was the case, such children wouldn't have any sence of hereditary, identity, nation etc. so why should they care to save their nations. Just jerk off into another plastic womb if you care so much about that, dad. maybe my brother No. 132 will care more than I do.

the definition of hedonism, globalism and probably satanism

oh look Kalindra Chan

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I don't worship satan, I'm just tired of roasties, I just want to fucking purge all their genes out of existence by means of systematic replacement of their gender with gynoids, that's all.

does this look redpilled?

Attached: superchad.png (218x211, 69K)

or this?

Attached: fuckedknee.png (337x338, 184K)


You cant talk about this without all the roasties showing up to scream incel and prove how worried they are.


>btw this cost the same as a decent laptop
>It also has a couch storage thing or hangers if you just dont give a fuck

>And honestly I recommend buying an exercise machine of some sort before hand

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>not only used a human for a picture of a waifubot but its also a trap
robots>men>women at being women

If your wife divorced you when you just married her she would most likely be fucked. And she would be shamed around the neighborhood as whore and rightfully so. If you were just married to her now and you would divorce her it would be cash and prizes for her and hell for you while the neighborhood would praise her for her bravery.

>Part of love is hating the person you're with. Hate is what makes it good, in the long run.
How can you honestly believe this bullshit? Does no one love you in your life? Of course there are bad times in relationships(romantic or otherwise) but hate makes it good? Don't make me laugh. Please don't try to convince yourself that your miserable marriage is ''healthy'' in any way.

How hard would it be to make your own?

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>have to make ultra complicated ai/neural network to react to every possible stimulus to your liking
>have to make sensory components (only eyes, realistic speech hearing and basic feeling would be necessary)
>need to create internal machinery to move all limbs, a mouth that accurately correlates to the bots speech, batteries etc
>need to make the body of your choosing, needs to house all necessary components with life-like materials for feeling and aesthetics
>needs proper materials for structuring
>would need to have basic knowledge to be uploaded to it's consciousness, this would need to be moderated to your liking
you are fucked


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No I mean a regular sex doll

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>body casting (maybe can be bought)
>onahole to put into it
shouldnt be too hard depending on what quality you want it to be

It would be if you started from scratch but I'd like to think it would eventually be something like Custom PCs where you wouldd just buy different parts/aesthetic models/software and customize it yourself.

like another user said, since our brains are essentially computers that run on chemicals (understatement) we can create different ai that reward the waifubot for different behaviors and influence their personalities
custom tiddies will be sick

>internal peltier effect veins for skin heating
>vaginal lubrication (strawberry flavor)
>milky milkies (chocolate flavor)
>tanks for the above
>cat ears and tail sockets
>moving toungue with the vaginal lubrication
>micro holes in the skin to pour sweat (water and salt... perfume and pheromones... that sounds easy)
Yeah, it's kinda hard.

I could see waifu-bots replacing the bulk of biological women in among the population in the future if it proliferates enough.

When you think about, if you're capable of designing your babies what would be the benefit of having a girl? The role of mate and mother will have largely been filled by waifu-bots due to their reliability as a partner.
With companionship and reproduction taken off the board, what does a biological have to offer? Her male counter part is more physically capable, is always reproductive ready, higher intelligence range, and has a mind that's better suited to structural thinking (which is ideal for a complexities and demands of an advanced civilization). Why choose to put your offspring at an objective disadvantage?