how does a 18 y/o uni student obtain a job in hellbourne?
Angel Carter
imagine you are a young man growing up in australia now.
you are not allowed to own or shoot airsoft or paintball (or even certain types of fucking nerf gun). you are not allowed to ride an electric bicycle or petrol goped scooter. you are not allowed to experiment with model rocketry, or set off some fireworks on new years eve. you are not allowed to modify or restore a classic car unless you are a trained and certified engineer. you are not allowed to drive any car with more than 6 cylinders, or a turbo/supercharger until you are 24. you are welcome to go camping in the forest, but you are not allowed to carry a swiss army knife, or even light a camp fire.
meanwhile, everyone your age is addicted to crystal meth, a meth pipe is being passed around like a spliff at every party in your town/suburb. you are getting assaulted or mugged by meth heads or niggers every time you leave your house. you are seeing copious amounts of degeneracy all around you, there is not a chance you will ever get a GF or have sex unless you smoke meth, have a few armed robberies under your belt, and have face or neck tattoos.
now you know what it is like to grow up in this SHIT HOLE. any time you see a bogan on Jow Forums bragging about how based australia is, just post this image.
>tfw have to pack a knife as defense >tfw everyone in melbourne looks at you like a freak because i wear these shoes and dont give a fuck >tfw drinking 6 packs everyday