It's like gee, OF COURSE Israel should stay Jewish. But identity politics? Man...

>It's like gee, OF COURSE Israel should stay Jewish. But identity politics? Man, that's a road you do not want to go down.

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And every day it's like, oh wow you mean I can clean my room??
It's like YES. YES, you can clean your room

Well, Israel should stay Jewish, shouldn't it. Isn't that kind of the point?
We should send every Jew in the world there (and then nuke it).

Look, I know I don't seem like a Christian, but think about it... Jesus is like, the archetype of the Hero.. I mean, why wouldn't you want to be a Christian ? Its like the classic struggle between good & evil.
Also, Identity politics ? No, that's absolutely dangerous. Look at whats happening to young me these *sniffs* days


kek'd n czeched.
Great impressions.

>archetype of the Hero
hero's don't give up and shit. that's you get through the journey
just look at naruto
he didn't give up n sheit
jesus opened his third eye and sheit
he brainwashed all of humanity with a made up book called the bible

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>Man, that's a road you do not want to go down.
Whenever anyone says this just ask "what will happen to us", and you'll quickly realise they're just defending the out-group.

>Peterson must be a shill because he hasn't discussed killing all the Jews!
Fuck off retard

Naruto didn't give up because he wanted Sasuke's dick.

Peterson taught me how to wash my dick! I didn't know I could wash my dick, and he told me to do it! Therefore everything he says is right!

I don't really care one way or the other. My issue with Peterson is that he doesn't seem to mind when Jewish people engage in what he calls "identity politics". However, every time any form of European identity is mentioned he begins deconstructing it, says you can't have have pride in it, says all collectivism is bad, he'll even start making allusions to the Shoah. It's very slimy.

I swear, either this is the same guy in every thread or all Canadians are complete trash. Get raked, Leaf trash.

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No that's what the Zionist globalists (like yourself) want, they operate stronger as a unit. There's a reason why the great empires of the past made them a diaspora, you need to dilute them. Kill yourself kike shill.

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When did Peterson comment about Israel?

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>professor of How To Deal With Normies 101 talks to normies

what he doesn't say speaks louder than what he does say

Did you just call me a Zionist globalist? I've been called a lot of things in my time, leaf...

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He has, plenty of times. I don't have one specific link, but search for 'Peterson Israel' on YouTube.

Your wasting your powers, mind reader.

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Israel has balls to be against the western leftist politics and cuck values.

>I don't have anything. Please prove my point for me.

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I remember his ama where he said the nazis weren't religious. Then that was deleted. Sad times being on reddit.

>It's very slimy.

If you suggest that whites consider their collective interests, that's declared a step away from genocide.
If you agree and suggest that Jews not consider their collective interests either, that's declared literal genocide.

The people doing the declaring never see the double standard.

>Israel takes stances that benefit them at the present moment.
>Israel snipes unarmed kids
>Israel has balls
I thought Russians were smart.