Mythology says Europe was named after Europa, who was stolen by Zeus from Crete. She wasn’t a native to Crete though, she was Phoenician. The Phoenician empire’s trade routes stretched all across Northern Africa, and the empire’s capitol lay nicely nestled in - you guessed it - ISRAEL!!
Tl;DR: The Continent of Europe was named after a brown eyed black hair monobrow sporting Jew, who was also probably a Turk.
“Amerimutt” is a funny meme, but Europe/Evropa being tied with modern white identity movements is the greatest joke in history.
The modern Lebanese match really closely to their ancient Phoenician/Canaanite ancestors. They weren’t Israeli mutt Jews, they’re the ancestors of Levant Arabs. Aka they looked kind of Greek and hung out with Greeks
Lets be honest. The Turks didn’t bring brown eyes, caucus skin, and monobrows to the Mediterranean. And let’s be honest that those features aren’t white.
John Gray
How do you know? I always thought they were an Aryan elite, and Canaanites(sand nigs) were their slaves and serfdom.
Alexander Lopez
Those features are White, you mean the coins and sarcophagi? Clearly White features.
Andrew Moore
Obviously, What I said is that it can't be a Turk if they didn't migrate to the Middle East yet.
Turks are Central Asian, If you didn't know that yet.
Ian Jones
why are the most retarded posters and threads on Jow Forums always amerimutts? what exactly are they putting in your mcdonalds?
It's true that Canaanites were their slaves, However there's no genetic evidence that they were white.
It's just like blacks in America, Are they going ooga booga? Of course not. Because they were educated with American culture.
Ian Rodriguez
Yes. Turks didn’t bring the non-white features like monobrows the Mediterranean. Ever think Greeks were just naturally hairy?
Andrew Rodriguez
Whites are the hairiest race because of the fact that Europe is colder than its neighboring continents. Black-haired whites are also more hairy that their fair-haired counterparts, And since Greeks are black-haired then yes; They are naturally more hairy.
Austin Powell
Where is your proof for this? Your conception of a nordic race is flawed. All Europeans are primarily a mix of three groups; western hunter gatherer, early neolithic farmer, and yamnaya steppe pastoralist. What differentiates nordic phenotype from the other europeans is ~50% steppe and higher hunter gatherer admixture compared to >30% in southern europe. Neolithic farmer influence came in around 9,000 years ago while the steppe pastoralists migrated westward to europe only 5,000 years ago. So your conception of nordics as some pure race that is the progenitor of the mediterranens has no basis in reality.
idk man, Phoenicians are a mystery to me. I just find it strange and interesting they would have European looking artwork even though they were are suppose to be Semites.
Blake Johnson
Well Europeans started out as brownskinned but lack of sunlight made us lightskinned to survive. However the global warming has made skincancer a plague for lightskinned people so i guess we need to add a few shades, mediterranean skin i think would be perfect, enough sun (uv) absorption to create d vitamins in the north and good resistance to skin cancer.
Alexander Scott
no, Aryans come from the Gods.
Eli Price
Tell that to your doctor when when you wonder why your moles starts to bleed.
Josiah Walker
Blue eyes are actually a remnant of the swarthy, caucasoid, blue-eyed hunter gatherers that only exist as 20% admixture in scandanavians. The steppe pastoralists that brought aryan culture with them had light skin and brown eyes.
>whites are the hairiest race >because they live in the cold >but only black haired whites >Greeks live in the warmth >they naturally have lots of hair because it’s brown!!
>Mythology says Europe was named after Europa, who was stolen by Zeus from Crete
If you understood Mythology you would know that they are talking about the Moon Europa moving from one planet to another.
Like a moon that orbits one planet but after some kind of even the moon starts to orbit another planet.
Zeus is Jupiter.
Europa is a moon that is now orbiting around Jupiter which is Zeus.
Do you understand?
Isaac White
Makes no sense. Why aren’t there blue eyes in Georgia or all across the ME? Why did it just end up in Europe? Something like that doesn’t just relocate.
Jason Gomez
how does this board still not know that european whites were the tribes of israel? how many times have you been told this simple fact
the kikes are imposters, ie the jews are fake
kikes have no genetic or spiritual ties to israel, Jesus himself told you that the people who claim to be 'jews' were the synagogue of Satan, both in person, and through the apostle John
Kayden Garcia
>Whites are the hairiest race because user, you are partly correct. Whites are indeed hairest race, cos they are most inbreeded with neanthertals
There was no cave mens in Africa, Australia&Oceania or Americas. only Europe and bit in East Asia
But when the story was told to the common folk, did they really know there was a moon revolving around Jupiter? No, they believed Zeus was a guy in a toga that fucked a Jew.
Colton Martin
>kike golem larping as israelite not even surprising
why would they be? WHG only existed in Europe, mostly west Europe they had high blue eyes frequency because they were quite low genetically diverse, the mutation must have picked up around 20-25k BC Balkans
Tyler Barnes
The Phoenicians, like their descendants the Lebanese, were avid traveling merchants far before Jews became the merchant. They traded Greek pottery for African gold and laughed their way to England to trade Roman coins for tin before heading back to Canaan. They mixed every culture in the med together by opening trade lines with them and exchanging items. They took sarcophagi from Egypt, pottery from Greece, statues from Rome, and mythology from Sumeria. You can even see that once the Sumerian stories reach Phoenicia, they then get shared/adapted by the Greeks and romans. The Phoenicians were racially Semitic meds that knew how to blend into other societies and work hard. Even today most Lebanese live outside Lebanon and are excellent businessmen.
But they had those statues, busts, and coins commissioned to represent their kings, queens, and gods. They didn't mind if they looked European and not Canaanite on the artwork?
Oliver Scott
sage and report shitskin
Benjamin Adams
Who knew it's a thread made by mr "I don't even think about you" American.
Ryder Rivera
Levi Flores
Hunter Wilson
To be honest the future of lightskinned people i think is very well described in the story arc of the "mountain men" i the 100 tv-series.
They were powerful but couldn't adapt physically or mentally to the changed environment +100 years after a nuclear war and ultimately died out.
I apologize think we both agree the Mediterranean and Europe as a whole aren’t white.
Blake Young
and ameica was named after a non-white italian
Caleb Cooper
First things first: 1. America=Americus Vespucius This implies that the american founding fathers were Italian? Apparently no,fuck no way. But why did they choose such a NAME for the country? For two reasons:1.1.the whole continent from polar northern regions to the patagonia was named like that. 1.2.American elite, like ALL western elites, were educated under Classical Education, they new Latin and Greek, those who were into relugious live were also supposed to learn HEBREW, such is life. Secondly: 2.
Gabriel Campbell
Sup xia shen
Brandon Rodriguez
European tribes raided the Phoenicians and took their women.
Jace Turner
Amerigo is a Germanic name though, the names Heinrich and Henry are cognates of it.
Benjamin Adams
>Phoenician they're the Caananites pretending to not be devil worshippers nothing more
Liam Cruz
Secondly: 2.all Hesyod"s Theogony is a romance version of the historical facts that occured during the BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE. The passage that is described by the great-faggot-master-OP, is a descrption of SEA PEOPLE RAPTURING, PIRACY and so on, made by MEDITERRANEAN INDOEUROPEAN SPEAKING PEOPLE attacking states that were their natural enemies. The same period you have by the same group of people: 2.1. Piracy over the litoral of Egyptian Empire, during its civil war period. 2.2. Founding of City of ROME by a group of people of Anatolian, Greek, Italic and Etruscan origin. 2.3. Compounding of the Homeric Hymns.
what he was saying is that the Phoenicians took the culture from other nations as well, not just their products. They would learn how to make Greek pottery and make their own version of it, same with roman statues. Many phoenicians would actually order a statue to be sculpted in Rome, picked up by a phoenician ship, and brought back to them. the very first amazon purchase. and they likely didn't mind, considering levant arabs, southern europeans, and north africans don't look too different from each other in general. it's not like the statue was made in the image of a mongolian
Logan Nelson
another mutt trying to learn our own history piss off you pice of shit snipped cattle that horrible id says quite enough
your map destroys your own argument. a small portion of phoenicia was conquered by the Israelites, that doesn't mean they all became israelites. that's not how conquest works at all, or genetics for that matter. in addition, the phoenicians existed long before and long after the rule of Saul and David. Even in the New Testament, they're called foreigners, and Jesus has to deal with 'the faith of the Canaanite woman'. She isn't called a fellow israelite, she's called a foreign canaanite phoenician, which she was.
Logan Powell
>the very first amazon purchase. The Minoans and Akkadians and Egyptians were doing this stuff during the Bronze Age.
Luke Gonzalez
They spoke the same language and worshiped the same gods. Phoenician is the Greek word for a Hebrew in the early Iron Age. Judean identity and religion was formed in the Babylonian exile. Before that the Phoenicians and the Judeans were practically the same
Leo Clark
2.4.End of mycean Greek civilization, ending the using of writting records until circa 800 b.c
3. PHOENICIA was not a unified country, but a group of CITY-STATES, each one independent of another. Jews were not near in being in control of that region. THEY WERE BEING EXPELLED OF EGYPT at that time, you see? Expelled AS USUAL. Why the evil egyptians were so evil? Because the Hebrews[then know as HYKSOS] PROVOCATED A CIVIL WAR in those lands. PHOENICIANS WERE yes SEMITE MERCHANTS, BUT WERE NOT JEWS. [i.e. All newyorkers are Americans, but NOT ALL AMERICANS are newyorkers], this is simple and common logic, using common sense.
And thys we could conclyde that: 4. CONCLUSIONS, OP has demonstrated to be a dumb faggot that doesnt care for logics or facts. . If tjis faggotical dumbery is intensional we should think of (((WHO))) BENEFITS WITH INFIGHTINGS, proxing jew is the new wandering jew, andthat the initial intension is infighting of EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN WHITES, BY OP. . If not intensional OP IS just a SILLY SISSY, Jumpingly doing threads that are Dumbly dumbs.
Austin Brooks
it's called trade dipshit. And allowing another race or culture to make kings, queens, and gods in their image instead of yours is quite peculiar to me, in so much that I believe the Phoenicians might actually have been Aryan rather than Canaanitsh.
Zachary Collins
Read this, and think. Think really hard about the myth of racial purity.
Benjamin Cook
The only ones that believe in total one drop ruled raciall purity are some fringe nordicists, usually young men that hadnt done the research. But this NOT CONCLUDE THAT that we should become a multicultural hellhole. FUCK NO.
Luis Sanders
>Lol Europe has a name from a mythical figure that was brown >Dab yuropoors aren't even white I'm not a mutt deapacito
Bentley Moore
Let's see what the eternally uncucked Christfags have to say about this
>Mark 7:26-28 and the woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phenician by nation -- and was asking him, that the demon he may cast forth out of her daughter. And Jesus said to her, `Suffer first the children to be filled, for it is not good to take the children's bread, and to cast [it] to the little dogs.' And she answered and saith to him, `Yes, sir; for the little dogs also under the table do eat of the children's crumbs.'
So the people who gave Europe its name, called Greeks by the authors of the New Testament, are also called dogs begging for the scraps of Yahweh's chosen people by those same authors.