Imagine creating a billion dollar company from absolutely nothing...

Imagine creating a billion dollar company from absolutely nothing, and then losing it all because you you took a conservative stance on NFL protests, and said nigger when quoting someone else.

Attached: pizza.jpg (563x562, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody creates a "billion dollar company" from nothing. There is an incredible amount of luck, privilege and immorality involved in accumulating such sickening amounts of wealth

You’ve eaten delivery pizza before and you weren’t crying then fat cuck faggot. Kill yourself

From an independent chain, of which there are many in NYC where I live. Why so triggered, broflake?

>have shitty company
>started getting tired of being in charge of it
>cannot give up my position cause my shares will go down
>notice the political climate
>use one of the words against this political climate
>resign from the company still have most of the shares saved because muh humility
>go live the rest of your life

Did you vote Hillary?

imagine being as gay as OP


Communist living in a city... NO SURPRISE HERE MOVE ALONG EVERYONE

Demons are real. The Elite worship them.. they serve the High prince of this world SATAN..
THEIR mission is to destroy your connection to the Creator

>Stay Informed!
You need news about the spiritual warfare around you!!!

Today's News ! TODAYS happenings!!
Brought to you by your resident OldFag Based Bellagio!!!
>you will laugh
>you'll cry
You will be informed on topics such as
>satanic Elites running the world
>corporations exploiting you
And also ways to fix it!!

Defeat the Jewish controlled Negative-Media and Beast system

The AI antichrist is coming... are you ready

The Molechians Hate this Shit!.... .

Attached: 1531304591945.jpg (500x563, 71K)

Poor fag

Attached: 1499139665742.png (500x517, 140K)

(((info wars)))

>never eaten pizza hut or dominos in entire life

Literally kill yourself.

I'd never resign, I'd call everyone a nigger.

A marketing company ceo hired his wife. That marketing company tried to ruin someone they were being paid to make look good.

Imagine building a 50 million dollar marketing company then having your 4.5/10 wife get you both fired.

That’s why I like you guys, whoever succeeds is automatically the oppressor. Say you get some of that mythical luck one day. That’s when they’ll turn on you.

t. neet faggot

Imagine being stupid enough to go public with your company and giving it over to shareholders instead of keeping complete control. But I guess he didn't know what was coming back then

Imagine when all these young trumpers and their commie opponenets grow older and become homeless or swallowed by debt

The future is violence and I look forward to it, not sure how many years away it is

he lost it all when he was in ghostbusters

Context is rayciss

q theory: Papa said it with intent, to lose his job this way, rather than stick around for the cuffs when the Trump reich brings out the long knives.

Traitorous disloyal nigger beasts, squealing for more gibs be put in their inferior leeching useless mouths, deserve to be called out for the worthless trash that they innately are. It's the least they deserve aside being thrown back into their animal world continent, to fling spears at one another, and making everyone actually human better off. Fuck niggers. They're a poison on humanity. They're a diseased brown branch that should be pruned.

t. rural & suburban retard

>As a matter of fact, I was responsible for Papa John's.

Commies are so pathetic.

Attached: Commie for christ.jpg (360x266, 21K)

>living in Capitalism’s breadbox
why don’t you move to Kansas bruh? Get away from all those corrupt banks and trump monuments.


LMAO only a chink-fluffer could post this

Hey faget you just realized what human nature is

actually true

His pizza sucks, he's vain as fuck naming the company after himself and self-inserting into all the commercials, and he single-handedly bankrolls the University of Louisville nigger worship programs (i.e. athletics). So nothing of value was lost.

how can niggers normalize the word nigher that niggers created, use it in everyday nigger life, call for more nigger representation, and the allowance of the nigger use of the word nigher, then get buttmad when after normalizing the word nigger, someone uses the word nigger?

fucking nggers man...

You don't call someone a nigger in a conference call lol how are you people still defending this man. He knew exactly how a CEO is supposed to act, but instead he wanted to seem tough and now he's facing the consequences.

He didnt call anyone a nigger. He was yelling his PR firm for not doing their jobs. He said that it is ridiculous he is getting bad press over the NFL protests, when Col. Sanders called people niggers and KFC is doing fine.

I ordered Papa John's last night because I heard about what happened. Unfortunately I have celiac disease and even the gluten free crust tears me up or I would order more often. How can I support based Papa John?

I read this in Theo Von's voice

he hasn’t lost it all tho still rich as fuck, now just retired

im going order papa johns.

>sickening amounts of wealth
Yeah I also hate it when people work hard and are successful and generate wealth

Attached: 1525345119848.jpg (720x720, 88K)

>Yeah I also hate it when people work hard and are successful and generate wealth
generating wealth in this culture means killing brown skinned people. don't ever forget that

Attached: socialism vs capitalism.png (1280x950, 398K)

>There is an incredible amount of luck, privilege and immorality involved in accumulating such sickening amounts of wealth
what sort of luck, privilege, and immortality is papa fucking john involved in you memeflag?

You don't know about the flour wars bro, you weren't there.

You get this meme as an email attachment from Aunt Gladys you fucking cringey boomer faggot?

Is papa John's in Kıbrıs?

Imagine talking to a nigger

Attached: papa nigger.png (570x625, 63K)

Attached: 1531357748435.png (1334x750, 1.75M)

Papa Johns is garbage, I would rather eat leftover dominos than fresh Papa Johns.