How do we stop the giant hogweed epidemic...

How do we stop the giant hogweed epidemic? This shit can blind you and the sap causes burns every time you expose the area that came in contact with it to sunlight for life!

Attached: Giant_hogweed010_Barker_1.jpg (750x1000, 367K)

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It's not for life you faggot.

Don't burn it and inhale the fumes though. You will irreversably fuck your shit up

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>not bottling the sap and loading it into a Supersoaker squirt gun for maximum lulz

You'll cowards don't even smoke meth...

Joke's on you, I never go outside

We must first eradicate the weeds if we intend on having a plentiful garden

Uproot it and replant it in nog yards. Chimps dont do yard work so itll spread like crazy, forcing them out and allowing whites to gentrify and clean it up while outpricing the nigs

this start tossing hogweed into non-white neighborhoods

Turn and run

Hazmat suit, or there is prob a special way to remove it

I was just thinking about these last night. Super cool stuff. I'm sure there's some medicinal benefit to them. Probably not a direct one.


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Get a trenching hoe
She will cut them down and pull up the roots
How is this so fucking hard?

Looks neat. It can make Canadians into Vampires!

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It's a giant weedy plant where pretty much any exposure to it causes blistering. If you get sap in your eyes you'll end up blind. If it ends up in a burning pile anyone in the vicinity will end up unable to breath.

you should eat hemlock

Kine was a derogatory term that the Crimson Fists adeptus astartes chapter used to describe greenskins. It was due to the manner in which the orks would constantly advance into the Fists bolter fire like cows for the slaughter. Thought it was generally disparaged by command since it usually led to underestimating the threat that the orks posed by dismissing them as chattel.

The best thing to do is if you see it flowering you put on long clothes/gloves preferably on a cloudy day and cut it down so it doesn't go to seed and spread. Then you can try cutting it below the root ball, you will need a spade, cut under the point where it's coming out of the ground. It's actually best to do that in the spring. It will probably come back so after you try to dig it out mark where it was and come back and check if it grows again. Then spray it with glyphosates when I starts growing again.

This stuff is not to fuck around with, kill it on sight.

>fuck my ass is electric fire only cure is suicide

No actually. Only exposure to sap being exposed to sunlight (uvlight) is.

>(((zogweed))) slide thread

I knew I forgot some aspect of it. Thanks, user.

>mfw they’re real

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Is he heiling the weeds?

Jews and chinks did this..
We need to spread awareness.

Throw it in a destillation kit, filter out the harmfull stuff and load it into supersoakers and water balloons, then hand them out at schools in shit-tier neighbourhoods and watch the fun from the safety of your car


what do we want "White Flowers."

mow the hogweed and plant mint over it. Now excuse me I need to harvest my blackberry patch.


you know it is called -stalins rache-