I honestly would spend like 3 minutes. Clicking up to 40 tiles. And the tiles would take their sweet fucking time changing out. Whatever the situation is, Jow Forums got me to buy a pass. I lose.
The Captcha was getting too difficult
>Captcha too complex
>Me special!
Jesus Christ, promise me you'll never breed. You're too retarded to go on.
Its not about me. When I clicked on "help" google said my network was probably sending automated replies, so google made it more difficult. This went on the past 2 weeks. You probably have no idea what I was trying to get past.
Prove it.
Turn on your pass vip signature op.
The street signs always fuck me up for some reason. I get everything else right but apparently I don't know what a street sign is.
I know it’s fucking insane, had me raging furiously yesterday.
>click all the buses
>click all the roads
>click all the road signs
>click all the cars
>click all the roads
>click all the cars
Each one takes 20 seconds to load
I had the same problem on chrome. Not on ff though.
ok hold on
Their on to you. The phone will ring but nobody is on the line. Wait for the knock on the door
Don't worry anons. Through your selfless sacrifice you are helping train the machine learning algorithms that will replace humans.
You're just proving you're retarded.
Can't you skip them until you get an easy one?
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
>click on cars
>click on bus
>click on train
>click on store fronts
Post completed
happened to me yesterday
yep. seems like lots of people are having this bullshit.
hell no. you can wait all you want. its still bullshit.
i havent been asked to do a captcha in ages and i really post regularly
lol. what is going on? this is nuts.
If you skip them (I tried) then you get banned from using captchas for 2+ hours so can’t post. Reason: google thinks that you’re a bot. Tragic.
Why do you think they are asking you to click on pics of signs, cars bridges etc?
They are using that data to train the algorithms in their self driving cars. So that the self driving cars can identify street signs, bridges, other cars etc. More accurately.
Also, the most common form of employment worldwide is transportation. So with every tap on a captca square, just know you are personally contributing to the most common form of employment becoming obsolete very soon
The captcha can be incredibly annoying sometimes. Am I the only one who keeps getting connection errors? Sometimes, after I complete a captcha and click accept, I get a connection error. Sometimes it happens 10 times in a row, and I've never gotten connection errors on anything else. It's so bad that I would have bought a pass, except I refuse to submit to captcha jewery
>And the tiles would take their sweet fucking time changing out.
I think kikecha realizes that sites are using it to monetize their websites, so it occasionally nags you. Not sure if this is default behavior or if administrators do this.
I want to smash the skull of the google rat that came up with google catpcha. Only a communist rodent would code something that infuriating.
phoneposter, right?
captcha is a bitch right now when using a pc but they go through easily when on mobile
>Why do you think they are asking you to click on pics of signs, cars bridges etc?
have to use my phone right now as a hotspot since my ISP is upgrading the infrastructure. When I shitpost while working I usually have to solve only 1 captcha.
I also figured out if you wait for 2 seconds after you solved the captcha before clicking "next" the chances are higher that you dont have to solve another one.
>They are using that data to train the algorithms in their self driving cars. So that the self driving cars can identify street signs, bridges, other cars etc. More accurately.
that why they use always the same pictures. fucking tinfoil head
yeah ive had that same connection error. honestly at this point i think its just bullshit that they rig to get us to buy passes.
you are nod alone bindland :dddddddddd
jokes on hiro mo0t. I dont own a credit card so i cant buy a pass
underage banned!!
>And the tiles would take their sweet fucking time changing out.
I hate this shit.
credit cards are not that common in germany
>phoneposter, right?
Nape. Just someone competent enough to solve captchas, apparently.
>tfw Jow Forums brushed off my threads about this shit
You failed the road challenge.
lmfao. thats exactly what i had to deal with for the last few weeks. you can solve all of them perfectly and still spend an hour clicking on shit.
Wtf happened to legacy captcha? Anyone?
probably too easy to solve. i tried finding it instead of using the weird pics that dont get solved. its not available anymore.
google stopped supporting the legacy captcha system so they had to change to this "click fucking cars" bullshit
(((had to)))
sometimes the bridge is no bridge lol
I try to mislead it as often as possible with the new images and topics, works fine for quite a while
Whats this about captchas? All I have to do is click a little square and it turns into a check and I can post. Am I getting jewed somehow? Or is everyone else getting jewed?
>the absolute state of captchacucks
>pretty much slaves
kys cuckptcha slaves
Everyone else is getting jewed
Piss off a couple MODS and experience Captcha Hell
all I have to do is click the Submit button
>there are people IN THIS THREAD that don't use non-javascript captcha with 4chanX
everyone else itt is having the same experience so I'm leaning more towards "bullshit" on your part
Yeah, if I've already made a post in a thread I don't have to click the box most of the time
I also realized that the more you post the more catpchas you have to solve.
Was banned because google thought i was botting the anti bot captcha system and I wanted to post my shitty reply.
There was a button to confirm that I'm not botting the anti bot system but since I use palememe browser with no script I couldn't click that button. I switched to (((ms edge))) and wanted to confirm that I'm not a bot and to post my reply. To my surprise i wasn't banned on edge and I only had so solve 1 captcha.
Fuck browser fingerprinting
If you find yourself getting unusually difficult captchas, it's usually a sign that you have been posting on any one board on Jow Forums for too long, and need to take a break.
Google is specifically targeting people. Trying to discourage them from posting. The subject field automatically recognizes certain trigger words. It’s all locked to your IP
If you buy a pass then everything you post is cataloged with your payment info, which includes your IRL personal info.
Jow Forums is completely compromised. The only place that is worse is 8ch, whose owner is selling all of your personal data to your enemies. This is very serious.
nope. thats an urban myth. my posting habits havent changed in 10 years. something at google changed, recently. the captcha system everywhere became very difficult. even on the texas department of _____ when i was trying to renew my _________. same captcha bullshit.
>using bing
>posting for too long
Hell no. We’re all family on the Pokémon board :3
Update your OS, retard.
When you click on the captcha shit a countdown start. Its about 5 minutes. If you solve the captcha (remember the countdown is already running) you have ~3 minutes where you dont have to solve another one.
I had to solve so many captchas at some point that I ran out of time and my captcha was invalid when i hit Submit. Especially when I'm uploading a picture (slow connection). Cant post anything with more than 500kb right now
I use it an noscript captchas worked never. Tried it over 100 times even at work
>invalid captcha
every single time
right. so, i tried using yahoo instead of google. but yahoo is:
a: slower
b: yields shittier results
so now i am using bing. ok?
Yeah but at least the captcha is easier on 8ch
This is how they are trying to shut it down?
>Google is specifically targeting people. Trying to discourage them from posting. The subject field automatically recognizes certain trigger words. It’s all locked to your IP
Software dev here and your post doesn't make sense.
Google only knows that the captcha was requested from Jow Forums but they dont know what you post
I've tested it extensively. If you exceed a certain number of posts in a certain period of time, you go from free captcha to regular captcha. If you exceed another number in another period of time, you get disappearing box captcha. Then you go to multiple screen captcha (starts at 2, then goes to 4, then goes to much higher numbers). If you exceed the number that the system deems to be spam, you get deliberately impossible to solve captchas, but this only happens if you are making around 50 posts in a row, 15 seconds apart, as happens when dumping images in a thread on /b/. It's been this way since forever.
I would never trust the words of anyone from Germany
Enjoy being on the IRL hit list. Don’t be surprised when strange things start happening in your life.
Thank god I’m not on PC. The phone tiles take 5 seconds each to replace the image. The captcha is also blatantly wrong 50% of the time.
You are just one unlucky German then. Hope you get everything fixed someday.
that doesnt explain why captcha is fucking me over on unrelated websites. like the texas department of public safety. its the exact same as Jow Forums right now.
I don't think ASIO gives as many fucks as the FBI/CIA
man, im glad people are recording this bullshit and sharing it. this is seriously fucked. i hope somebody shoots up google hq.
Fun fact, only takes 3 tiles to pass so long as you click one tile twice
if you click one tile twice it unchecks it, idiot. nice weak troll attempt.
trips of captchas
I`ve literally done 123124 gorillion captchas for giving (You)s in 4 threads.
yep. it seems like tons of people are having this problem lately. something is wrong at google. i think their "spam filter" has been activated on accident. or something like that.
it's been like this since it's been in place
You are probably using TOR/Proxy/noscript, addon that bombs google with fake queries under fake client or other thing that google hates.
>I would never trust the words of anyone from Germany
NASA trusted our scientist enough to bring some burgers to the moon
source on noscript bombarding google?
It doesn't, just replace the comma with a slash
Same with me, the site is becoming unusable
Just pay Nip Moot the $20 bucks and get the annual pass. Better than helping Google build a better botnet.
I though it was only me and my superior arian internet connection.
The this got me angry af....
Google capchas is cancer
Started happening to me a week ago. Now i just can not post. Had to use a proxy and - captcha suddenly works fine.
Russian user btw.
As someone who strictly browses through my phone, I had to download this shitty Mimi app because I couldn't complete any captchas. Now I end up skipping captchas 70% of the time. Kinda like I've got a Jow Forums pass.
illegals commit less crime
Hey...this isn't politics!
Do it as terribly as you possibly can, DO NOT FEED THE AI BEAST
>The Captcha was getting too difficult
Stop spamming bullshit?
Mine is just checking the box... most of the time, but it get harder when I post a lot.
The captcha jewing is unreal. I had to finally resort to using Jow Forums X's shitty UI so that I could force noscript captcha. I have to manually copy/paste the text box over, but I only have to solve one captcha grid when I post. I'll take that over spending like 5 fucking minutes waiting for captchas (or worse yet, getting pic-related)
Not sure if there's more to that. I hear that recaptcha works much better... if you use the jewgle chrome botnet and stay signed in with google taking note of every site you visit. Which makes sense to me, because the few times that I phonepost I generally get automatic recaptcha fill-in, but not on my desktop.
Also, fuck hiroshimoot, because he's complicit in this shit too. Websites are able to get different "difficulties" of recaptcha if they so choose. Or god forbid Jow Forums just dumps recaptcha entirely and uses its own, similar to how 8ch works.
Clear your browser history often. Jewgle tries to track you using cookies. They blacklist thought criminals.
>google said my network was probably sending automated replies
I had the same its when you have to much replies in a thread , also captcha seems to work less in the evening in holland time
>you can solve all of them perfectly and still spend an hour clicking on shit.
If you solve them all perfectly, they identify you as exploitable, and put you to work training their AI. You've got to solve them like you're half blind and bad at English.
its not only Jow Forums.
I have problems on all recapcha sites...
That happens to me when I skip/fail a bunch of annoying fade-in captchas enough times. Which makes it even more frustrating. Then I have to reset my router because othewise I need to wait like 2 hours to use anything wit recaptcha
And it will only get worse and worse. When j00t started off with the captchas, they were simple and easy words. Then they started making the words harder to see by introducing weird lines and static and shit. Then they switched over to very simple pictures (pick all the icons of hamburgers). Then address numbers. Then to more complex stuff and finally to road signs. And then after that they started making them more annoying with "keep selecting until none left" captchas. Then needing to do multiple separate captchas all in a row. And then adding the fade-in shit that we have now. And somehow it will still get worse.
The biggest blow was when they fucking disabled legacy captcha. Literally no reason for this other than "uh some of these goyim aren't doing our street sign bullshit"
I honestly can't remember the last time I had to do the captcha. It's always greyed out like "nah you're fine."
Lol i never use captcha on other sites , i am Jow Forums only
Gas the captcha, google war now.