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Drop all the infographics/videos/youtube links That you think could be helpful.
Don't be a stupid animal
Improve our spirit
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Improve our bodies
And we'll add a brick on the castle
Discord : demandez l'acces.

Podcasts (méridienzéro)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>culture générale et histoire
Céline : voyage au bout de la nuit ; mort à crédit
Brasillach : Poèmes de Fresnes
Montreynaud : dictionnaire des proverbes et dictons
Jaworski : Te Deum Pour Un Massacre (jeu de rôles)
Dante : la divine comédie
Bloch : la société féodale
Bainville : Histoire de France
Venner : Histoire et tradition des Européens, 30000 ans d'identité
L'intégrale des oeuvres d'Aristote et Platon
Machiavel : le Prince
La Boetie : discours de la servitude volontaire
Tocqueville : oeuvres complètes
Rousseau : discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Saint Thomas d'Aquin : oeuvres majeures
Rattier : encyclopédie politique française
Delaisi : la révolution européenne
Maurras : la contre-révolution spontanée
MacDonald : The Culture of Critique
Hitchcock : The Synagogue of Satan
Orwell : 1984
Raspail : Le camp des saints
Rousseau : du contrat social
Obertone : guerilla
Chateaubriand : mémoires d'outre-tombe
De Villiers : les mosquées de Roissy
Bigeard : Adieu ma France
Houellebecq : extension du domaine de la lutte
Barrès : trilogie le roman de l'énergie nationale
Gomez Davila : Les Horreurs de la démocratie
Camus : abécédaire de l'in-nocence
Rouvillois : crime et utopie
Dard : la nouvelle droite et la société de consommation
Bastiat : pamphlets
>connaître l'ennemi
(((Hertlz))) : l'État juif
(((Claude Levi-Strauss))) : race et histoire
(((Marx))) : le capital
(((von Mises))) : le libéralisme
Hans-Hermann Hoppe Ayn Rand
Friedman : capitalisme et liberté
Sowell : race and economics
Keynes : théorie générale de l'emploi, de l'intérêt et de la monnaie
Smith : la richesse des nations
Jovanovic : 666
Hayek : essais de philosophie, de science politique et d'économie
Rothbard : l'économie et l'État
Joule et Beauvois : petit guide de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens
Le Bon : psychologie des foules
Bernays : Propagande

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2012 - Mohammed Merah, Toulouse
2015 - Alexandre 'Abdelillah' Daussy, La Défense
2014 - Bertrand 'Bilal' Nzohabonayo, Joué-lès-Tours
2015 - Chérif et Saïd Kouachi, Paris
2015 - Amedy Coulibaly, Montrouge
2015 - Moussa Coulibaly, Nice
2015 - Sid Ahmed Ghlam, VIllejuif
2015 - Yassin Salhi, Isère
2015 - Ayoub El Khazzani, Thalys Amsterdam-Paris
2015 - Ahmad Al-Mohammad/Bilal Hadfi/???, Stade de France
2015 - Ismaël Omar Mostefaï/Samy Amimour, Paris Bataclan
2015 - Brahim Abdeslam/Salah Abdeslam, Paris
2016 - Tarek Belgacem, Paris Barbès
2016 - Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, Nice
2017 - Abdallah El-Hamahmy, Paris Louvres
2017 - Ziyed Ben Belgacem, Orly
2017 - Farid Ikken, Paris Notre-Dame
2017 - Adam Djaziri, Paris Champs-Élysées
2017 - ???, Toulouse
2017 - ???, Paris Châtelet
2017 - Ahmed Hanachi, Marseille
2018 - Radouane Lakdim, Carcassonne et Trèbes
2018 - Khamzat Azimov, Paris

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rémigration prioritaire.

why no Big Screen for the Final in Nantes?

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one word: algerians

Let's talk about maghrebis and blacks friends ok ???

So who want to start.

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Salut les gars.
How’s life in France these days?

Send them back to Africa
Love from Quebec

Got my ass kicked by my dad when I was a kid because I "stole some of his things from the house" and "lied about it". Later turned out my nigger friend stole that shit and got busted by a teacher when he tried to sell it to other kids in class. Great friends, everybody should have one

Where I live now it's chill and comfy as fuck. Where I grew up it's murder-suicide-tier if you're white.


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Quebec here,can I come

you live in the north or south?East or West?

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france is a shithole that buried simone veil with highest honors in its national pantheon


According to my /FRG/ map it's ok.

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What about Corsica?

Idk, not specified on this wonderful and accurate map, but I guess it's not too much niggerish, maybe a little tiny bit.

French anons I have recently been reading Guillaume Faye (in English) and I recommend his writings to all of you. He articulates a lot of the feelings expressed by the right wing clearly and intellectually. I find his political philosophy enlightening, while his economics is mostly impractical, such as advocating for a form of European autarky, while he makes good points in favour of nuclear energy.

I recommend reading Why We Fight (Pourquoi nous combattons) first as he sets out his most basic principles and defines much of his language there. Then read Archeofuturism (L'Archeofuturisme), his main work, and after that his other books.

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Finally France can be the first Muslim country to win the world cup!

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is it based?

une putain de feuille

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there are actually around 6.5k mosques in france now baguette

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>Internet voting is allowed for the next European elections.
What could go wrong?

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Apparently it's a shithole these days. They just had a week of nigger riots even with hundreds of cops in the streets
Nice source.

>dude trust me

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By the way, I recommend this documentary, you'll have a good laugh.


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Un beau thread de cocus

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The most I find is 4591 in 2015, and it's an inflated number

hows it hangin baguettebros

pretty much French Antifa HQ

Baguette nigger.

European elections is gonna be such a shitstorm, even breaches won't help

997 in 2011
4591 in 2015
but 6500 in 2018 is impossible

These are fake numbers to begin with

here mate

Attached: muzulmania_data_2018.png (534x847, 186K)

oh non non non non

venez en autriche une fois ca vous changera, presque pas de negres a vienne

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les rues sont propres et on se sent sur

I genuinely love France. Not Paris though; Paris can fuck off with London.
I have distant frog ancestors - the Huguenots, and my surname is frog.
This August I'm going full on /out/ in Parc national des Écrins near Grenoble for the whole month. Camping, no internet, fishing, mountain hiking, Lovely.

I live between 2 departments, according to this site there's 62 mosques in total in these 2 departments. According to wikipedia there's 4 mosques in total.
I checked some mudslime site and it says there's a mosque in my town but there isn't. The listed address is an empty house with a plate that says "association culturelle franco-turque". And pagesjaunes also doesn't list any mosque near me

>I have distant frog ancestors - the Huguenots
shit we're distant cousins

The list says Association Islamiques, which are not official mosques but pretty much teaching places. Do you care about the word used ?

>Tfw clean and based

I like your map user

Yeah but they aren't even that in many cases. The place in my town is just an empty house. I looked at the nearest other and it's the same

Stole it from another user from /FRG/
I like it too, it's very memetic.

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france is dead, there's no future for young people in france

my advice to you is to leave while you still can

what's up Karim ? I thought you were über jihad soldiers that could easily remove us ?
Now you ask us gently ?

My dad traced the male line back to La Rochelle. My ancestors were Protestants getting the shit kicked out of them and they came to England around the year 1650. This is a long time ago, but my great grandfather on my mother's side (my mother's grandfather) married a Frenchwoman just before WW1 broke out.

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Dear France,
As much as we love you (we really do) y'all should have learned from our mistakes of allowing anything darker than a popsicle stick to reside in our country.
Now you will be unable to get rid of these people without becoming the very thing you fought and died against in WW2.

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>the very thing you fought and died against in WW2.
we didn't fought for anything, french commies died during WW2.

We're gonna make the St Barthelemy look like a joke

My grandparents and pare ts from Normandy. Plz fix the Homeland French Bros.

My parents fucked me and moved to Ontario, so I'm just a leaf now.


Not at all.

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Is this football related? I was expecting Anglo-French bants, but now you're set to lose to Eastern Euros.

Ce qu'elle serait dans la merde,la France, sans ses chances. J'ose pas imaginer.

Fuck off, anglocuck.


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I hope that France loose.
They are pushing this (((civic nationalism))) real fucking hard, aren't they?

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I think we are at the point where we have no other choice but civic nationalism

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(((they))) want niggers everywhere

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We're still not as bad as Sweden or the UK but with Macron owning his elections mostly thanks to muslim votes (like Hollande but it was much more decisive to win the first round for Macron) I think we'll join them soon

It's full of leftists who are distressed at the fact there's not enough shitskins.

I wish we could send the diversity there, maybe they'll stop voting for socialists then.
Those cucks gave Macron is highest score during the last election

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Innocent question I'm just curious about learning a language in general
Should I learn french ? Be honest.

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Probably not unless you plan on moving or you have something really specific in mind that requires it

Pragmatically, how would France actually go about establishing an ethnostate, given current circumstances, without going to war?
>mass white migration to key towns?
>forming a new state within France?

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>not as bad as Sweden or the UK

is it some sort of subtle trolling, right?

We are the WORST country in EUrope in terms of shitskin immigration.
And worst by FAR

Previous summer I went to south and I got speechless: shitskins were everywhere in Perpignan and all of them with at least 3 kids, while most of French natives were elder people

good map

Only you can tell. The only language that truly feel necessary to learn nowadays is English.

mass deportation.

Military coup, airdropping shitskins over Africa, einsatzgruppen for the rest

I don't like that map. Look at the global % in the bottom left corner. It's very stable going up 1.5% with very high stability and all the sudden it's only up 0.5%. I bet it's falsified

your PM is a qt :-)

that's all I have to contribute to this thread

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Not White but based.

Yes, you can then come to Montreal or Quebec and get easy pussy.

Yo these frogs finna about to get DABBED on

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he's president not PM, and he looks like pic related imo

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What sort of Brit would post this
Are you a spy

Even with zero immigration there's already enough diversity to take over through birth rates difference alone man
Taking in immigrants only speed up the process

I'm talking about about the state propaganda.
It's definitely worse in those coutnries than in France although yeah by numbers, we got the most people of foreign descent in Europe

It's not about Muslims, it has always been about the French People : What do we want?
We need to make our path, young people need to make a plan for themselves and stop listening to old farts, even in the far right ( Le Pen )

Believe it or not, it will happen eventually, and I think it started with the recent riots.

I think that you should not, unless you want to communicate with a majority of leftists and niggers/arabs.

We need a real threat, like actual islamists in Matignon, or a huge financial crisis that throw the country in the bronze age.
The Jews are too smart for the moment to go full white genocide, they still manage to hide it to the masses.

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Do you like our first lady?
She is on the right, I guess.

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daww c'mon look

look how sweet

he is

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you like evil manlets?

initially I thought that was his mom

Le Critique: je Kiffe !

Would butcher with my bare hands

he's short, ugly and sound dumb as fuck.

To each his own.

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