>last election happened in october 2017
>main winner was centrist party ANO owned by oligarch Andrej Babis (actually Slovak)
>their program is very vague, promising to fix things and act where politicans only talk. They stress that they arent old politicians who just do it for money
>Babis himself is very polarizing figure. Ppl either like him or absolutely detest him
>the party wins 30%, too little for govt
>at the same time political balance is completely overturned. Big old players like SocDems drop like a brick, Pirates (lefties) or hardcore antirefugees party take their place (refugees beiing major election topic at the time)
>ANO is too centrist and dont want to commit too hard left or right, therefore all parties have some problem with joining them in govt
>also only 1 party as ally would not be enough, and finding 2 parties compatible with ANO and with themselves is impossible
>also many parties ran on platform of being anti Babis, so joining him in govt is a no no
>negotiations continue for months
>finally breakthrough was made
>ANO allies the SocDem surviving husk (SocDems tanked hard when their retarded former leader, EU bootlicker, led personal vendetta against Babis, hoping to take him down with himself. They went to 7% from 20% in 2013)
>This will be minority govt, but it will be supported by COMMIES from outside
>Commies now held key votes, because all opposition now hates Babis and ANO even more for allying with commies
>Commies already started making demands, first being taxation of estates returned to the church after commie nationalization in 1948
>Theyre notoriously anti NATO and pro Russia

What does Jow Forums think? Some foreign press already calls this death of Czechian democracy and such

Attached: Emblem_of_the_Communist_Party_of_Czechoslovakia.svg.png (1200x1386, 172K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bamp for politics

last bump

As a Marxist-Leninist I find this post, and the situation it describes, highly amusing on so many levels:

Communists in the leadership; of bourgeoisie dictatorship.
There being a party more left wing then Communists.
"Centrist" party allying with communists.
SocDem class traitors getting their well deserved kick up the arse.

Tell me, is KSC really Communist, or is it like KPRF - center right party waving red banner around?

are your commies like ours, pro cuck, pro nigger or not?

If you communists advocate undermining of the social fabric trough sexual delinquency and dumping of workers wages trough mass migration, they are not communists, they are larpers, stupid ones at that.

they do

are commies are old school economical communist. many of current members were members of czechoslovak communist party during actual commie govt.
These old commies are mainly concerned with state economics while their social policies could be easily compared with NatSoc (pro nationalism, pro family etc). We dont really have cuck party. Closest is the Pirates

SocDems used to be strong because post commie czechia was never really in situation when we had to make hard decisions to commit to one side of political spectrum. So the parties that thrived were those thar managed status quo

Congratulations, you might actually remain ethnically european for the 22nd century. This actually makes me very happy, communism is the only hope for humanity.

They are shit then. I'm all for internationalism but socialist proletarian internationalism involves countries helping each other improve their domestic situation, not cosmopolitan mass migration that does harm to everyone, including the migrants, only so a few people can make money on cheap labour. Not to mention it doesn't even work for that, because migrants cant integrate into their new community and often dont want to work, but rather simply want to get welfare, w/o contributing to it.

Interesting, thanks.

This minority government really is a minefield, but in current political situation it was the best that could have been done. Babis was negotiating with everybody for almost 9 months and this is the best he got. Our commies could be easily called right wing populists by many western governments. But they are actually mostly followers of old Marxist-Leninist doctrine. Marxism-Leninism was mandatory subject for every university student here before 1989. And those that joined the party had to know it through and through

I really fucking wish we could have marxism leninism, what a fantastic and nice ideology. Degenerates are put to their place, national soveigrinity is sacrosact, the well being of the people is considered the highest virtue. In fact statistical analysis reveals that socialist states were quite good at reaching these goals, communism truly was the golden age for eastern europe. What makes marxist leninism so nice is how mercyless it is towards the enemies of the people, yet how nice it can be during peace time.

meh, centralised economy doesnt work. At least partially free market is necessary. But Im ok with the social aspects of it and with the fact that everything doesnt have to revolve around making more money and being fucked over by oligarchs
As any theory, Marxism may sound nice on paper, but when you put real people into the equation, problems start mounting

Actually that is wrong, centrally planned economies outperform free ones. The reason why centrally planned economies have bad rep is that they were most often tried in poor shitholes. Of course a poor shithole isn’t going to stop being a poor shithole by anything other than magic, however they’re much less of an shithole by the grace of socialism. Let us for example look at the ratio of the gdp per capita of USSR’s area to gdp per capita of western europe. It was around 20 % during the tsar, yet through communism it rose to 60 %, and after the fall of communism it fell back to 20 %. As we can see clearly from this, magic is the only thing that could make things equal simply because western europe is so prosperous, yet communism is the next best thing after magic.

well Russian empire was really a shithole and Stalin made it a modern industrial state in very short time, but at the price of millions of lives. Under Stalin there was almost no consumer products industry as everything went towards military. There was opposition against this inside the party, but Stalin got rid of them (mainly Zinoviev and Kamenev). Industry was strong on paper, but peoples lives were more miserable than before. We could argue that this isnt real communism, but then we could argue about what actually is real communism and if it ever existed or even can exist outside of books of Marx and Engels

Indeed the industrialization was rather brutal, but there are several factor we must consider. First of all the gulag system is often exagurated grossly, 95 % of inmates survived, and per capita there weren’t than many inmates. Many western countries even today fare worse than this. Second thing to consider is that the soviets always prefered heavy industry over consumer goods, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as we’ve seen how consumerism has destroyed western culture. You don’t need the latest plastic crap to be happy. Furthermore there were some consumer goods in the soviet union, but their nature was different than in the west. Instead of buying a game console and rotting away with it, the soviets rather had the children program their own games and play with programmable calculators, it’s no wonder that russian coders are very good!

>but at the price of millions of lives
With all due respect to the victims of russian civil war and consequtive conflict, USSR demographics are openly available. Population in 1926, when stalin took power, is 148 million, population in 1941, before the german invasion, was 196 mil. Do you suppose soviets reproduced trough multiplication or cloning to lose millions of lives on top of that?

>but peoples lives were more miserable than before
In 1914 during the WW1 RE lost ~3 milion people after which people started defecting from the army en mass. Regardless of all the threats by tsar and the government.
In 1943 during the GPW USSR lost ~27 million people, and kept fighting.

Do you really suppose they fought for Stalin, or out of fear? They fought because they saw their country flourishing around them. They fought because children who just a few decades ago would only get 3 classes of education and then be someone's slaves now had access to world class high school and a chance to become whatever they wanted, so long as they were willing to contribute to society. And, of course, for such a change, they were.

I dont want to argue communism with you guys, but all I can say that you are too idealistic about the whole thing and refuse any criticism, which makes me believe that your mind is set is on these issues and there is no point arguing with you. But my main problem is that this thread was supposed to be about current political situation in my country and it somehow slipped into WW2 USSR like almost all Jow Forums threads.

I’m sorry. Do you think you guys might exist EU now?

There are plenty things to criticise USSR for, its just that common criticisms levied at it by liberals are not related to reality.

As to the current political situation - I honestly don't think communist being a phantom part of coalition wont change much, at mot hopefully they'll help you guys keep your government honest. But the government will still be by the ANO folks, not by communists, so it will be they who'd be making the decisions. And while I can tell you what an average Marxist-Leninst thinks about this or that policy, those ANO guys I, and I suspect most of pol, know fuckall about.

Any Czechbros out there know what this means to Brussels and the EU? Are we going to see a Czechxit?


Not really. As I said, Babis/ANO try to keep the center line and offend as less people as possible, but at the same time they avoid any major breakthroughs. They were strongly anti refugee on the basis that it makes no sense to import millions of africans into europe just to pay them welfare. I believe this move won them many votes, at is tackled 2 main issues of 2017 election (not taking refugees and not bending to EU unconditionally, SocDems failed on both).
At the same time Babis owns greatest czech food producing conglomerate (he owns much more, but this is his main bussiness) and he milks EU funds like noone else. This alone means we wont leave under him. But we will likely not leave ever, since our economy is tied too hard with Germany. In fact most of companies that didnt fall apart after failed 1990s privatization were those bought by germans. They make stuff here cheaper, send profits to germany and then sell their products here. Thechnically, we are not far from being German colony, so we can never hope to catch up with them economically (that is something almost every politician has been promising us since 1990) but still, the 1990s era was pretty shit and we are doing very well now, even as German subject. Its pretty much the best position we can be in right now, as we are too small to be really independent. Leaving EU would mean Czechia is kill.

sry for wall of text but it will give you insight

No idea desu. Most of these parties don’t talk much about the EU. We’ll see, I’m just hoping we don’t get fucked.

Interesting, so technically speaking Germany could kick you out (and therefore screwing you) if they do not like the parties you elected?

I see, I guess we shouldn't expect much happening right?

Well, have you taken how many refugees in the last years? Also are you guys going to change your gun laws?

>Leaving EU would mean Czechia is kill.
I wouldn't worry about leaving eu for the sake of leaving. Being a client state that can use its sovereign to its own advantage is a cool thing all it's own, see Belarus or Israel.

Out of curiosity, what are some of the hot button topics in Czech politics? I get that refugees are an issue but if as you say Babis has no intention of taking too many refugees, what are the contested issues?

>technically speaking Germany could kick you out (and therefore screwing you) if they do not like the parties you elected?
Nah. man, germany and france are getting too much benefits out of the 4th Reich arrangement that is the EU to even consider kicking anyone out.

The worst they'd do is siphon the economic dotations away from disloyal countries in eastern europe towards themselves to blackmail them into falling back in line.

dammit, meant to quote only the wall of text in the first reply

Interesting, the EU seems hardly as good as they make it out to be with the more I look into it.

Communism is rising. New Soviet Empire when?

The EU is really only good for germany. For example it lets them maintain a good trade balance because it keeps their currency cheap, if they still used marks then they’d have huge problems caused by deflation and expensive currency.

its a mixed pot. Well developed countries within it get the cheap labour and captive markets of the periphery states, conversely periphery states get donations and infrastructure projects in return.

In theory this is supposed to raise living standards in both metropolis and periphery of the union, and whilst there's some of that in practice, mostly it just paycheck cuts for metropolis and brain and resource drain for periphery, with only the transnational corporations making a buck out of it. But because those corps are mostly french and german, french and german politicians bought by them lobby for more EU.

And then someone had the "brilliant" idea to get some cheap labour trough mass migration, which only made the situation worse. Still, it's not like EU is a shithole, it's just many major cities are being abandoned by local population who flee towards the country side and replaced by foreigners who in their majority refuse to work and/or integrate. The fact that those foreigners are muslims in a middle of society that has no tradition of healthy interaction with muslims, makes things worse.

Germs wont kick out anybody because that would diminish their own sphere and sent the kicked country straight into camp Russia. Moreover, we are profitable colony and small country easy to dominate. You can expect a lot of barking for czechia, but when it comes to bite, expect us to always take the safest option for us.
i dunno about any refugees. we took some Iraqi christians in the past but they went to germany and when our police sent them back they returned to Iraq on their own expenses. As for guns, EU laws start bearing on us. Big gun magazines are being forbidden. At the same time there is political movement here that wants to put into our constitution that right to bear arms is matter of national defense. And by EU constutiton, national defense of member states cant be touched by EU. So we would bypass EU gun grabbing. I dunno if this will go through tho. As of now our guns are justified by constution that says all citizens have the right to defend their lives by any means, and it was always interpreted as "any means mean guns as well."

currently the biggest topic is what to think about commies in power. Few hours ago some survey showed that ANO would get 32% if elections were held right now, so it seems their voters dont care (they got 30% in 2017).
The refugees and EU buttlicking is long lingering topic, getting stronger or weaker at times. Obviously was strong during election as SocDem leader was ready to bend the knee and that almost caused main Czech party not to enter parliament at all. Other than that nothing much. Babis is being trashed all the time by his enemies. As with every oligarch, some unexplained millions sometimes appear in his possession and his enemies are quick to notice. Some of his political enemies try to take him down so hard that they forget everything else and their party drops like brick. Some MPs have relationship with Babis like Trump with CNN. Other issues im not sure about. I will look up

In other words they exploit the 'poorer' countries like Greece and Spain by forcing a multinational currency?

I had a hunch about something like this, thanks for confirming.

I see, so nothing will change?

>currently the biggest topic is what to think about commies in power
Given that they aren't even technically part of a coalition from what you describe, I think it's just press being sensationalist for the sake of sensationalism.

So as for more current political issues, pretty much everything was overshadowed by 8 month long negotiations about new govt. There was a lot of scheming, parties changing tune daily, real clusterfuck to keep up with. How it ended is in the OP. Here is how the elections went
ODS=free market rightists. Used to be one of strongest old parties together with SocDems. They dropped like a brick to 7% in 2013 after absolutely retarded corruption scandal. A mistress of that time Prime Minister (from ODS) used via him our equivalent of FBI to wiretap wiretap wife of said PM and also some lobbyists and politicians to get money. It reads like a retarded telenovella. More here:
since then theyve been trying to burry it and start fresh. They dropped to 7% in 2013 so they gained a bit
Piráti=closest to cuck party we have. Pro political transparency but also pro refugee, anti racism and dude weed lmao. They gained a lot from SocDem fall, mainly their left leaning voters
SPD=strictly anti refugee led by HAPA. Since the election they are swarmed with corruption scandals (apparently the HAPA is in it only for money and rode wave of populism). Not expected to survive much longer
KSČM=commies. already mentioned plenty here
ČSSD=SocDems. the JUST party of these elections
KDU-ČSL=christian dems. Their only platform is to gain easy votes from catholic grannies in moravia and use their MPs to weasel their way into power.
TOP09=Right free market party that got decent numbers in the past. Unfortunately their leader was finance minister once and there was wayyy too much corruption scandals around him. This party is unlikely to survive to next election
STAN=independent mayors. Whatever is that supposed to mean. Its just for votes who care only about politics of their town. They will always be around, but never big

Attached: volby_2017.jpg (850x369, 52K)

on one hand commies arent in the govt. On the other, this govt stands on them. There will be no govt majority without them.
In the past during important parliament voters that were 100:100 and only one person was needed to flip it, there was a lot of wierd shit happening. A guy would got sick and not come to vote, then next day some millions appeared on his bank account. Some people would receive a bullet in an envelope with letter saying "If you come voting to parliament tomorrow, thats the last thing you will do." Just tons of this stuff. The commie leader recently said that he handpicked the elite carde for parliament, and any commie MP who wont turn up on important voting can say goodbye to his political career.

It probably depends on how much can the opposition unite in their hatred of Babis. there are anti refugee rightists, cuck leftists, centrists and others. If they all vote against the minority government, then it all stands and falls on commies and therefore commies can make big demands

Klaus ml. is actually the best our current politics can offer - right wing, more pro free market but not the lolbrgtarian bullshit, conservative when it comes to values and not an israeli shill (friend with Petr Hájek, who names the jew), anti fag marriage, pro christian traditions, anti-immigration, wants stronger army, wants Czexit, hates commies and neo-commies equally, is very nationalist and pro-white.

Attached: vkml.png (503x653, 212K)

"TOP09=Right free market party"

Hahahaha when they were in power, they raised taxes and they witouth questions implemented every EU commie directive. They are faggot rainbow glutten free neo-marxists.

that may be, but he entered politics only recently (could have been much farther by now), his daddys name is not always a plus for political career and his fortunes are now tied to ODS, which is being dwarfed by ANO. He might have some impact in due time, but he might as easily be a tragic tale of right man in the wrong place

His father was actually a smart professor, junior is more like a cool punk dude, somethimes speaks witouth thinking but he seems authentic to me. Time will show.

Anyway Adam B. Bartoš would be the perfect Duce of our White ethnostate.

Attached: Bartos vs the jews.png (2010x1341, 3.96M)

>Adam B. Bartoš
wtf he is literally kike. Are you based magapede or what?

>writes about holohoax and kike lobby
>gets trial
>no one will hire him now


Nice try, Rothstein.

>A mistress of that time Prime Minister (from ODS) used via him our equivalent of FBI to wiretap wiretap wife of said PM and also some lobbyists and politicians to get money
Lol. Sounds amazing.

Well. at lest your politics ain't boring, You have that much. Our politics is same old 4 guys in more or less the same arrangement for some 18 odd years now.

>The commie leader recently said that he handpicked the elite carde for parliament, and any commie MP who wont turn up on important voting can say goodbye to his political career.
I like the sound of that statement. I hope he sticks by his words.

>commies can make big demands
What kinds of demands are people worried about commies making?

>They are faggot rainbow glutten free neo-marxists.
Please don't associate every identitarian freak movement with marksism they have as much in common with us marxists as so called "social-darwinists" with Darwin.

Top 09 literally adopted the positions of the Frankfurt School on social topics. No different from the Green parties across the Western Europe.

based hussites

>have you taken how many refugees in the last years?
officially not many, but prague is getting full of niggers and sandniggers anyway..I just hope it's newgermans living here on welfare and when that dries up they would just disappear.

Our politics arent boring in the sense that some weird shit and ridiculous corruption scandals are happening all the time but the actually politics just stay the same. Recently one MP was busted for taking millions in bribes. He was wiretapped by anti corruption police that didnt tell about wiretap even to their bosses, because the bosses worked hand in hand with this MP. The MP was arrested while he was acccepting a wine box filled with czech equivalent of 300 000 dollars. First he built his defense on claiming that he believed there really is a wine in that box. Later he switched, claiming that this is some Stalinist style monster process by his political enemies to supress him. He got 8 years but appealed against the sentence and still drags it through courts.

>What kinds of demands are people worried about commies making?
well as I said the thing that even make them consider this arrangement was to comply with their demand to tax property returned to church after 1990s, which was previously taken from church in 1948 by commies. And they could try to pull off something strongly anti NATO and pro Russia. You should know that they vehemently support recognition of Russian Crimea. But yea, there is a lot of fearmongering as well. Enemies of Babis will literally jump at everything to stick it to him. Also as I said earlier, fresh survey says ANO would gain 2 more percent of votes if election was held tomorrow, so their voters dont really mind

>Frankfurt School
Was/is a bunch of people who do their best to discredit marxism as a scientific discipline, and for a ML such as myself they are just a bunch of vapid post modernists that have little to nothing in common with marxism.

Nobody cares. Red scum needs to be hanged, no matter if their "revolutionary proletariat" is the working class or minorities and fags.

I am not very familiar with the frankfurt school. Did they officially disawow marxist leninism?

People like you are the reason why whites might disapear in the next century.

Into the oven you go Pepík

Attached: slovak fash.jpg (942x459, 95K)

>Theyre notoriously anti NATO and pro Russia
Nice to see Czech becoming based and redpilled again.

Attached: 1457094425255.jpg (618x960, 84K)

>them consider this arrangement was to comply with their demand to tax property returned to church
Ehh, I don't think church should be tax exempt, but then I'm a marxist, so no shit. I guess I can see why some religious folk would be upset by it.
>And they could try to pull off something strongly anti NATO and pro Russia.
Czhehia isn't really in a position to influnce that relationship, so if I were them I wouldn't bother. I guess they just want to show solidarity to other anti-NATO groups.
>You should know that they vehemently support recognition of Russian Crimea.
Why bother I wonder, more anti-nato stuff or does it has some concrete reason behind it.
>But yea, there is a lot of fearmongering as well. Enemies of Babis will literally jump at everything to stick it to him.
Ehh, politics gonna politic i guess.

Proudly retarded I see.

In short they disavow marxism as a science and dialectics as methodology, seeing marxism as some nebulous critique of society as a whole rather then something that deals with concrete issues. To be honest I never looked into their works in detail because after i've heard that much about them I lost all interest. As I said - the way I see it - they are post modernists. And reading post modernist literature qualifies as self-harm in my view.

gestalt for you
>marx predict world revolution after cataclysmic war
>revolution happens only in russia, marxists are sad
>bunch of marxist intelligenzia, mainly jewish, set up think tank to find out why world revolution didnt happen
>they found out that nations were misled by their ideology of religion, nationalism and family unit
>their conclusion is that all these barriers must be broken to open capitalist states to communist revolution
>modern libtards actually believe that feminism, abolition of religion and racial mixing is end of itself
>for cultural marxism its just means to get into communism so they probably plan to line up all those SJWs against the wall after revolution, as these would be most bitter opposition against commie regime that is to be

I wonder if there still exist commies that believe that current libtard world is just a passing phase to get them closer to revolution. It sure doesnt seem like it. There is always some talking about underground communist cells with pre planned structure of govt and such, but you can never really know

I know that they’re post modernists, and post modernists are best ignored in most cases, even though every once in a while they say something smart. What I am interested in knowing is the exact relationship between the frankfurt school and marxism. I know the school had marxist roots, yet they deviated so much from it that they can hardly be called marxist, I don’t think they themselves said that their critical theory was marxist. I’d like to see a book on their history as their relationship between orthodox marxists is shrouded in mystery.

I don’t think there is that much of a connection between neo marxists or frankfurt school and modern libtards. The little I’ve read of the frankfurt school makes them appear as quite traditionalists, it seems that their works were mostly a critique of modernity.

>>Theyre notoriously anti NATO and pro Russia
>Pro Russia
I don't think this is any better. But the fact that they are communist already killed my hopes.

>revolution happens only in russia
European intelligentsia continues to pretend that world ends at the borders of europe. How typical.

>I wonder if there still exist commies that believe that current libtard world is just a passing phase to get them closer to revolution.
Yes. You are talking to one of them. The interpritation is a bit screwed tho - we don't believe that current world is a phase, rather the logic goes that it will tear itself asunder in fires of yet another global conflict and maybe when that happens enough people will realise that we should stop walking in circles and start a new series of revolutions.

>underground communist cells
Most Marxist-Leninists are very law abiding. Most our "cells" are completely above ground and open to the public. What would be the point of trying to tear down the system you believe will tear down itself just fine. We mostly focus on spreading marxism, discussing what did soviets in, how to avoid repeating their mistakes, and debating whether or not china is communist (it is).

If what the poster above said about them is true than i doubt theres much interaction between traditional marxists and them. Traditional marxism explains lack of revolutions in western europe trough maoism - people there live off the fruits of global imperialist system, and to put it frankly happy well off people dont revolt, regardless of how sound the reasons for revolution is.

You are completely wrong, Fingol. The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's, then they went to USA after Hitler came to power. Kikes like Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm etc were responsible for the "New Left" "neomarxism" "postmodernism" = all this antiwhite feminism homo bullshit. Financed by Jewish elite they were instrumental in the degradation of Western society according to the long-term cabalist plan. The School believed that economic revolution is not possible because the proletariat is just too comfy in capitalism. They will not do the revolution because they are too happy. So they invent the cultural revolution, which demolishes white nations from within. 'Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness'. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, destroying white identity and christianity, sex and popular culture. Theodor Adorno promoted the use of degenerate forms of music to promote mental illness and destroy society. He said the US could be brought to its knees by the use of radio and television to promote a culture of pessimism and despair.

I have my own arguments for why china is communist, but I’d like to hear your’s too. Also don’t worry, capitalism is coming down in less than 30 years because of its internal contradictions like the falling rate of profit, what’s interesting is seeing that what replaces it. Also I feel like maoism has kind of lost its point. It’s true that for the briefest period between 1950 and 1980 westerners formed a labor aristocracy as capitalism was under threat and needed soldiers to protect it, yet now as capitalism has no existential threats more traditional marxism is a more accurate describtion of capitalism in the west.

Surely you have sources for your claims? The adorno quotes that I’ve seen show him condemning degeneracy as an awfull product of capitalism.

The rate of Profit is abitrary because the worth of the factorys n shiet is abitrary. Thats what expansive monetary police brings you.
With most of our industrial production in close proximity to muliticultural Citys with enormous potential for ethnic conflics I promise you a Steady downfall in most of western europe, with some privileged exceptions maybe

Assuming what you wrote is true, they sound like capitalists to me. After all, capital wants a labourer to be as free from collectivist ties like family and country as possible. Still don't see any relation to Marxism in what you wrote. Eastern europe didn't face the issue you are describe untill after it became capitalist, so I don't see why you'd blame communists of all people for it.

Its simple really. Their basis is a mixed economy with state owned properties running in parralel with private properties. So the quetion to answer whether they are Socialist or not is whether they have State Capitalism or State Socialsm. And the answer to that question is whether their State, i.e. their superstructure, is socialist or not.

To me it seems that if CCP wanted to do what CPSU did and turn away from socialism towards state capitalism, the'd long threw class struggle out of the window, introduced direct elections and otherwise "liberalised" their government. Instead they remain loyal to principles of DotP, still have a council democracy and are otherwise consistently marxsist.

The only accusation you could level at them is the accusation leveled at Stalin by Trotsky, that they aren't working to spread the revolution. But givent how many countries Stalin ended up turning communist eventually, that accusation rings hollow. The way I see it, if they are successful at building a prosperous stable happy socialist society it will do more for socialist propaganda than all the pamphlets in the world. Beside they are actively working in afrika and eurasia to spread their influence, and I find it hard to believe that won't result in spread of marxist ideas from east to west this go around.

since we have so many commies ITT, I would like to ask them whats the stance of marxists on current ethnical quagmire that Europe is turning into. Surely the ethnic tenstions cause conflict, but communism is international at its core and is focused on class, not ethnicity

They have no answer except blind optimism and egalitarian disgust for the nesecary social darwinism

If rate of profit is arbitrary then why has it been falling consistently for the last 200 years? Surely capitalists would like to maximize their profits.

Well I can give several answer including marx’s own views, but I’ll rather give my own thoughts. (Which are perfectly in line with marxist thought.) Mixing different ethnicities creates conflict and therefore if we are to create the best possible society possible, then it makes sense to keep ethnicities separate. Of course there ought to be cooperation between them, but no mixing. Multiculturalists almost without exception don’t live near what they support. In addition I would make the argument that multiculturalism or in reality multiracialism is only a creation of capitalism, and that it would not exist in a socialist world even as a concept.

I already touched on this in the thread, so ill try to elaborate.

People often confuse Internationalism and Cosmopolitanism. There was a wonderfull term introduced during Stalin era that describes people who aspouse ideals of the latter as "Rootless cosmopolitans". Westerne europeans, being obsessed with jews at the time, concluded that he was describing jews. Of course if it happened today, with westerners obsessed with gays, everyone in the West would assume that stalin is homophobic based on that statement.

Back on topic - the difference between this two models for global world is in essence class based. Isn't everything, according to us marxists anyway, lol. Cosmopolitanism focuses on free movement of labour which would allow higher margin of profit. Internationalism is based on cooperation of collectives of peoples for the betterment of both societies.

To step back from class theory, in short Cosmopolitanism forcuses on interaction between individuals regardless of what affects it has on both collectives those individuals, whilst internationalism focuses on interaction of collectives, each with its own unique ethnic and cultural differences but working towards a common goal.

>nesecary social darwinism
Oh look, more proud retards who cant even spell right their deluded worldview whilst claiming superiority.

the hysteria has to fucking stop
don't buy into MSM bullshit rhetoric

>Piráti=closest to cuck party we have. Pro political transparency but also pro refugee, anti racism and dude weed lmao. They gained a lot from SocDem fall, mainly their left leaning voters
wrong, Piráti benefited from new young voters and TOP 09 voters, some greens may have converted too
Social Democrats went all to ANO for most part
>TOP09=Right free market party
they are neolibshits of the most internationalist kind, nothing in common with anything "right wing", definitely not on social ( immigration, nationalism, whatever ) issues
ODS Lite, basic bitch neocons/neolibs
they are synthesis of TOP 09 and ODS voter

because when our countries turned into west, the west was still partly capitalist, but culturally was under influence of the neomarxists as i wrote.

no, they were not capitalists, they wanted to abolish free exchange same as the original marxists, but they invented other method how to get there. and yes all marxism is international. after the (((bolshevik revolution))) the ussr commie party banned christianity and antisemitism. just a coincidence, goy. how can a russian be a communist after they starved so many people in gulags is beyong my understanding. you need to grow balls and become a nationalist.

guys, were so fucked right now.

i-i dont feel good

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Don't be hysterical, fuckers might at best raise taxes or make them progressive, raise regulations or whatever, it's not end of the world it's just continuation of what we had for the last four years

There is allways a bigger fish you know? Printing money benefits those the most who get to use it first, afterwards it quickly looses worth. Big fonds and the richest can still pull high profits from their Investments. The more money you have the more you get. But since possesion is more spread out than 100 years ago less people can reach these levels. The rate of profit is psychologically fixed at 5% due to humans short term preference. Most people value 100$ now as much as 105 $ in a year and will sell their inverstment if it falls below that. In was that way for most of the medieval.
No reason to become sassy , I never claimed superiority over anybody, simply because superiority in a general way cant exist.

>west was still partly capitalist, but culturally was under influence of the neomarxists as i wrote

Cosmopolitan capitalist economic, for it's complete implementation, model requires people to abandon collectivist values, all collectivist values, including family, religion, cultural identity, nationalism, sexuality, etc. While marxists want to abolish some of those, i.e. religious identity and nationalism, we are perfectly happy with the rest. Blaming us for faults in the society in which we are opposition because of the very foundation of that society, is just cheap responsibility dodging by right wingers who brought this upon themselves.

>no, they were not capitalists
They were not capitalists, but the people who support and spread the ideas you describe, are. Regardless of whether those ideas originated with Frankfurt School or not.

>communist after they starved so many people in gulags is beyong my understanding
Blatant lies and projection. Nationalists starved entire russian cities wholesale last I checked. Why would I support people like that, is beyond me.

our commies are based old guard that used to torture hippies and put fags into uranium mines. better then than soicomrades

What evidence do you have for rate of profit being around 5 %? Definetely our experience from the last 200 years shows that not to be true, and besides it’s a flawed assumption to think that feodal and capitalist societies would behave in the same way. Furthermore if the rate of profit is arbitrary, (which you haven’t really explained why) then smaller fish with no access to free money would still choose to raise the profit.

I'm actually completely for it. It will give me a few years of silence from millennials when your country starves again.

>Tfw your system manages to end periodic famines around the globe but it’s only remembered for starvation

lol, millenials will be the last ones to starve because most of them are complete cucks to the system living in Prague coming from upper class urban families and we need to genocide Gen Z a little bit too because those faggots are getting off the cuff too lately.

>smug kraut being smug
this is why Weltkriegs happened

An ideal market doesnt allow profit at all my friend, because everybody has to sell his product for the exact cost it took to produce it or he wont make any buisness. Profit cant be increased outside of a Monopoly. Even with a Monopoly its tricky and needs a lot of planning ahead. Read Thomas Piketty " The Capital in the 21. Century" if you want to know About the 5% stuff.

Why should we differ from feudal society?
We have production, natural monopolys, artificial monopolys, oligopols, and geographic limitations and states that hold it all together. Maybe a higher literacy rate but what else?

Maybe it’s the problem of communicating in short text but I really don’t understand your argument. Why did you move to an ideal market? Markets are never ideal, that is what allows for surplus extraction. Are you saying that 5 % would be the rate of profit in an ideal market? I’ll have to check out that book though, maybe it states its case more clearly. Also obviously the fact that we now have more capital and it’s more than just land and that it’s more concentrated means that our economies are different from feodal ones.

Is it at least the NazBols or is it filthy Marxist-Leninist or even worse Trotskyites or Anarchists?

s/w nazbol tier but not really, they don't really have that much influence on social policy, they just wanna get economical shit through most likely, maybe some anti-interventionist, anit-internationalist ( anti-NATO for example ) shit

GOD DAMMIT I was just about to buy a VZ 61 pistol too.
you should get rid of the communists

Maybe this isn't perfectly on topic but there seem to be a lot of anons from Eastern Bloc countries in this thread.
Could you guys tell me about the so-called "commieblocks"?
Surely some of you have lived in them? I've seen lots of pictures of the outsides of them but none of the insides. I hear they're better on the inside as they're more customizable and they don't have good parking space and otherwise are just decent.
I just want to know things in general about this type of building since we don't really have it here.

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>le gommie are back
>Gotwald is going to kill us all

You are a 30 yrs late. Its not that retro club for pensioners larping as a stalinist party that is dangerous

Just wanted to Point out that profit cant just be increased. Capital was never just land, far from it, land was just the basis for any economic operation because you have to feed your workers. It was the limiting factor, the weakest chain as to say. Very similar to oil nowadays. There is even some similarity between American Petrodollar interventions and the Romans millitarily forcing egypitan banks to keep accepting their worthless denarius because they lowered the silver fineness too much. (Egypt was the main source of grain as you may know)
Read it, its very informative!

Aren't most of the Communist parties just Russian cum gugglers or Russians in general?

The whole Eastern Europe is Russian puppets. Slavs don't have identity or nationalism. They're just one people that's all.

Stop sperging OP. At least thrice times the gov was under red's wings since 1989. You fell for top09 memes.
It's literally nothing.

if by "cum gugglers" you mean they are pro-eastern then you wouldn't be wrong but the same could be said for the our liberal right wing which is the same way to America
We basically have no actual nationalist parties, just one internationalist cuck party over another
wrong, we are puppets, but not of the east, we are more puppets of Germany than anybody else, also wrong but generally slavs are easy to indoctrinate through media and education into systematic belief which currently is "muh democracy" and "muh international order"

Grow up and get a job faggot

So there is no communist threat or anything in your country? I don't care if they are conservative, they are still communists.

It's appartment buildings built on the cheap during Chruschev's cargo communism.

They aren't as bad as people claim them to be and they have many advantages like usually being built around a small park with greenery and a children's playground, and usually some sort of sport court. Pic related is a parachute rig popular since 1930 which allowed people to try para dropping in controlled conditions, was mostly used for amusement and to recruit people into newly formed Airborne Troops.

They were built very differently trough the years and vary between crappy barely liveable howels to wery comfy appartments, depending on where and when they were built. In short their main advantage is ease of mass construction and central heating necessary for cold conditions.

What exactly would you like to know?

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