How much of the alt-right is controlled opposition?

We do know that the ADL has funded neo-nazi groups in the past - in order to push its ideological goals and to prop up boogeymen that keep them in business.

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a more interesting question: how much of the left is controlled opposition?

Around 79% of democratic donors are Jews in openly. You do the math.

but what about the rank and file? are they all just too crazy/dumb to understand?

Not much. The problem is it doesn’t take that much to have a big impact.

If the membership body of an organization has 300 people or 700 people or whatever but the most charismatic leader within it is controlled then the organization comes de facto controlled opposition.

ConOp loses some of its meaning on this board. The opposition can be genuine, but how it manifests itself can be controlled. Do you see why?

Look man, the elite Jews control more wealth than you can possibly imagine. They leverage this with every politician in high places of power around the world, be through direct threats of plunging the world into an inflation crisis by releasing a massive amount of currency they have been sitting on and setting the world's economic system on fire and wait out the absolute madness that ensues to take back over authoritatively or just telling them that they won't be receiving funding for next year's election unless they do X for them. It's in all levels of government, from your city comptroller to the white house.


They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

Attached: white supremacistt.jpg (348x145, 10K)

>The opposition can be genuine, but how it manifests itself can be controlled
I was going to write an addendum adding that part but I figured most people would get the nuance.

For example, most Neo Nazis are probably legit but the ADL likes to prop up the most redneck trailer trash types and then use that to defame anyone who dares to deviate from neoconservatism.

>The opposition can be genuine, but how it manifests itself can be controlled. Do you see why?

of course. you can always pay someone to cover certain topics in a certain way. nobody has the time to be an amateur political pundit.

>ADL likes to prop up the most redneck trailer trash types and then use that to defame anyone who dares to deviate from neoconservatism.

generally they seem to sponsor people who fit the archetype they're trying to create.

>Banned, blacklisted, parents extorted, frivolous law suits
>Controlled Opposition


>Banned, blacklisted, parents extorted, frivolous law suits
>Controlled Opposition
All of that is part of being the opposition. Doesn't mean that the opposition isn't controlled, directly or indirectly

it might be worthwhile to consider the distinction between pundits/media loudmouths and actual politicians.

the people who we're listening to aren't often the people who're making important decisions. we aren't left to form our own interpretation of what's happening. often, one is conveniently provided for us.

this whole board is controlled opposition, didnt the slide threads clue you in? that shit gets you banned on any other board.

actual politicians do relatively little talking and get relatively little attention.

it's the job of pundits and the media to project the illusion of actual democracy while at the same time curbing wrongthink and controlling discourse

By this insane logic, anyone who has ever been sued by Jews is controlled opposition.

Have you ever heard the expression: "Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig; es ist nicht einmal falsch!"

Tell the squares in the scene to start teaching how all the money that everyone uses is controlled by a Private Central Bank which is owned by Jews. (Anyone who is not interested in teaching that essential truth is not worth listening to. Why? Because whom ever controls the money controls all who use the money. All your fighting will be for nothing if you keep letting your Jewish Masters dictate money supply and policy.)

As far as Spencer and the rest, why don't you start Red Pilling people on the Money question and see how many of them pick up that baton and run with it. That will tell you which ones are serious and which ones are just playing games.

All of it. Even the kikery/term “alt-right”.

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The Alt-Right doesn't need controlled opposition because the Alt-Right only LARPs.

friendly reminder to newfags that the posters who call everything controlled opposition are the ones who are in fact, controlled opposition

>All of that is part of being the opposition
Is that why Gapin McAnus is banned from Schengen?

>By this insane logic, anyone who has ever been sued by Jews is controlled opposition
Not at all. You're saying that because they have been sued and challenged, that must mean that they are not controlled in any way, which is false. It depends on the extent to which you control the group and its actions and the extent to which you control the environment the group inhahits e.g. court system, police etc.

This is the correct answer.
Anyone who says it's "controlled opposition" is a Jew or a shill and this is well-known. The REAL reason the alt-right goes no where is because it's the right-wing version of pussyhats. Hold a placard and act like a fag in public. WOW ACCOMPLISHING SO MUCH! Voting won't solve the West's decay, so stop pretending democratic overtures are worth the effort. Focus on real tangible gains, via doctrine, networking, forming in-group out-group preference, and self-improvement.

Oh wow another one of these gay threads. Sage.

far less than you think OP

only the real psychopaths that start instigating violence are

I know everyone here hates civnats but It's a fact that they infiltrate civnat groups such as EDL and turn them into neo-nazi groups in order to false flag and give the MSM false dichotomy ammo

Retards, I didn't name names. I just posted Dicky because I knew it would attract more people.

Which would be (((Weev))) then.

the alt-right isn't controlled opposition, it just acts like it

Attached: enoch.png (311x300, 117K)

Yeah sure, mate. Totally unlike proud Mossad Tommy Robinstein who is funded directly by the IDF and Mossad.

Attached: Stacy Bong cunt.png (615x409, 531K)

>Anyone who says it's "controlled opposition" is a Jew or a shill and this is well-known. The REAL reason the alt-right goes no where is because it's the right-wing version of pussyhats. Hold a placard and act like a fag in public. WOW ACCOMPLISHING SO MUCH! Voting won't solve the West's decay, so stop pretending democratic overtures are worth the effort. Focus on real tangible gains, via doctrine, networking, forming in-group out-group preference, and self-improvement.
Holy shit!
Someone else on Jow Forums actually gets it!
I commend you good sir.

And what you're suggesting is that there is no litmus test that can be applied to separate controlled from non-controlled, and so you're better off just assuming everyone is controlled opposition. Therefore remain paralyzed and do nothing. We've heard this rhetoric on Jow Forums many many maaaaany times before, but it was always from paid shills, especially during the elections. Whether you like it or not, people are going to trust. To a large extent, they already do. So this talk of controlled opposition is going to be water off a duck and you're wasting your time.

He and his associates 100% are.

>How much of the alt-right is controlled opposition?

All of it. Spenceberg being number one.

>"Dude, this Jew who's married to a (((Communist))), and is leading a bunch of ex-leftists, cucks, niggers, Mexicans, and Jews, is literally Hitler and the Nazis, how can't you see he's a white supremacist?"

Totally fucking ludicrous.

>And what you're suggesting is that there is no litmus test that can be applied to separate controlled from non-controlled, and so you're better off just assuming everyone is controlled opposition.
Evidence is the litmus test. I was only challenging what you said from a logical POV. I hate the people who declare everything as controlled opp and those people may very well be shills, or just lazy guys who want to justify their own inaction.

Then the evidence is thus: There is none. Just sperg-collages from Moarpheus and /leftypol/.

My doubts about Spencer ended when literal Jews went after his mom and attempted to racketeer against her. I just think he's a shit speaker, and not much else.

remove the flag at once muhammad, I've never seen so much rhetoric

I'm pretty sure that at least half the crazy ass "leftist" tweets that get posted here are Poe's Law trolling

>crazy ass "leftist" tweets

lot of fake news and fake tweets. that's a given.

i think the other poster is correct. "controlled opposition" isn't quite the right word, but it is. it's all controlled. there's no reason for white middle class america to be polarized. we live in the same cities, towns, neighborhoods, and even houses. the "opposition" is nonsensical. it exists in the absence of any real interest conflicts and is in fact entirely manufactured.

How much of it is reinventing the wheel? How much of it is ecelebs? How much of it is podcasts?

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and mass media, the news, political pundits, talkshow hosts, cartoons, and, more recently, Jow Forums are the tools they use to divide and conquer.

so it's all controlled.

all of it is kiked

nice timing
yep, and the interesting thing about divide and conquer is that it works on everyone.
>1. people who want to be cool
embrace the socially dominant meme
>2. people who want to be anticool
rebel against the socially dominant meme
>3. people who want to be too cool for cool
rebel against the division, which in practice just means you're dividing yourself from both the cools and anticools, who both think that if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem, but for different reasons