Welcome to england Drumpft

Welcome to england Drumpft.

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and I guarantee he will out-troll his detractors there in merry old Englandistan

>UK needs trade deal.
>Continues to crap on country by putting thumb in the eye of potential trade partners.
UK committing suicide would be funny if it were not for the fact we're going to have to fumigate the British Islands in 50 years to do some archeology.

I give it 40 min...

Attached: duck.jpg (1200x776, 145K)

What the fuck are you guys doing? Jesus Christ go thru with brexit and come to us for some sweet trade gibs and tell the EU to fuck off why do you want to keep flipping us off Dad!

>spend however much in bongbucks it is to set this thing up
>Drumpf probably won't even see it or care about it

Attached: FetusTrump.png (840x1030, 1.12M)

incels still upset about a balloon

Attached: 1528663482415.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>Muslims upset about a soccer game

>Faggots in Londonstan so triggered by Drumpf that they paid thousands of shekels for the balloon to begin with
Rent. Free.

Attached: a47RKIz.jpg (1800x1000, 85K)