
The minimum amount each EU nation have to pay is 2.0%. How is this not stealing?!

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the US is the only one who has invoked article 5 so it's only fair

Based Baltics pulling their weight. Only ones not 2% or above, are only a little ways off.

Democrats say we got the best deal! Pay the most to defend people who are genociding themselves and bringing in hoards of rapists and murderers.





Americans have to pay. Our heritage commands us to pay for euro masters. Mutts always pay for our smarter, more refined masters.

At least a debt-ridden country like Greece paid for their share, even if it's meager.

Since we’re paying 2.1%, does that mean we should cut military spending?

CUT ?!?! Nigger we are already cutting our spending massively. We are running skeleton crews atm. We need to keep the 2.1% of our GDP and pump more into our own military. NATO is fucking stupid anyway. Its a russia defence force for the Baltics and that is all.

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How much of this is due to the Iraq War, I wonder. These Eurocucks need to be able to defend themselves and not really so much on the US, but still. I don't see other nations warmongering the way the US does.

Not to mention Syria and the rest of the Middle East.

I was indeed havin’ a giggle m8. We only reach 2.1 by accounting trickery, our military hasn’t been this week for centuries.
But it’s fun to jest on Jow Forums

Holy shit canada, how the fuck do you manage to be worse than one little european country while being almost as big as USA holy shit.

In 1990 it was 5 percent. It should be at least that high now.

We should also pull out of NATO, completely.

We have a comparable population to the state of California. Also we have a commie cuck in office right now.

Soon to be 80% non white.

Will white people be considered helpless minorities then? Will brown people treat them well?

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>We need to keep the 2.1% of our GDP and pump more into our own military

..are you actually retarded?

We don't pay NATO 2% of our GDP. NATO requires that we spend 2% of GDP on our *own* military.

Canada's 89% white, la creatura.

I wonder who could be behind this incendiary and divisive post.

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I don't see the downside to letting Putin gobble up rightful Imperial clay (except Poland).

Russia needs bodies and resources to be a credible balance to the Chinese bug people.

Actually they only pledged to raise it to 2% by 2024. So everyone is still fully in compliance with the agreements made. Now if you want to come back to this in 6 years and try again, you might have a leg to stand on. Fortunately for most members of NATO, their citizens are not as stupid and gullible as your average Trump cultist.


How is Belgium allowed to be a country if it doesn't have a functioning military? Back in my army days it used to be 1.7% atleast. I guess we needed all that money to house more rapefugees.

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maybe not start so many wars idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Disappointed in czechs

stealing from what you moron? you realize thats their national army budget and not some collective army that everyone chips in right?

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Stealing from the us taxpayer because we subsidize their country's defense retard

norway pulling pretty well too considering how little they benefit from it

Europe BTFO by UK yet again

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no you don't you moron. Ameritards wasted 10 trillions to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries that didn't attack or were of any danger Europe. Not only your shitty ameritard army spending didn't help europe you actually created the huge immigration problem to Europe.
Now shut up and go back to your slave job to subsidize Israeli defense amerishart

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The Balts and Poland are some of our only actual committed allies
It's a shame it's only because they're scared of Russia, who we shouldn't even be so intensely opposed to.
Not to say we should let them annex eastern Europe or anything, but IMO we should try to give them some minor diplomatic concessions to get them on our side against China. Creating strong economic ties between Europe and Russia, and Japan and Russia (for Russia's far East) would utterly neuter the Chicoms and let us dominate the Pacific as we were always destined to.

Since when have europeans decided how much the US spends on military?

And you're one that could be bombed and no one would care so it's only fair.

Need to give shit to Russia to dominate the pacific.

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How is Belgium allowed to be a country at all?


> Not using your military to kill moskals.

Literally why have it, then? To defend against Argentinian invasion?


> A surrender leaf

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>when fucking estonia is more financially dependent than all of western Europe

Thank you, Estonia, you're truly our greatest ally.

Should be nuked. FTFY

This is the country that grounded its airforce to not offend ISIS.

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The only clay they have a right to comes out of my ass. Ukraine is US territory since ancient times.

>flies planes into their own skyscrapers
NATO help

now these are some delicious tears. Feed me more you little memeflaggot.

How is Finland? You guys are rightful Russian clay.

>Be Greece
>Fuckton of debt
>Still pay 2.4%

Surprisingly they pay the same percentage as us.

Please make everyone pay, that would be the massive blow to take out the left in europe

Hope Trump quits NATO. And stops aid funding to everyone else.

The world is no longer Anerica's charity case. Imagine how great America will be, all that money going back to Americans.

how does it feel that you work 12 hours a day in slave wage job to pay for defending Israel while in Europe we use the money to pay for my sweet NEET bucks instead? stay poor and angry ameritard

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> His country was utterly destroyed by us taking a dump in his proximity.

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Feels white, t.bh.

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Can you write that in belgian?

why would anyone be jealous of a mutt that will probably die within a year from a shooting or because he can't afford to buy cold medicine?

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I knew something was off when Obama always talked about how we are “world leaders with responsibilities to our partners”... that always ended up with us getting our ass reamed for nothing in return.

At least the Brits knew how to extract value from vassal states and colonies. Shittiest empire in history.

I hope Trump makes the US leave NATO.

you are fucking dense. USA military was never used in any way to defend Europe since WW2.

Ameritards only spend for themselves and their kike lords not for europe

The mere existence of the US military is what defended western Europe during the cold war.

fuck you cunts over looking your pet, why you never throw us a bone

‘They’ aren’t paying. Others are paying on their behalf

nothing new
gringos getting raped by the eu

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Others are paying on their behalf to defend them against another NATO country.

‘Almost as big as the USA’... are you really that dumb?

Those european countries are 2-3 our population. The US is 10x bigger.

and you think US made their military strong because they love you? lmao. those morons wasted billions just to die off to jungle chinks because they were friends with Soviets, its their problem they waste billions in the military for failing projects and invasions not europes problem

Do you think Finland is a western European NATO country? Why the americans do stupid things is no concern of mine.

The us is indirectly responsible for a lot of NATO bullshit anyway. Whatever. I don't care. Just abolish the whole thing for all I give a fuck.

Baltics shouldn’t even be in NATO.

Adding them and creating coups in Ukraine are the only reason there are tensions with Russia in the first place.

NATO is obsolete and should be wrapped up. Russia is zero threat to Western Europe. NATO is poking the Russians with a stick constantly, to justify its existence.

Leave the Slavs to themselves. It’s not our business.

>He thinks land mass = population numbers

Jesus christ, man! We're 10% the population of USA

Based Baltics. Esti and Polan greqtest allies.
I miss brushie poster so much. They were Bestonian

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Estonia is not slavic. Why should russians get to decide how other sovereign nations want to align?

Are brown people are mostly Asian and middle Eastern. Not that I'm happy about that but non Muslim middle Easterners are usually ok, polite and docile and hate muslums as much as the next guy.

They're a people of merit.

>Baltics shouldn’t even be in NATO.
>Leave the Slavs to themselves.

I swear to god fucking leafs are so detached from reality they shouldn't be even allowed to post here.

Since we have to pay to keep you faggots protected so you don't all get annexed like Crimea.

Kick out every country that doesn't pay the minimum agreed on 2%

should a country spend a minimum of 7% of GDP on the military and 4% of GDP on R&D?

Baltics aren't slavs, because Baltics are Baltics.

Agreed. bye Hans.

I don't understand why Canada even bothers spending money on military if you're gonna let the Chinese occupy you in a few decades anyway.

dumbass, EU has 4 times larger military budget than Russia

I am embarrassed on behalf of all that pay under 2%.

3% whiter than you chang

>tfw 3.2% but not in nato

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lol @ USA demands disarmament of the rest of the world post-ww2 and then gets mad that it has to front the world's military. what the fuck did you expect? running an empire isn't cheap, faggots

>The minimum amount each EU nation have to pay is 2.0%
In case you missed the point of all this, the point was: BUY MORE US GUNS.
Basically they'll have to invest in their own country's military by BUYING MORE US GUNS!

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nice gif

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right wing retards are too fucking brain dead to understand this

Source? When did we demand disarmament?

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no one asked u retards to waste trillions invading iraq

u did that on your own

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The next World War isn't gonna be in Eastern Europe anyways, it'll probably be in the South China Sea, which I can't wait for, because I haven't been on vacation in Asia in ages and I can't wait to kill some Commie Chinks.


putin's dream

Shut up and bow your head. You let your country get taken over by inbred paki's. We got to babysit everybody or else the world implodes.

>army owned by jews
>amazed it's a rip off price

no fucking shit, the % for everyone should be ZERO.

Because russia spends less on Military than Germany and France combined and nobody needs the demented amount the us spends on arms.

The USA is like an insane cat lady that gets mad because not everybody spends 3000$ a month on cat food.