>'Air pollution is not an isolated problem, it’s a national health crisis,' says London mayor

Some more links prove this is an EU wide scheme and not just his idea.

>13 cities that are starting to ban cars

>Stuttgart, home of Mercedes and Porsche, becomes second city in Germany to ban old diesel cars

>Even hybrid cars could be banned from central London from 2025

This is being rolled out in preparation of the incoming EUSSR superstate in which you will have to be an EU commisar in order to own your own mode of transport, anything else and you will need to justify every journey that isn't work or school related. You can see they're already using environmental concerns and traffic problems as an excuse.

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Get the fuck in here!!!

bumping as well

TY user!
I've seen people talking about this shit before but I assumed it would be more into the distant future with 'self driving' cars and such.. Of course I'm sure the government officials will be allowed to drive in the city center still. Look out for 'self driving cars as a national utility' and similar.

>cut of modern lifeline of cities


Go back to Paki-Stan and get rid of cars there first, Sadieq . Just because Paris did it in some areas doesn’t mean it’ll work in London.

The car will be made much more similar to a subway or a tram in the future, specific fixed routes that the self driving car will follow through cities. Going outside of this, if it's possible, would be a kind of override control and be impossible or only allowed in exceptional circumstances.

To be perfectly fair, I think personal vehicles shouldn't be allowed inside large cities. They're a traffic nightmare, cause a shitton of noise and pollution and big cities have developed enough public transportation infrastructures to go wherever you want faster.
Of course that would mean officials and whatnot need to take the bus and subway like everyone else.

He's doing a Trump. Hitting you with the worse possible outcome so when he comes back with congestion pricing no one will oppose it.

so basically they take away your freedom of movement.

Can't wait till the give you moving loicenes that only allow you to go to specific places as specific times, else you get arrested/fined

I read that a single cargo ship burning bunker oil offsets the saving in greenhouse gases for a whole city.
So why even try this?

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its not about the environment, its about control of the people

>Lets all transfer over to electric cars even though we don't have 1/100000000000th the energy to support it yet
Sounds good Bongland

>wants to bring automotive progress into the future
>gives the future to a barbaric race by coddling their violent regressive tendencies

WTF, I love Sadiq Kahn now.

There is literally no bigger Jew than the car Jew.

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An obvious scheme to encourage the sale and production of more vehicles that we don't need. Modern cars have become far too efficient and they need to invent a new reason for us all to buy a new car.

I knew this was going to happen.
They're gonna do to internal combustion engine automobiles what they did to smokers in pubs.

>Citizen we noticed you were heading away from the city
>But your place of work is within the city
>Where are you going?
>Are you going on holiday and / or travelling?
>You need to give notice to the council 2 weeks in advance
>I'll let you off with a warning this time
>Don't let it happen again citizen
>We're maximizing productivity here
>If people just drove around whenever they liked it would be chaos :)

this is the best year for the Bong-Timeline :3

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This fucker really is a loon

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well, he's right, air pollution IS a problem. Too bad china and india wont do shit, which is why i understand USA doesnt want to do shit either.

Get a bike you fat shit

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>Khan wants to give more power to the subway union LUL

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They would never have allowed private ownership of cars if they had been invented today.

Oh look.

>Mayor Anne Hildalgo -- who established the annual event -- has been a strong advocate for reducing pollution in Paris, increasing the number of bus and bike lanes in the city and encouraging Parisians to utilise cleaner transport options.

>The results of the car ban were absolutely stunning:

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Timeline of planned events;

> 2020
> Ultra-low-emission zones are tested at specific streets
> It is illegal to use anything other than an electric car in these zones and will remain so during the testing period for residents and visitors

> 2021
> The ultra-low-emission zone is rolled out over the entirety of London however is not a ban, just charges
> You will have to pay £12.50 fee in London IF YOU ARE NOT A RESIDENT along with a congestion charge

> 2022
> The ban now affects residents living within the zones starting April
> Electric cars, electric buses, electric trains and black taxis are exempt

> 2023
> The National Infrastructure Commission has plans to install hydrogen and heat pumps in 10,000 homes in London as a trial.

> 2024
> The ban now affects anyone entering, leaving or residing in London. The only modes of traffic are electric cars, trains and black taxis.

> 2025
> All diesel and petrol cars in london will be banned effectively meaning owning the vehicles while residing in London for any period of time is illegal

some people like cars

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I read that even current production of electric cars puts a heavy strain on battery industry that depletes known deposites of needed materials at very fast rate. And this is the case while electric cars are still extremely rare.
How will they manage this when they ban internal combustion engines and expand production of electric vehicles to numbers of regular ones?
Not to mention that with wide adoption of electric engine the power grid and power generataion need to be expanded, massively. But nuclear power plants are expensive and slow to build and unfavored in europe; all possible dams are already built; burning coal and gas in power plant is the same shit as burning gasoline&diesel in car engine but with more losses on transfer of energy; solar&wind is expensive and barely returns energy spent on production and construction, and fusion is too far away if possible at all.

All of this looks really strange.
The ones pushing this stuff are either stupid and initiative will flop hard; or it is a plan not to simply change internal combustion to electric, but to take away personal transportation from regular citizen, binding with public one to make him more dependent on the state.

What does this mean for the Top Gear lads? Sorry - I mean "Grand Tour" boys


>90% of hydrogen is made out of reforming natural gas



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Banning cars will be beneficial though. The big cities will fill with whites of slightly more conservative profile who can't drive there from the suburbs conveniently anymore, gentrifying those cities which in turn means that local public sector jobs will get filled with them again.

Banning car is leftist suicide as it will endanger their domination in civil admin.

Too true. The only reason private cars were allowed at all was because there was no easy way to control human behavior and humans were very spread out in the early 1900's. I firmly believe there will be a day when a person will have to have a walking pass just to live in or visit a city. This walking pass will track your every move and if the police catch you without a walking pass you will be arrested and fined. This can easily take the form of a device that monitors your smart phone and your smart phone will be required to be with you at all times and must be functioning at all times.

>binding with public one to make him more dependent on the state.


its all about control, the "environment" is only a vehicle for this.,
If they would care about emissions and the environment they first would tackle ship transports, than air crafts and than truck traffic.

Individual car traffic is the least concern.

Things to note;
> Electric cars will no doubt experience additional charges and recharging the car will also be charged
> Black Taxis will increase charges effectively meaning the rich/elite will be the only people using the vehicles
> Public vehicles such as trains or buses will also increase in cost and you will now have to pay based on how much electricity you are using while travelling also
> Due to increased usage of electricity, entirety of London will be immensely susceptible to martial law, which would be enforced via power outages which would prevent travel for anyone without a charged electric car
> EMP warfare for example would become commonplace along with terrorist attacks targetting power supplies

having a car is white privilege

see what happens when you give up your guns hahahahahahaa.

Don’t go far, bin that car.

>This can easily take the form of a device that monitors your smart phone and your smart phone will be required to be with you at all times and must be functioning at all times.

>implying at this time you are not outfitted with a brain implant at birth

Indeed, you are correct good sir - but they plan on doing it anyway because they are retarded.

Also the vast majority of hydrogen produced has nothing to do with transportation but is instead used to make Ammonia. If a cheaper method of production and or storage is discovered, or if its output advantage over gasoline is harnessed for something other than rocketry, hydrogen may well have a place in every day transportation. It is also possible that various governments will mandate exhaust free forms of transportation as they shift to battery or hydrogen fuel cell. I'd expect to see a big roll out in public transport of battery and fuel cell before wide spread civilian adoption.

Burning stuff in powerplants isn't like burning it in a car.
If you'll ever have a chance to get a trip in EU based coal powerplant, you'd notice that good half of the buildings are housing various kinds of filters that reduce the emissions to levels that fraction to the one you'll get in a car. At this point all of them exceed EU norms because the price difference between meeting them and exceeding them by few magnitudes is negligible.

Furthermore they're further away from the most polluted parts of the city(the problem with pollution is local, if you'd spread it around the country it would be unnoticeable difference) and it reduces the wear on monuments caused by fumes(and since monuments are maintained out of budget...).

Yes give back City to people.
Read Jan Gehl. Look at how Denmark anticipated the car problem in the 70s.
Car lovers need to be put down. It's just a mean of transportation and it completely fucked up Urban Planning.

I guess this in one way of reducing concealed truck attacks.

Get run over lycrafaggotcunt

Another dirty trick that will probably be played on the Plebs is jacking up the cost of a personal car license. It would be easy in a few decades to make the Plebs use public transportation and the Elite will have a self driving car with option to "go manual." The licenses will be price out of the market for all but the richest families. The (((Government))) will have a Master Control device that can take control over your car at any time, whether you have the autonomous option or are in a People's Taxi.

Already have that with the smart phone really, think about all those apps that track a persons walking for 'fitness' and how many people use them.

Now that I think about it seriously, wouldn't that make people gather in crowds since public transport and make terrorist fatalities larger?

interesting. Merkel started that and I thought it was just German Greens retardedness but if they all do it..

It’s called agenda 21. They want everybody living like sardines. The idea is kind’ve like building Baltimore row houses in suburbs complete with easy to access public transportation. The cities only have a few vehicles moving through in order to make deliveries or ambulances or whatever. It’s death by 1000 cuts to make living close together more desirable. Maybe gas taxes go up, property taxes in suburbs go up so it’s much more affordable to give up your back yard in exchange for a neighborhood public park. Maybe the road in town goes from 2 lanes to 1 lane so the congestion makes the new light rail a quicker option.

'Pollution taxes' are already being tried in London

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The Plebs aren't currently required by law to have them functioning and have their phones with them at all times. They simply walk around not realizing that they are being tracked or not caring.

Banning cars is dumb but cities really should be designed around people and public transit, unlike here in America.


Safe cities, yes

See here
Would you look at that, another trusted news site thinks it's a great idea!

>6,000 Americans were killed by cars while walking city streets last year. As terrorists embrace this deadly power, car-free cities make even more sense.

What about the safety a vehicle provides? Are the streets going to be filled with bikes bashing into each other? India basically? Or taxis and buses take over?

Some sort of technical complexity to fund research and prevent suicide trucks?

>Maybe the road in town goes from 2 lanes to 1 lane so the congestion makes the new light rail a quicker option.

funny thing, thats exactly what the socialists and green party here in Vienna do. They provoke traffic congestion on purpose with how they handle traffic light intervals and road construction projects. The head traffic planer of the city was a well known car hater, who public said "Car owners are no people" (of course thats not racists or discriminating as it comes for the "good people")

Of course but that's the best way to do it, getting people to voluntarily track themselves without even thinking about it. People do this all the time now with facebook and so on, they post updates saying they're at a specific location and who they're with.

What an absolute fool. The most polluted cars are driven by niggers and mostly muslims. You can get the cheapest cars but most polluting cars from muslims here in Belgium. My car came from a filthy muslim, they have hundreds of them.
There are still many whites (most in smaller towns, farmers,...) that drive (((polluting))) cars, but all non-whites drive with small ozon holes inside their cars.
What an idiot, as if these non-whites will give up their cheap cars, it's the only thing they can be proud of.

This. This!!! Who believes all this shit these days?

I'm not a fan of Khan, but I agree with him here. London is FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY FULL of traffic. Fuck cars, you don't need them in central London, if you drive there you are a fucking retard cunt getting in everyone's way

Get a small motorbike, bicycle or take public transport ffs

That said...banning residents from simply OWNING a car is too far imo

based, he will take away shekels from oil rich kebabs

I want a PM who will tell Sadiq Khan to fuck off, will it ever happen?