You want to have a ancient European hunter diet? Then eat lean meat and whole grains.
Talk about a paleo diet. Scientists have uncovered the last meal of a frozen hunter who died 5,300 years ago in the Alps.
The stomach contents of the corpse, widely known as Oetzi the Iceman, offer a snapshot of what ancient Europeans ate more than five millennia ago, researchers said.
On the menu, described Thursday in the journal Current Biology, were the fat and meat of a wild goat, meat of a red deer and whole wheat seeds, which Oetzi ate shortly before his death.
Traces of fern leaves and spores were also discovered in Oetzi's stomach. Scientists think he may have swallowed the plant unintentionally or as a medicine for parasites previously found in his gut.
Why would I want to copy the diet of people who probably didn't live past 35?
Jaxon Ross
And he had magic mushrooms in his pouch.
Otzi died going to the OG burning man
Kevin Garcia
Um, because you want to live as your ancestors did in nature in the natural environment as human beings were meant to exist.
Bentley James
Like most people of his time he probably died of sepsis from tooth decay.
Chewing on hide to make leather will fuck up your teeth.
Wyatt Baker
Yes. Read "Why We Get Fat" and watch "The Perfect Human Diet". You've been jewed, AmericanAnon. The whole fat free carb diet was pushed by Jews who want to fatten goys up for slaughter like a cow.
Tyler Nguyen
Cringe. Yeah we can live like pigs in a pigsty too.
I'm all for looking to "my ancestors" and other older societies for techniques to help me live better, but I think all the hubbub about the Paleolithic is off base. I would rather follow a Mediterranean diet.
Jack Miller
His girlfriend looked like this. He had a great life.
People don't realize how often prehistoric people died from primitive warfare. " One particular comparison that epitomizes this fact is to consider the war deaths incurred at the 4-day Battle of Gettysburg and by the people of Central California between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D. (the “Middle Horizon” or Emeryville Focus). The Union and Rebel armies fighting at Gettysburg both incurred less than 4% killed, slightly more for the losers than the winners. More than 5% of Middle Horizon Native Californian buried human skeletons have stone projectile points embedded in their bones (as Milner 1999)argues from U.S. Indian Wars data, usually only one in three striking arrows becomes bone-embedded). These figures imply that, for a 1,000 years, the lives and deaths of the ancient Californians were at least as violent as the bloody four days at Gettysburg, if not more so. "
- Lawrence H. Keeley War Before Civilization
Anthony Allen
The Mediterranean diet is very similar but uses fish instead of lean meats.
Julian Moore
>Iceman ate meat!! They would have lived off the land in warm days with foods that could survive. Winter comes, foods die - time to eat meat. No shit right!
Jace Cruz
You wanna eat like a caveman? You better be exercising like one too.
They were Neolithic farmers not hunter gatherers. They farmed grains and put them in storage and they herded domestic goats and sheep for meat and organs.
Mason Watson
But it also doesn't get all bent out of shape over grains and legumes.
Nicholas Cook
Bullshit. Example. Australian abos... gave up native diet and moved to city doing manual labor. Got fat. Moved back to the bush and a more sedentary lifestyle, lost weight. You can't exercise enough to lose weight. Exercise is good for you, but the whole "exercise to lose weight" is a fucking lie.
Jonathan Ramirez
>They were Agricultural age Bull. That's when average life expectancy dropped like a rock. They were meat eating hunter gatherers.
Brandon Harris
His ancestors still live there, after all this time, the Tyrol is one of the most beautiful places on earth, it is no wonder they still live there, unlike the disloyal bastard children of the whore America, filthy fucking mongrels shitting themselves daily as they push their carts around hunting for processed food, disgusting.
What'd I rape your potato or something? The fucks your problem mick?
Gabriel Bell
Why this nigga got t shirt tan lines
Jonathan Lopez
in addition to the "homicide" normal infections must have killed plenty i wonder how things will turn out now everybody gets a chance to procreate and can get food for an hours work each day or no work. The violence i didn't know about but a third would maybe die before puberty anyway.