I wonder how Obama ran for 8 years without accidentally redpilling himself? At no point did he realize, "Holy shit, I really fucked it up my fellow blacks, didn't I?" Or did he just not give a fuck?
I wonder how Obama ran for 8 years without accidentally redpilling himself? At no point did he realize, "Holy shit...
He was alright desu.
>Or did he just not give a fuck?
We're done here.
He's rich and out of touch with the average poor blacks
Thats how you know he cant just be incompetent, but must be at least somewhat malevolent.
Obama's mom is jewish.
B-but da struggle be fo realz....
Amerijews are basically athiest but use their judiaism as a sort of country club to make business networks.
I think you post vague shit because you have nothing concrete to discuss.
And a whore.
Think of it this way with blacks. Gun laws largely started to prevent blacks from getting them. If the Dems are the party that wants to help them then shouldn't they be trying to remove gun laws rather than make them stricter? They want control and to eliminate any method for uprising and they know the average person is too stupid to realize it. They just dangle a sign saying "Free shit!" and nobody asks any questions.
Lives with Marxist radicals, mostly kikes, all his life when he's not living in Islamic countries. Has a million dollars worth of ivy league education from who knows where. The closest he ever came to being around the average nog was a brief time when he went to a radical church in Chicago while playing at Illinois politics. Obama has no more connection with the average fellow black than he does with the white working class.
Nice tits tho
Dude she looks like Paul McCartney in that photo with Barrack.
Did you consider that he is a nigger?
>Amerijews are basically (((atheist)))
Okay OP I think we need to dispel once and for all with this fiction that Obama didn't know what he was doing. He knew exactly what he was doing.
The quicker you realize that most of these people are satanic, the more sense it will make to you.
are you a retard?
he ran chicago for how many years? do you really think he gives a single shit about blacks?
>when you realize his intention was TO fuck over blacks to keep them perpetually unhappy so dems can keep making false promises of hope and change to keep getting elected
That’s the real redpill, faggot.
I really have a feeling that he gave no fucks. He was so aloof to everyone who wasnt with him and everyone who disagreed with him he was a snide asshole to.
first post worst post
What's amazing is he came out of Chicago. To rise to the top of that pile means either he was ruthless and conniving, or the pet of somebody who was very powerful. Presumably the latter since his past is so murky, and he seems pretty dumb and faggy himself.
Blacks were fucked before Obama was ever heard of. Even Nixon on his secret tapes can be overhears talking about how blacks won't make it for 500 years. and let's remember that the Obamas chose to send their girls to the Sidwell Friends School despite their promise to send them to DC public schools during the 2008 campaign. For those of us who don't know, the Obamas are members of an upper crust among the black population who are among the most realistically skeptical of their fellow blacks.
oh come on. These are pro Obama pics right?
That's not the real unemployment rate.
Let's not forget Obongo isn't even fully black
>implying non-sociopathic politicians exist
Why would he give a fuck?
obama was a jew slave
literal white house nigger
Blacks sold other blacks to slavers; they aren't one big cohesive group like many believe. Besides, Obama is a mutt.
>my fellow blacks
he saw other black americans as useful idiots to be manipulated. obama did not consider himself an american, or a black. he considered himself a globalist and a muslim kenyan who wanted to topple america from its #1 spot in the world
This is true. And the side that is "black" is in fact African. Whatever emotional fealty he has toward black people is learned and sought after rather than innately felt. Let's remember that he grew up in Hawaii surrounded by whites and Asians and raised by his white grandparents.
> fucked it up
> started longest recovery since great depression
> managed to not shit himself publicly
What are you on about, Leaf?
I'll give Obama credit for that, it did happen under his administration. Yup I'm cucking on that stat.
Of course, race relations certainly did not improve during Obama's tenure. You'd think that with all these darkies getting jobs, they'd be getting less agitated. Nope, BLM, "systemic racism", blah blah intersectionality shit all started converging during the 2nd Obama term. And Obummer himself stoked the fires instead of saying "You niggers shut the fuck up, things are getting better".
So that's his fault.
Indonesian. Tried to get TPP through. Would've been good for Indonesian. So he did right by his people
Indonesian. Tried to get TPP through. Would've been good for Indonesian. So he did right by his people
I'll concur with this. The left of Obama's first term was very different from the left of his second term.